This page shows which neighborhoods in Los Angeles are similar to neighborhoods in Oakland.
Rents in Los Angeles average $1 and are about the same as rents in Oakland.
Los Angeles's Walk Score is 69, 6 points lower than Oakland's 75.
Los Angeles has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Los Angeles has a Transit Score of 53, Oakland's score is 57. Los Angeles's Bike Score is 59, Oakland's score is 65.
Here are neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California that are similar to Oakland, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arleta is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Oakmore in Oakland.
Arroyo Seco is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Atwater Village is similar to Reservoir Hill, Claremont Elmwood and Melrose in Oakland.
Bel Air-Beverly Crest is similar to Chabot Park, Skyline-Hillcrest Estates and Caballo Hills in Oakland.
Boyle Heights is similar to Harrison St-Oakland Ave, Temescal and Mosswood in Oakland.
Brentwood is similar to Mills College, Upper Rockridge and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
CANNDU is similar to Harrison St-Oakland Ave, Adams Point and Prescott in Oakland.
Canoga Park is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Central Alameda is similar to Harrington, Patten and Adams Point in Oakland.
Central Hollywood is similar to Pill Hill, Merritt and Piedmont Avenue in Oakland.
Central San Pedro is similar to Laurel, Lakeshore and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Chatsworth is similar to Mills College, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Coastal San Pedro is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Congress Central is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Prescott in Oakland.
Congress North is similar to Fitchburg, Bushrod and Merritt in Oakland.
Congress Southeast is similar to Harrington, Arroyo Viejo and Eastmont in Oakland.
Congress Southwest is similar to Foothill Square, Frick and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Congress West is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Eagle Rock is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
East Hollywood is similar to Merritt, Piedmont Avenue and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Elysian Valley Riverside is similar to Upper Rockridge, Lincoln Highlands and Montclair in Oakland.
Encino is similar to Mills College, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Foothill Trails is similar to Caballo Hills, Skyline-Hillcrest Estates and Leona Heights in Oakland.
Glassell Park is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Granada Hills is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Crestmont in Oakland.
Greater Cypress Park is similar to Reservoir Hill, Claremont Elmwood and Prescott in Oakland.
Greater Echo Park Elysian is similar to Clawson, Prescott and McClymonds in Oakland.
Greater Griffith Park is similar to Woodland, Foothill Square and Highland in Oakland.
Greater Toluca Lake is similar to Highland, Elmhurst Park and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Greater Valley Glen is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Greater Wilshire is similar to Mosswood, Bushrod and Fitchburg in Oakland.
Harbor City is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Harbor Gateway North is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Harbor Gateway South is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Highland Park is similar to North Stonehurst, Upper Dimond and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Historic Cultural is similar to Fitchburg, Produce and Waterfront and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Hollywood Hills West is similar to Reservoir Hill, Claremont Elmwood and Melrose in Oakland.
Hollywood Studio District is similar to Piedmont Avenue, Merritt and Bushrod in Oakland.
Hollywood United is similar to Foothill Square, South Stonehurst and Woodland in Oakland.
LA-32 is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Lake Balboa is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Lincoln Heights is similar to Reservoir Hill, Prescott and Rockridge in Oakland.
MacArthur Park is similar to Koreatown-Northgate, Saint Elizabeth and Merritt in Oakland.
Mar Vista is similar to Elmhurst Park, Claremont Elmwood and Highland in Oakland.
Marina del Rey is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Mid City is similar to Prescott, Clawson and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Mid-City West is similar to Piedmont Avenue, Merritt and Pill Hill in Oakland.
Mid-Town North Hollywood is similar to Grand Lake, Lakeshore and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Mission Hills is similar to Upper Rockridge, Mills College and Montclair in Oakland.
North Hills East is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Grand Lake in Oakland.
North Hills West is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
North Hollywood North East is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Lakeshore in Oakland.
North Hollywood West is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Northridge is similar to Mills College, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Northwest San Pedro is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Olympic Park is similar to Clawson, Santa Fe and Paradise Park in Oakland.
PICO is similar to McClymonds, Rockridge and Clawson in Oakland.
Pacific Palisades is similar to Chabot Park, Woodminster and Leona Heights in Oakland.
Pacoima is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Palms is similar to Adams Point, Harrison St-Oakland Ave and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Panorama City is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Grand Lake and Lakeshore in Oakland.
Park Mesa Heights is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Woodland in Oakland.
Pico Union is similar to Saint Elizabeth, Bushrod and Adams Point in Oakland.
Porter Ranch is similar to Shepherd Canyon, Chabot Park and Woodminster in Oakland.
Rampart Village is similar to Merritt, Piedmont Avenue and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Reseda is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Sherman Oaks is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Silver Lake is similar to Highland, Upper Dimond and Lower Dimond in Oakland.
South Central LA is similar to Bushrod, Fitchburg and Mosswood in Oakland.
South Robertson is similar to Lakeshore, Grand Lake and Shafter in Oakland.
Studio City is similar to South Stonehurst, Claremont Elmwood and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Sun Valley is similar to Mills College, South Stonehurst and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Sunland-Tujunga is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Sylmar is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Mills College in Oakland.
Tarzana is similar to Mills College, Upper Rockridge and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Terminal Island is similar to Joseph Knowland State Arboretum and Park in Oakland.
Less Similar
More Similar
UNNC is similar to Grand Lake, Patten and Harrison St-Oakland Ave in Oakland.
Valley Village is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Van Nuys is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Voices of 90037 is similar to Adams Point, Harrison St-Oakland Ave and Oak Tree in Oakland.
Watts is similar to Harrington, North Stonehurst and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
West Adams is similar to Fitchburg, Bushrod and Mosswood in Oakland.
West Hills is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Crestmont in Oakland.
West Los Angeles is similar to Piedmont Avenue, Merritt and Bushrod in Oakland.
Westchester-Playa Del Rey is similar to Mills College, Claremont Elmwood and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Westlake is similar to Merritt, Downtown and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Westside is similar to Fitchburg, Pill Hill and Piedmont Avenue in Oakland.
Wilmington is similar to South Stonehurst, Foothill Square and Highland in Oakland.
Wilshire Center - Koreatown is similar to Merritt, Piedmont Avenue and Koreatown-Northgate in Oakland.
Winnetka is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Woodland Hills-Warner Center is similar to Mills College, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.