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Living in Beacon Hill Boston

Beacon Hill is the most walkable neighborhood in Boston with 9,978 residents.

Beacon Hill has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: West End, Bay Village, Chinatown - Leather District, Downtown, Back Bay, South End and North End.

Nearby Beacon Hill Apartments on Redfin

99 Walk Score of Beacon Hill, Boston, MA

Beacon Hill is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of George Washington Statue in Beacon Hill, Boston

George Washington Statue

Photo of Louisburg Square in Beacon Hill, Boston

Louisburg Square

Daily errands do not require a car in Beacon Hill Boston.

Beacon Hill is the most walkable neighborhood in Boston with a Walk Score of 99.

Find apartments in Boston's most walkable neighborhoods: Beacon Hill, Chinatown - Leather District and North End.

Beacon Hill Boston Apartments for Rent

Beacon Hill Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Beacon Hill to other Boston neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Beacon Hill 99 100 72 9,978
2 Chinatown - Leather District 99 100 76 4,431
3 North End 99 99 86 11,195

Moving to Boston from another city?

thumbnail for Park Street StationVarious food & drink stands & trucks above & transfer to the Red or Green train lines below.

Ian R Hutchinson
on Park Street Station

100 Transit Score of Beacon Hill, Boston, MA

Beacon Hill is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Beacon Hill Boston apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Beacon Hill has world-class public transportation and about 1 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Beacon Hill on public transit.

72 Bike Score of Beacon Hill, Boston, MA

Beacon Hill is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Park Street School in Beacon Hill, Boston

Park Street School

Photo of Church of the Advent in Beacon Hill, Boston

Church of the Advent

Photo of Charles/MGH Station in Beacon Hill, Boston

Charles/MGH Station

Photo of Phillips Street Play Area in Beacon Hill, Boston

Phillips Street Play Area

Photo of Champney Place Private Way in Beacon Hill, Boston

Champney Place Private Way

Photo of The Phillips School in Beacon Hill, Boston

The Phillips School

thumbnail for On The StreetThis is a beautiful statue located in the Boston commons. You will see lots of beautiful ones like this. They are one of a kind and a nice walk around the common you will see more

Voula Paras
on On The Street

Photo of Park Street Historical District in Beacon Hill, Boston

Park Street Historical District

Photo of Griddler's in Beacon Hill, Boston


Photo of Japanese Lantern in Beacon Hill, Boston

Japanese Lantern

Photo of Beacon Hill Post Office in Beacon Hill, Boston

Beacon Hill Post Office

thumbnail for Advent SchoolSince 1961, The Advent School has provided an outstanding education, grounded in the principles of social justice. Patrons believe that teaching children within a meaningful historical, cultural, or environmental context builds confident students who seek out connections within their learning. adventschool.org

Ian R Hutchinson
on Advent School

Photo of Advent School in Beacon Hill, Boston

Advent School

Photo of Boston Public Garden in Beacon Hill, Boston

Boston Public Garden

thumbnail for Louisburg SquareNice lawn & trees at the center of a neighborhood with partial stone roads & drains.

Ian R Hutchinson
on Louisburg Square

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