This page shows which neighborhoods in Minneapolis are similar to neighborhoods in Fresno.
Rents in Minneapolis average $1 and are about the same as rents in Fresno.
Minneapolis's Walk Score is 71, 24 points higher than Fresno's 47.
Minneapolis has good public transportation and is very bikeable. Minneapolis has a Transit Score of 55, Fresno's score is 33. Minneapolis's Bike Score is 83, Fresno's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Minnesota that are similar to Fresno, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Armatage is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and McLane in Fresno.
Audubon Park is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Little Italy in Fresno.
Bancroft is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Lowell in Fresno.
Beltrami is similar to Little Italy and Germantown in Fresno.
Bottineau is similar to Little Italy, Tower District and The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
Bryant is similar to Germantown, Lowell and Sun Garden Acres in Fresno.
Bryn Mawr is similar to Edison, Van Ness Extension and Sun Garden Acres in Fresno.
CARAG is similar to Lowell, Tower District and Little Italy in Fresno.
Cedar Isles - Dean is similar to Little Italy, McLane and Tower District in Fresno.
Central is similar to Lowell, Huntington and Tower District in Fresno.
Cleveland is similar to Sun Garden Acres, Germantown and Calwa in Fresno.
Columbia Park is similar to Edison and Van Ness Extension in Fresno.
Como is similar to The Cultural Arts District, Little Italy and Tower District in Fresno.
Cooper is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Little Italy in Fresno.
Corcoran is similar to Germantown, Lowell and Little Italy in Fresno.
Diamond Lake is similar to Sun Garden Acres and Germantown in Fresno.
East Calhoun is similar to Little Italy and Germantown in Fresno.
East Harriet is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Lowell in Fresno.
East Isles is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Field is similar to Germantown, Little Italy and McLane in Fresno.
Folwell is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Huntington in Fresno.
Fulton is similar to Little Italy, Lowell and Tower District in Fresno.
Hale is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Little Italy in Fresno.
Harrison is similar to Little Italy, McLane and Lowell in Fresno.
Hawthorne is similar to Little Italy, Tower District and McLane in Fresno.
Hiawatha is similar to Little Italy, McLane and Germantown in Fresno.
Holland is similar to Little Italy, Lowell and Tower District in Fresno.
Howe is similar to Germantown, Little Italy and Lowell in Fresno.
Jordan is similar to Lowell, Tower District and Little Italy in Fresno.
Keewaydin is similar to Sun Garden Acres and Germantown in Fresno.
Kenny is similar to Sun Garden Acres, Germantown and Van Ness Extension in Fresno.
Kingfield is similar to Lowell, Tower District and Little Italy in Fresno.
Lind - Bohanon is similar to Sun Garden Acres, Germantown and Sierra Sky Park in Fresno.
Linden Hills is similar to Germantown, McLane and Little Italy in Fresno.
Logan Park is similar to Little Italy, Tower District and The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
Longfellow is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Lowry Hill is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Lowry Hill East is similar to Tower District in Fresno.
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Lyn Lake is similar to Fulton Mall in Fresno.
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Lyndale is similar to Lowell, Tower District and Little Italy in Fresno.
Lynnhurst is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and McLane in Fresno.
Marcy - Holmes is similar to The Cultural Arts District, Tower District and Little Italy in Fresno.
Marshall Terrace is similar to Edison, McLane and Van Ness Extension in Fresno.
McKinley is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and McLane in Fresno.
Mid-City Industrial is similar to Armenian Town in Fresno.
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Minnehaha is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and McLane in Fresno.
Morris Park is similar to Sun Garden Acres, Edison and Germantown in Fresno.
Near North is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Nicollet Island is similar to The Cultural Arts District and Fulton Mall in Fresno.
North Loop is similar to The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
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Northeast Park is similar to Chinatown, Armenian Town and Little Italy in Fresno.
Northrup is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and Little Italy in Fresno.
Page is similar to Sun Garden Acres and Germantown in Fresno.
Phillips is similar to Fulton Mall in Fresno.
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Powderhorn Park is similar to Lowell, Tower District and Huntington in Fresno.
Prospect Park is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Regina is similar to Sun Garden Acres and Germantown in Fresno.
Seward is similar to The Cultural Arts District, Little Italy and Tower District in Fresno.
Sheridan is similar to Little Italy, Tower District and The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
Shingle Creek is similar to Sierra Sky Park and Sun Garden Acres in Fresno.
St. Anthony East is similar to The Cultural Arts District, Fulton Mall and Tower District in Fresno.
St. Anthony West is similar to The Cultural Arts District, Little Italy and Tower District in Fresno.
Standish is similar to Lowell, Little Italy and Tower District in Fresno.
Summer - Glenwood is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Tower District in Fresno.
Tangletown is similar to Little Italy, Lowell and McLane in Fresno.
University is similar to Fulton Mall in Fresno.
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Uptown is similar to Fulton Mall and The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
Victory is similar to Sun Garden Acres, Germantown and Calwa in Fresno.
Warehouse District is similar to Fulton Mall in Fresno.
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Water Park is similar to Calwa, McLane and Edison in Fresno.
Webber - Camden is similar to Sun Garden Acres and Germantown in Fresno.
Wenonah is similar to Edison, Van Ness Extension and McLane in Fresno.
West Calhoun is similar to Little Italy, The Cultural Arts District and Chinatown in Fresno.
Willard-Hay is similar to Germantown, Sun Garden Acres and McLane in Fresno.
Windom is similar to Little Italy, Tower District and The Cultural Arts District in Fresno.
Windom Park is similar to Lowell, Little Italy and Tower District in Fresno.