This page shows which neighborhoods in New York are similar to neighborhoods in Albuquerque.
Rents in New York average $1 and are about the same as rents in Albuquerque.
New York's Walk Score is 88, 45 points higher than Albuquerque's 43.
New York has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. New York has a Transit Score of 89, Albuquerque's score is 29. New York's Bike Score is 69, Albuquerque's score is 61.
Here are neighborhoods in New York, New York that are similar to Albuquerque, New Mexico neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bath Beach is similar to Broadway Central and Raynolds in Albuquerque.
Bayside is similar to Highland, Wells Park and Raynolds in Albuquerque.
Clearview is similar to Inez and Osuna Park in Albuquerque.
College Point is similar to Highland, Quigley Park and Fair Heights in Albuquerque.
Dyker Heights is similar to Fair Heights in Albuquerque.
Less Similar
More Similar
Far Rockaway is similar to Fair Heights, Quigley Park and Highland in Albuquerque.
Fort Hamilton is similar to Broadway Central and Highland in Albuquerque.
Glendale is similar to Fair Heights and Inez in Albuquerque.
Gravesend is similar to Broadway Central in Albuquerque.
Less Similar
More Similar
Greenpoint is similar to Broadway Central, Downtown and Silver Hill in Albuquerque.
Jamaica is similar to Broadway Central, Highland and Silver Hill in Albuquerque.
Kew Gardens Hills is similar to Raynolds, Fair Heights and Highland in Albuquerque.
Maspeth is similar to Broadway Central, Highland and Silver Hill in Albuquerque.
Murray Hill (Queens) is similar to Raynolds and Broadway Central in Albuquerque.
Whitestone is similar to Inez, Classic Uptown and Zuni in Albuquerque.