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Living in Cully Portland

Cully is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with 13,237 residents.

Cully has some public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Roseway, Beaumont-Wilshire, Rose City Park, Sumner, Concordia, Madison South and Hollywood.

Nearby Cully Apartments on Redfin

58 Walk Score of Cully, Portland, OR

Cully is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Stanich's in Cully, Portland


Photo of Rigler Community Garden in Cully, Portland

Rigler Community Garden

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Cully Portland.

Cully is the 57th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with a Walk Score of 58.

Find apartments in Portland's most walkable neighborhoods: Pearl, Old Town Chinatown and Downtown.

Cully Portland Apartments for Rent

Cully Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Cully to other Portland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


55 Lents 61 51 80 20,384
56 Parkrose Heights 60 44 82 6,055
57 Cully 58 43 89 13,237
58 Centennial 58 44 77 22,553
59 West Portland Park 57 40 59 3,923

Moving to Portland from another city?

thumbnail for Stanich'sThis place serves a special kind of burger that you can't find any other place in Portland. It has "everything" on it including eggs and French fries.

Justin Houk
on Stanich's

43 Transit Score of Cully, Portland, OR

Cully has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Cully Portland apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Cully has some public transportation and about 4 bus lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Cully on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Cully Portland? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Photo of Rigler Elementary School in Cully, Portland

Rigler Elementary School

Photo of Alameda Brewhouse in Cully, Portland

Alameda Brewhouse

Photo of Motivasi in Cully, Portland


89 Bike Score of Cully, Portland, OR

Cully is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Rigler Elementary School in Cully, Portland

Rigler Elementary School

Photo of Rigler School in Cully, Portland

Rigler School

Photo of A Childrens Place Bookstore in Cully, Portland

A Childrens Place Bookstore

Photo of A Childrens Place Bookstore in Cully, Portland

A Childrens Place Bookstore

Photo of Alameda Brewhouse in Cully, Portland

Alameda Brewhouse

Photo of Rigler Community Garden in Cully, Portland

Rigler Community Garden

Photo of A Childrens Place Bookstore in Cully, Portland

A Childrens Place Bookstore

Photo of Hoda's Middle Eastern Cuisine in Cully, Portland

Hoda's Middle Eastern Cuisine

Photo of Bridge City Mercantile in Cully, Portland

Bridge City Mercantile

Photo of Pip's Original in Cully, Portland

Pip's Original

Photo of Pip's Original in Cully, Portland

Pip's Original

Photo of Alexander's Goldworks in Cully, Portland

Alexander's Goldworks

Photo of Amalfi's in Cully, Portland


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