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Living in Northwest Bellevue Bellevue

Northwest Bellevue is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Bellevue with 12,280 residents.

Northwest Bellevue has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Wilburton, West Bellevue, Bridle Trails, Woodridge, Crossroads, West Lake Hills and Factoria.

Nearby Northwest Bellevue Apartments on Redfin

65 Walk Score of Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue, WA

Northwest Bellevue is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Spring Hills Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

Spring Hills Park

Photo of North Towne Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

North Towne Park

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Northwest Bellevue Bellevue.

Northwest Bellevue is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in Bellevue with a Walk Score of 65.

Find apartments in Bellevue's most walkable neighborhoods: Crossroads, Northwest Bellevue and West Bellevue.

Northwest Bellevue Bellevue Apartments for Rent

Northwest Bellevue Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Northwest Bellevue to other Bellevue neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Crossroads 66 44 48 13,021
2 Northwest Bellevue 65 49 48 12,280
3 West Bellevue 60 46 41 11,457
4 Factoria 53 43 42 3,700

thumbnail for Bellevue Farmers MarketA street full of fresh stuff. Open Saturday mornings.

Tony T.
on Bellevue Farmers Market

49 Transit Score of Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue, WA

Northwest Bellevue has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Northwest Bellevue Bellevue apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Northwest Bellevue has some public transportation and about 4 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Northwest Bellevue on public transit.

48 Bike Score of Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue, WA

Northwest Bellevue is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of City Square Bellevue in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

City Square Bellevue

Photo of 12 Central Square in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

12 Central Square

Photo of NE 12th Street in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

NE 12th Street

Photo of McCormick Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

McCormick Park

Photo of Pedestrian Bridge in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

Pedestrian Bridge

Photo of 520 Off ramp in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

520 Off ramp

thumbnail for Hidden Valley Sports ParkHidden Valley Sports Park has a variety of sports arenas already, and there's a "land use action" proposal for more sports development on the way.

Tony T.
on Hidden Valley Sports Park

Photo of 12 Central Square in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

12 Central Square

Photo of Belcarra in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue


Photo of University Book Store in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

University Book Store

Photo of Goddard Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

Goddard Park

thumbnail for City Square BellevueCity Square Bellevue Apartments is walking distance to major employers such as Eddie Bauer, Paccar, and Expedia. Close by is Bellevue Transit Center, another efficient transportation option in Downtown Bellevue!

Katie Rooney
on City Square Bellevue

Photo of McCormick Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

McCormick Park

Photo of Hidden Valley Sports Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

Hidden Valley Sports Park

Photo of North Towne Park in Northwest Bellevue, Bellevue

North Towne Park

thumbnail for 12 Central SquareA east view toward Bellevue Way in front of Twelve Central Square. No street parking.

Shari G
on 12 Central Square

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