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Living in Barracks Road Charlottesville

Barracks Road is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Charlottesville with 556 residents.

Barracks Road has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.

Nearby neighborhoods: Venable, Lewis Mountain, The Meadows, Barracks Rugby, 10th and Page, Jefferson Park Avenue and Fifeville.

Nearby Barracks Road Apartments on Redfin

68 Walk Score of Barracks Road, Charlottesville, VA

Barracks Road is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Photo of Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters

Photo of Rebecca's Natural Food in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Rebecca's Natural Food

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Barracks Road Charlottesville.

Barracks Road is the 6th most walkable neighborhood in Charlottesville with a Walk Score of 68.

Find apartments in Charlottesville's most walkable neighborhoods: 10th and Page, North Downtown and Venable.

Barracks Road Charlottesville Apartments for Rent

Barracks Road Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Barracks Road to other Charlottesville neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


4 Martha Jefferson 68 43 55 1,537
5 Lewis Mountain 68 36 69 1,106
6 Barracks Road 68 36 48 556
7 Belmont 64 40 60 4,520
8 Fifeville 64 44 64 3,565

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Barracks Road Charlottesville? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Keith Davis

Dad, Hubby, Realtor, Foodie, Winaholic, Marketer, lover of all things Charlottesville. City Resident for 16+ Years.

Ask Keith about Barracks Road

http://www.twitter.com/wkdavis »

Photo of Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters

Photo of Rebecca's Natural Food in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Rebecca's Natural Food

Photo of Greenberry's Franchising Corporation in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Greenberry's Franchising Corporation

48 Bike Score of Barracks Road, Charlottesville, VA

Barracks Road is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Albemarle Angler in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Albemarle Angler

Photo of Eljo's Traditional Clothes in Barracks Road, Charlottesville

Eljo's Traditional Clothes

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