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Living in Longfellow Minneapolis

Longfellow is the 30th most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with 4,901 residents.

Longfellow has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: Seward, Corcoran, Howe, Cooper, Standish, Prospect Park and Cedar-Riverside.

Nearby Longfellow Apartments on Redfin

78 Walk Score of Longfellow, Minneapolis, MN

Longfellow is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Midtown Greenway in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Midtown Greenway

Photo of Merlins Rest Pub in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Merlins Rest Pub

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Longfellow Minneapolis.

Longfellow is the 30th most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with a Walk Score of 78.

Find apartments in Minneapolis's most walkable neighborhoods: Lyn Lake, Downtown West and Lowry Hill East.

Longfellow Minneapolis Apartments for Rent

Longfellow Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Longfellow to other Minneapolis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


28 Holland 79 47 94 4,493
29 Kingfield 79 52 90 7,475
30 Longfellow 78 54 93 4,901
31 St. Anthony West 78 56 96 2,235
32 Windom Park 76 45 93 5,697

Moving to Minneapolis from another city?

thumbnail for Midtown Greenway#longfellow - The Midtown Greenway bike path runs through this neighborhood. This bike and walking path connects the River Road to Uptown and gives bikes and walkers a traffic free way to get across town.

Carrie Monroe
on Midtown Greenway

54 Transit Score of Longfellow, Minneapolis, MN

Longfellow has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Longfellow Minneapolis apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Longfellow has good public transportation and about 3 bus and 1 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Longfellow on public transit.

93 Bike Score of Longfellow, Minneapolis, MN

Longfellow is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Brackett Park in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Brackett Park

Photo of Brackett Park in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Brackett Park

Photo of The Hub Bike Co-op in Longfellow, Minneapolis

The Hub Bike Co-op

Photo of Nice Ride Minnesota Station in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Nice Ride Minnesota Station

Photo of Lake St E & 33 Av S in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Lake St E & 33 Av S

Photo of Church in Longfellow, Minneapolis


thumbnail for Merlins Rest Pub#longfellow Merlin's Rest is a British Pub located in the heart of the neighborhood. Menu items include Bangers and Mash, Scotch Eggs, and of course the best Fish and Chips in the Twin Cities. Regular events include Pub quizzes, a drunken knitters group, whiskey tasting, and kilt and corset night.

Carrie Monroe
on Merlins Rest Pub

thumbnail for Brackett Park#longfellow Bracket park is a popular neighborhood park featuring a skate park, ball fields, a wading pool, and a community center.

Carrie Monroe
on Brackett Park

Photo of Moon Palace Books in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Moon Palace Books

Photo of Little Free Library in Longfellow, Minneapolis

Little Free Library

Photo of US Post Office in Longfellow, Minneapolis

US Post Office

thumbnail for Brackett Park#longfellow Bracket park. This rocket graced the playground of Bracket park since 1962. It was closed in the 1990s when it no longer met safety standards. The rocket was removed from the park in 2004 but neighbors rallied to bring it back. The rocket returned to the park in 2007 as an art piece

Carrie Monroe
on Brackett Park

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