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Living in Bath Beach New York

Bath Beach is the 103rd most walkable neighborhood in New York with 33,061 residents.

Bath Beach has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights, Fort Hamilton, Sea Gate, Gravesend, Mapleton and Bay Ridge.

Nearby Bath Beach Apartments on Redfin

89 Walk Score of Bath Beach, New York, NY

Bath Beach is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Bensonhurst WaterFront Apartment Complex in Bath Beach, New York

Bensonhurst WaterFront Apartment Complex

Photo of Saint Finbars Roman Catholic Church in Bath Beach, New York

Saint Finbars Roman Catholic Church

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Bath Beach New York.

Bath Beach is the 103rd most walkable neighborhood in New York with a Walk Score of 89.

Find apartments in New York's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita and Bowery.

Bath Beach New York Apartments for Rent

Bath Beach Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Bath Beach to other New York neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


101 Flushing 89 84 65 172,447
102 Pelham Bay 89 87 76 24,885
103 Bath Beach 89 75 70 33,061
104 Jamaica Hills 89 100 53 12,700
105 West Farms 89 96 68 29,710

Moving to New York from another city?

thumbnail for Bensonhurst WaterFront Apartment ComplexRight off the Belt Parkway, you can find the Bensonhurst Waterfront Apartment Complex. Located in #BathBeach, Brooklyn, this apartment complex offers beautiful views of the waterfront and the skyline.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Bensonhurst WaterFront Apartment Complex

70 Bike Score of Bath Beach, New York, NY

Bath Beach is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Vacant Shops in Bensonhurst in Bath Beach, New York

Vacant Shops in Bensonhurst

Photo of Ravioli Fair in Bath Beach, New York

Ravioli Fair

Photo of Quality Delicatessen in Bath Beach, New York

Quality Delicatessen

Photo of Bath Beach Diner in Bath Beach, New York

Bath Beach Diner

thumbnail for Saint Finbars Roman Catholic ChurchLocated in #BathBeach Brooklyn, Saint Finbars Roman Catholic Church is a popular church for Brooklyn residents and a beautiful piece of architecture. The parish was founded in 1880 to serve the Irish community in what was then the summer resort town of Bath Beach. The first church was enlarged to twice its original size in 1893 to accommodate the growing irish population. The present church was built to serve the even larger year-round Catholic population in 1910–11.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Saint Finbars Roman Catholic Church

thumbnail for Vacant Shops in BensonhurstFor rent signs are a common site around Bensonhurst, Brooklyn these days. A very different site from 10 years ago, when the towns economy was bustling and the shops were all occupied. Today most of the stores are vacant just like this old art gallery on 86th Street.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Vacant Shops in Bensonhurst

thumbnail for Bath Beach DinerLocated on Bath Avenue between 20th and 21st Avenue, the Bath Beach Diner is a local hangout amongst #BathBeach residents. Revamped in 2012, the new restorations have proven to be great for business for this mom and pop diner in Brooklyn.

Kathleen Patricia Odenthal
on Bath Beach Diner

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