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City Hall #LaMirada
Revitalization efforts. A location that has needed work for years now gets a new Walgreens and an upcoming Wal-Mart neighborhood market. #LaMirada
Offers everything from exercise classes to quilting. #LaMirada
A great regional park with a gymnasium, water park, lakes, tennis courts and a frisbee golf course. #LaMirada
Golf course located next to the regional park. #LaMirada
Medium sized shopping center that has everything you might need. CVS, Albertsons, banking locations as well as places to eat. #LaMirada
Biola University - a view near the dorm rooms. Great outdoor track and running trail that runs along La Mirada Blvd. #LaMirada
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Adrianna Rangel: City Hall #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: Revitalization efforts. A location that has needed work for years now gets a new Walgreens and an upcoming Wal-Mart neighborhood market. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: Offers everything from exercise classes to quilting. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: A great regional park with a gymnasium, water park, lakes, tennis courts and a frisbee golf course. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: Golf course located next to the regional park. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: Medium sized shopping center that has everything you might need. CVS, Albertsons, banking locations as well as places to eat. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel: Biola University - a view near the dorm rooms. Great outdoor track and running trail that runs along La Mirada Blvd. #LaMirada
Adrianna Rangel Added photos of 6 places in La Mirada.
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