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- Cambridge Heights, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Devon Gables, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Fairways of Blackhawk, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Forest Creek, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Harris Ridge, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Heatherwilde, Pflugerville Real Estate
- High Country, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Highland Park, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Indian Lakes Estates, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Meadows of Blackhawk, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Northeast Austin, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Northwest Heights, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Parkview Manor, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Pflugerville Downtown District, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Springbrook, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Tech Ridge, Pflugerville Real Estate
- The Commons at Rowe Lane, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Wells Point, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Wild Plum Valley, Pflugerville Real Estate
- Windermere, Pflugerville Real Estate