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Living in Crown Heights New York

Crown Heights is the 67th most walkable neighborhood in New York with 125,818 residents.

Crown Heights has world-class public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Bedford-Stuyvesant, East Flatbush, Prospect Heights, Clinton Hill, Flatbush, Ocean Hill and Brownsville.

Nearby Crown Heights Apartments on Redfin

94 Walk Score of Crown Heights, New York, NY

Crown Heights is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of 9 Crown Heights: Brower Park in Crown Heights, New York

9 Crown Heights: Brower Park

Photo of 10 Crown Heighs: Brower Park Basketball Courts in Crown Heights, New York

10 Crown Heighs: Brower Park Basketball Courts

Daily errands do not require a car in Crown Heights New York.

Crown Heights is the 67th most walkable neighborhood in New York with a Walk Score of 94.

Find apartments in New York's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, NoLita and Bowery.

Crown Heights New York Apartments for Rent

Crown Heights Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Crown Heights to other New York neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


65 Astoria 94 86 75 153,924
66 Foxhurst 94 100 77 19,644
67 Crown Heights 94 100 85 125,818
68 Bedford-Stuyvesant 94 97 79 153,040
69 East Tremont 94 97 67 16,991

Moving to New York from another city?

thumbnail for 7 Crown Heights: Crown Heights WallThe Crown Heights graffiti wall features local graffiti artists near a heavily trafficked shopping area. You can enjoy the art while buying new shoes.

m. mendez
on 7 Crown Heights: Crown Heights Wall

100 Transit Score of Crown Heights, New York, NY

Crown Heights is a Rider’s Paradise

World-class public transportation. Find Crown Heights New York apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Crown Heights has world-class public transportation and about 11 bus and 5 subway lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Crown Heights on public transit.

85 Bike Score of Crown Heights, New York, NY

Crown Heights is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of 1 Crown Heights: Lincoln Terrace Park Handball Courts in Crown Heights, New York

1 Crown Heights: Lincoln Terrace Park Handball Courts

Photo of 4 Crown Heights: Carroll 24Hr Grocery in Crown Heights, New York

4 Crown Heights: Carroll 24Hr Grocery

Photo of 6 Crown Heights: Italfari in Crown Heights, New York

6 Crown Heights: Italfari

Photo of 11 Crown Heights: Brooklyn Children's Museum in Crown Heights, New York

11 Crown Heights: Brooklyn Children's Museum

thumbnail for Crown Heights 2: Lincoln Terrace ParkAt given time, you'll find kids playing, joggers exercising, and people walking their dogs around the beautiful Lincoln Terrace Park

m. mendez
on Crown Heights 2: Lincoln Terrace Park

thumbnail for 8 Crown Heights: Brooklyn Public LibraryThis neighborhood institution is near an active part of the Crown Heights community. On any given day you can hear music playing on the streets, stop and get a pair of sunglasses or shoes, and cool down with a delicious snow cone treat. All these things are accessible on your short walk from the train or bus to your destination because transportation is excellent here.

m. mendez
on 8 Crown Heights: Brooklyn Public Library

thumbnail for 9 Crown Heights: Brower ParkBrower Park is only one of the multiple parks you have acces to in Crown Heights. Here you can take the kids to play on the playground or play in the fountains to cool off during the summer.

m. mendez
on 9 Crown Heights: Brower Park

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