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This page shows which neighborhoods in Boston are similar to other neighborhoods in Boston.

Boston's Walk Score is 83.

Boston has excellent public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Boston has a Transit Score of 72. Boston's Bike Score is 69.

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Similar Neighborhoods

Here are neighborhoods in Boston, Massachusetts and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.

Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!

Allston is similar to Columbus Park - Andrew Square, Thompson Square - Bunker Hill and Jamaica Central - South Sumner in Boston.

Ashmont is similar to Sav-Mor, Codman Square - East Codman Hill and Fields Corner West in Boston.

Back Bay is similar to Beacon Hill, Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood and North End in Boston.

Bay Village is similar to West End, Beacon Hill and Back Bay in Boston.

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Beacon Hill is similar to North End, Back Bay and Chinatown - Leather District in Boston.

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Bellevue Hill is similar to Brook Farm, Harbor View - Orient Heights and Jamaica Hills - Pond in Boston.

Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin is similar to St. Elizabeth's, Thompson Square - Bunker Hill and Fields Corner West in Boston.

Brook Farm is similar to Upper Washington - Spring Street, Bellevue Hill and Readville in Boston.

Central Maverick Square - Paris Street is similar to Hyde Square, Meeting House Hill and St. Marks in Boston.

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Central Square is similar to D Street - West Broadway, Fields Corner East and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Centre-South is similar to Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street, Neponset - Port Norfolk and Lower Washington - Mount Hope in Boston.

Chinatown - Leather District is similar to North End, South End and Beacon Hill in Boston.

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City Point is similar to Oak Square, Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street and Wellington Hill in Boston.

Codman Square - East Codman Hill is similar to Washington Park, St. Elizabeth's and Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin in Boston.

Columbia Point is similar to Lower Washington - Mount Hope, West Codman Hill - West Lower Mills and Wellington Hill in Boston.

Columbus Park - Andrew Square is similar to Fields Corner East, Allston and Jamaica Central - South Sumner in Boston.

Commonwealth is similar to Dudley - Brunswick King, St. Elizabeth's and Meeting House Hill in Boston.

D Street - West Broadway is similar to Central Square, Fields Corner East and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Deer Island is similar to Lovell Island, Thompson Island and Georges Island in Boston.

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Downtown is similar to Bay Village, West End and Lower Roxbury in Boston.

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Dudley - Brunswick King is similar to St. Elizabeth's, Commonwealth and St. Marks in Boston.

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Eagle Hill is similar to Uphams Corner - Jones Hill, Meeting House Hill and Commonwealth in Boston.

Egleston Square is similar to Fields Corner West, Jamaica Central - South Sumner and Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin in Boston.

Fairmount Hills is similar to Upper Washington - Spring Street, West Street - River Street and Brook Farm in Boston.

Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood is similar to South End, Back Bay and Mission Hill in Boston.

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Fields Corner East is similar to Central Square, Columbus Park - Andrew Square and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Fields Corner West is similar to Jamaica Central - South Sumner, Egleston Square and Sav-Mor in Boston.

Forest Hills - Woodbourne is similar to Franklin Field North, Lower East Mills - Cedar Grove and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Franklin Field North is similar to Lower East Mills - Cedar Grove, Forest Hills - Woodbourne and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Franklin Field South is similar to West Codman Hill - West Lower Mills, Wellington Hill and Oak Square in Boston.

Georges Island is similar to Lovell Island, Deer Island and Thompson Island in Boston.

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Georgetown is similar to Readville, Brook Farm and Upper Washington - Spring Street in Boston.

Harbor View - Orient Heights is similar to Stony Brook - Cleary Square, Jamaica Hills - Pond and Neponset - Port Norfolk in Boston.

Highland Park is similar to Ashmont, Sav-Mor and Codman Square - East Codman Hill in Boston.

Hyde Square is similar to St. Marks, Central Maverick Square - Paris Street and Dudley - Brunswick King in Boston.

Jamaica Central - South Sumner is similar to Fields Corner West, Egleston Square and Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin in Boston.

Jamaica Hills - Pond is similar to Harbor View - Orient Heights, Stony Brook - Cleary Square and Bellevue Hill in Boston.

Jeffries Point is similar to D Street - West Broadway, Central Square and Mattapan Square in Boston.

Lovell Island is similar to Deer Island, Thompson Island and Georges Island in Boston.

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Lower East Mills - Cedar Grove is similar to Franklin Field North, Mattapan Square and Forest Hills - Woodbourne in Boston.

Lower Roxbury is similar to Back Bay, West End and Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood in Boston.

Lower Washington - Mount Hope is similar to Columbia Point, Centre-South and Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street in Boston.

Mattapan Square is similar to Medford Street - The Neck, Lower East Mills - Cedar Grove and Fields Corner East in Boston.

Medford Street - The Neck is similar to Mattapan Square, Stony Brook - Cleary Square and Lower East Mills - Cedar Grove in Boston.

Meeting House Hill is similar to Eagle Hill, Uphams Corner - Jones Hill and Commonwealth in Boston.

Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street is similar to Centre-South, Wellington Hill and Lower Washington - Mount Hope in Boston.

Mission Hill is similar to Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood, Lower Roxbury and South End in Boston.

Neponset - Port Norfolk is similar to Centre-South, Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street and Stony Brook - Cleary Square in Boston.

North End is similar to Beacon Hill, Chinatown - Leather District and Back Bay in Boston.

Oak Square is similar to Wellington Hill, City Point and Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street in Boston.

Readville is similar to Brook Farm, Upper Washington - Spring Street and Georgetown in Boston.

Sav-Mor is similar to Ashmont, Fields Corner West and Jamaica Central - South Sumner in Boston.

South End is similar to Fenway - Kenmore - Audubon Circle - Longwood, Chinatown - Leather District and North End in Boston.

Southern Mattapan is similar to West Street - River Street, West Codman Hill - West Lower Mills and Lower Washington - Mount Hope in Boston.

St. Elizabeth's is similar to Dudley - Brunswick King, Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin and Commonwealth in Boston.

St. Marks is similar to Dudley - Brunswick King, Commonwealth and Hyde Square in Boston.

Stony Brook - Cleary Square is similar to Medford Street - The Neck, Neponset - Port Norfolk and Harbor View - Orient Heights in Boston.

Telegraph Hill is similar to Uphams Corner - Jones Hill, Eagle Hill and Meeting House Hill in Boston.

Thompson Island is similar to Lovell Island, Deer Island and Georges Island in Boston.

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Thompson Square - Bunker Hill is similar to Bowdoin North - Mount Bowdoin, St. Elizabeth's and Egleston Square in Boston.

Uphams Corner - Jones Hill is similar to Eagle Hill, Meeting House Hill and Commonwealth in Boston.

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Upper Washington - Spring Street is similar to Brook Farm, Fairmount Hills and Bellevue Hill in Boston.

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Washington Park is similar to Codman Square - East Codman Hill, Dudley - Brunswick King and St. Elizabeth's in Boston.

Wellington Hill is similar to Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street, Oak Square and Centre-South in Boston.

West Codman Hill - West Lower Mills is similar to Franklin Field South, Columbia Point and Wellington Hill in Boston.

West End is similar to Bay Village, Back Bay and Beacon Hill in Boston.

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West Roxbury Center is similar to Stony Brook - Cleary Square, Jeffries Point and Medford Street - The Neck in Boston.

West Street - River Street is similar to Fairmount Hills, Southern Mattapan and Metropolitan Hill - Beach Street in Boston.

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