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Living in Greater Echo Park Elysian Los Angeles

Greater Echo Park Elysian is the 20th most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with 47,371 residents.

Greater Echo Park Elysian has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Elysian Valley Riverside, Silver Lake, Westlake, Historic Cultural, Greater Cypress Park, Rampart Village and MacArthur Park.

Nearby Greater Echo Park Elysian Apartments on Redfin

82 Walk Score of Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles, CA

Greater Echo Park Elysian is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Greater Echo Park Elysian Los Angeles.

Greater Echo Park Elysian is the 20th most walkable neighborhood in Los Angeles with a Walk Score of 82.

Find apartments in Los Angeles's most walkable neighborhoods: Central Hollywood, MacArthur Park and Downtown.

Greater Echo Park Elysian Los Angeles Apartments for Rent

Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Greater Echo Park Elysian to other Los Angeles neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


18 Boyle Heights 83 67 56 83,990
19 Central San Pedro 82 49 77 30,173
20 Greater Echo Park Elysian 82 62 50 47,371
21 South Central LA 81 69 87 43,113
22 Silver Lake 81 54 51 27,788

Moving to Los Angeles from another city?

thumbnail for Echo Park LakeThe japanese style bridge at echo park lake

J Emilio Flores
on Echo Park Lake

62 Transit Score of Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles, CA

Greater Echo Park Elysian has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Greater Echo Park Elysian Los Angeles apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Greater Echo Park Elysian has good public transportation and about 6 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Greater Echo Park Elysian on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Greater Echo Park Elysian Los Angeles? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Matthew Gaskill

Real estate professional with Sotheby's and amateur short story writer. Flâneur. | CalBRE# 01934613

Ask Matthew about Greater Echo Park Elysian

http://www.luxuryhomeslosangeles.com »

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Mohawk Bend in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Mohawk Bend

50 Bike Score of Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles, CA

Greater Echo Park Elysian is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Vista Hermosa Park in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Vista Hermosa Park

Photo of Vista Hermosa Park in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Vista Hermosa Park

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Angelus Temple in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Angelus Temple

Photo of Vista Hermosa Park in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Vista Hermosa Park

thumbnail for Echo Park LakeThis outstanding piece of land space is the Newly renovated echo park lake

J Emilio Flores
on Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of Echo Park Lake in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Echo Park Lake

Photo of 1150 Glendale Blvd Echo Park in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

1150 Glendale Blvd Echo Park

thumbnail for Vista Hermosa ParkChildren's play area and benches to enjoy the shade of trees at vista hermosa park

J Emilio Flores
on Vista Hermosa Park

Photo of 1150 Glendale Blvd Echo Park in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

1150 Glendale Blvd Echo Park

Photo of Sunset Blvd At Glendale Ave in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Sunset Blvd At Glendale Ave

Photo of Mohawk Bend in Greater Echo Park Elysian, Los Angeles

Mohawk Bend

thumbnail for Echo Park LakeThe head bust of revolutionary leader Jose marti, reads "for all and for the good of all"

J Emilio Flores
on Echo Park Lake

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