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Living in Sheboygan Falls

Sheboygan Falls has an average Walk Score of 53 with 49,288 residents.

Sheboygan Falls has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Sheboygan Falls neighborhoods are Gateway, Kuehne Park and North Railway.

Nearby Sheboygan Falls Apartments on Redfin

53 Walk Score of Sheboygan Falls, WI

Sheboygan Falls is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map


Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Sheboygan Falls.

Sheboygan Falls Apartments for Rent

Search for apartments in Sheboygan Falls or check out apartments in other Sheboygan Falls neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site Redfin.com.

Search for homes in Sheboygan Falls or find a Sheboygan Falls real estate agent who knows walkable neighborhoods. Links will open on our partner site Redfin.com.

Sheboygan Falls Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Gateway 80 34 78 1,475
2 Kuehne Park 79 27 75 1,086
3 North Railway 77 26 70 873
4 Downtown 76 36 79 1,066
5 South Calumet 76 28 75 834
6 North Flats 76 28 70 1,853
7 Erie Hill 76 32 75 947
8 The Flats 75 30 67 691
9 Near North 73 32 72 923
10 End Park 71 25 66 1,315
11 East Side 69 27 68 1,362
12 Swift 69 29 65 795
13 King Park 68 29 65 616
14 South Central 68 28 60 1,029
15 Franklin Park 68 29 65 1,133
16 Business Drive North 67 29 68 553
17 Cooper 66 25 55 752
18 Ellis Historic 65 34 75 859
19 Sheridan Park 63 33 68 1,047
20 Cleveland Park 63 26 61 1,532
21 State Side 62 28 49 584
22 Raider 60 23 62 843
23 Humboldt 58 27 51 924
24 South Lake 58 27 59 1,054
25 James Madison 56 27 65 531
26 Memorial 56 23 60 989
27 Indiana Corridor 53 27 63 1,421
28 Business Drive South 51 28 51 593
29 KMD West 50 25 63 635
30 Wildwood 49 27 44 808
31 Garden 49 25 52 968
32 Farnsworth 47 25 51 950
33 North Point 40 23 52 693
34 Redwing 40 26 42 573
35 Roosevelt Park 39 23 50 1,020
36 Field of Dreams 38 24 59 636
37 Eisner 37 23 58 1,030
38 Fellowship 37 24 48 811
39 Evergreen 36 23 48 505
40 Lakeview 35 22 48 611
41 Pigeon River 34 23 40 555
42 North Lake 33 21 50 612
43 West Camelot 26 26 42 1,016
44 Green Park 24 25 36 910
45 East Camelot 18 23 27 516
46 Deer Field 15 22 47 840
47 Rolling Meadows 13 13 29 537
48 Country Village 7 22 40 677
49 Riverdale 5 19 32 527
27 Transit Score of Sheboygan Falls, WI

Sheboygan Falls has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Sheboygan Falls apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Sheboygan Falls has some public transportation and about 9 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Sheboygan Falls on public transit.

58 Bike Score of Sheboygan Falls, WI

Sheboygan Falls is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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