This page shows which neighborhoods in Los Angeles are similar to neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Rents in Los Angeles average $1 and are about the same as rents in Charlotte.
Los Angeles's Walk Score is 69, 43 points higher than Charlotte's 26.
Los Angeles has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Los Angeles has a Transit Score of 53, Charlotte's score is 27. Los Angeles's Bike Score is 59, Charlotte's score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California that are similar to Charlotte, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arleta is similar to Sedgefield, Plaza Midwood and Briarcreek - Woodland in Charlotte.
Arroyo Seco is similar to Chantilly, Druid Hills South and University Park in Charlotte.
Atwater Village is similar to Cherry, Brookhill and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Bel Air-Beverly Crest is similar to Todd Park, Newell and Pawtuckett in Charlotte.
Boyle Heights is similar to Cherry, The South End and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Brentwood is similar to Echo Hills, Coliseum Drive and Southside Park in Charlotte.
CANNDU is similar to Brookhill, The South End and Cherry in Charlotte.
Canoga Park is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Central Alameda is similar to Brookhill in Charlotte.
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More Similar
Central Hollywood is similar to Fourth Ward, First Ward and Third Ward in Charlotte.
Central San Pedro is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Wilmore in Charlotte.
Chatsworth is similar to Echo Hills, University City South and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Coastal San Pedro is similar to Druid Hills South, Villa Heights and Plaza Midwood in Charlotte.
Congress Central is similar to Brookhill, Sheffield Park and North Charlotte in Charlotte.
Congress North is similar to Fourth Ward, The South End and First Ward in Charlotte.
Congress Southeast is similar to Sheffield Park, North Charlotte and Briarcreek - Woodland in Charlotte.
Congress Southwest is similar to North Charlotte, Sheffield Park and Sedgefield in Charlotte.
Congress West is similar to Wilmore, Tryon Hills and Wesley Heights in Charlotte.
Downtown is similar to Second Ward in Charlotte.
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More Similar
Eagle Rock is similar to Wilmore, Tryon Hills and Brookhill in Charlotte.
East Hollywood is similar to Fourth Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Elysian Valley Riverside is similar to Seversville, Wesley Heights and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Encino is similar to Echo Hills, Westerly Hills and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Foothill Trails is similar to Reid Park, Jackson Homes and Capitol Drive in Charlotte.
Glassell Park is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Granada Hills is similar to Enderly Park, Closeburn - Glenkirk and Myers Park in Charlotte.
Greater Cypress Park is similar to Brookhill, Southside Park and Wilmore in Charlotte.
Greater Echo Park Elysian is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and The South End in Charlotte.
Greater Griffith Park is similar to Optimist Park, Commonwealth and North Charlotte in Charlotte.
Greater Toluca Lake is similar to Wilmore, Tryon Hills and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Greater Valley Glen is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Greater Wilshire is similar to The South End, Cherry and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Harbor City is similar to Brookhill, Freedom Park and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Harbor Gateway North is similar to Wilmore, Tryon Hills and Wesley Heights in Charlotte.
Harbor Gateway South is similar to Cherry, Brookhill and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Highland Park is similar to North Charlotte, Sheffield Park and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Historic Cultural is similar to The South End, Fourth Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Hollywood Hills West is similar to Cherry, Lockwood and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Hollywood Studio District is similar to Fourth Ward, First Ward and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Hollywood United is similar to Optimist Park, North Charlotte and Commonwealth in Charlotte.
LA-32 is similar to Tryon Hills, Wilmore and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Lake Balboa is similar to Southside Park, Wilmore and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Lincoln Heights is similar to Cherry, Brookhill and The South End in Charlotte.
MacArthur Park is similar to Fourth Ward in Charlotte.
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More Similar
Mar Vista is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Marina del Rey is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Mid-City West is similar to Fourth Ward, Dilworth and First Ward in Charlotte.
Mid-Town North Hollywood is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and The South End in Charlotte.
Mission Hills is similar to Tryon Hills, Wesley Heights and Freedom Park in Charlotte.
North Hills East is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Southside Park in Charlotte.
North Hills West is similar to Eastover, Tryon Hills and Freedom Park in Charlotte.
North Hollywood North East is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Southside Park in Charlotte.
North Hollywood West is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Grier Heights in Charlotte.
Northridge is similar to Madison Park, University City South and Grier Heights in Charlotte.
Northwest San Pedro is similar to Plaza Midwood, Eastover and Sedgefield in Charlotte.
Olympic Park is similar to Brookhill and Cherry in Charlotte.
PICO is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and The South End in Charlotte.
Pacific Palisades is similar to J.T. Williams, West Blvd and Reid Park in Charlotte.
Pacoima is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Palms is similar to Cherry, Brookhill and Fourth Ward in Charlotte.
Panorama City is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Park Mesa Heights is similar to North Charlotte, Sheffield Park and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Pico Union is similar to Fourth Ward in Charlotte.
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More Similar
Porter Ranch is similar to Providence Crossing, Oakdale South and Mountainbrook in Charlotte.
Rampart Village is similar to Fourth Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Reseda is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Sherman Oaks is similar to Brookhill, Southside Park and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Silver Lake is similar to Brookhill, North Charlotte and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
South Central LA is similar to The South End, Fourth Ward and Cherry in Charlotte.
South Robertson is similar to Cherry, Brookhill and The South End in Charlotte.
Studio City is similar to Wilmore, Southside Park and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Sun Valley is similar to Southside Park, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Sunland-Tujunga is similar to Druid Hills South, Villa Heights and Plaza Midwood in Charlotte.
Sylmar is similar to Ashley Park, Tryon Hills and Seversville in Charlotte.
Tarzana is similar to Tryon Hills, Wilmore and Ashley Park in Charlotte.
Valley Village is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Wilmore in Charlotte.
Van Nuys is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and The South End in Charlotte.
Venice is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Voices of 90037 is similar to Brookhill in Charlotte.
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More Similar
Watts is similar to Sheffield Park, Briarcreek - Woodland and North Charlotte in Charlotte.
West Adams is similar to The South End, Cherry and Brookhill in Charlotte.
West Hills is similar to Ashley Park, Coliseum Drive and Echo Hills in Charlotte.
West Los Angeles is similar to Fourth Ward, The South End and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Westchester-Playa Del Rey is similar to Southside Park, Lockwood and Cherry in Charlotte.
Westlake is similar to Fourth Ward in Charlotte.
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Westside is similar to Third Ward, Elizabeth and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Westwood is similar to Third Ward, Elizabeth and The South End in Charlotte.
Wilmington is similar to Commonwealth, North Charlotte and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Wilshire Center - Koreatown is similar to Fourth Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Winnetka is similar to Sheffield Park, Sedgefield and Plaza Midwood in Charlotte.
Woodland Hills-Warner Center is similar to University City South, Madison Park and Southside Park in Charlotte.