This page shows which neighborhoods in Columbus are similar to neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
Rents in Columbus average $1 and are about the same as rents in Los Angeles.
Columbus's Walk Score is 41, 28 points lower than Los Angeles's 69.
Columbus has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Columbus has a Transit Score of 30, Los Angeles's score is 53. Columbus's Bike Score is 48, Los Angeles's score is 59.
Here are neighborhoods in Columbus, Ohio that are similar to Los Angeles, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alum Crest Acres is similar to Bel Air-Beverly Crest, Foothill Trails and Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles.
Broadleigh is similar to North Hills West, Sylmar and Arleta in Los Angeles.
Cumberland Ridge is similar to Chatsworth and Encino in Los Angeles.
Downtown is similar to Westside, Central Hollywood and Mid-City West in Los Angeles.
Hayden Falls is similar to Granada Hills, Pacific Palisades and Arroyo Seco in Los Angeles.
Italian Village is similar to PICO, Greater Echo Park Elysian and Central San Pedro in Los Angeles.
Maize-Morse is similar to Winnetka, LA-32 and Arleta in Los Angeles.
Olde Sawmill is similar to Arleta, Granada Hills and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Olde Town East is similar to Van Nuys, Canoga Park and West Adams in Los Angeles.
Short North is similar to West Los Angeles, Mid-City West and South Robertson in Los Angeles.
Smoky Mill Estates is similar to Porter Ranch, Granada Hills and Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles.
Sycamore Hills is similar to Pacific Palisades, Granada Hills and Arroyo Seco in Los Angeles.
Tuttle West is similar to Porter Ranch and West Hills in Los Angeles.
Vasser Village is similar to Coastal San Pedro, Arleta and Winnetka in Los Angeles.
Victorian Village is similar to UNNC, Palms and Mid-Town North Hollywood in Los Angeles.