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Living in Downtown St. Louis

Downtown is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in St. Louis with 7,670 residents.

Downtown has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: LaSalle Park, Columbus Square, Near Southside, Carr Square, Lafayette Square, Old North St. Louis and St. Louis Place.

Nearby Downtown Apartments on Redfin

87 Walk Score of Downtown, St. Louis, MO

Downtown is Very Walkable

Most errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Gateway Arch & Old Courthouse in Downtown, St. Louis

Gateway Arch & Old Courthouse

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Most errands can be accomplished on foot in Downtown St. Louis.

Downtown is the 2nd most walkable neighborhood in St. Louis with a Walk Score of 87.

Find apartments in St. Louis's most walkable neighborhoods: Benton Park West, Downtown and Tower Grove East.

Downtown St. Louis Apartments for Rent

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other St. Louis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Benton Park West 88 43 63 4,264
2 Downtown 87 62 61 7,670
3 Tower Grove East 85 43 76 5,880
4 Soulard 85 38 59 3,429

thumbnail for Downtown St.LouisView of Kiener Plaza in Downtown St.Louis. Here is the heart of downtown. Lots of great views seen from here.

Elvira Husetovic
on Downtown St.Louis

62 Transit Score of Downtown, St. Louis, MO

Downtown has Good Transit

Many nearby public transportation options. Find Downtown St. Louis apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown has good public transportation and about 13 bus and 2 rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown on public transit.

61 Bike Score of Downtown, St. Louis, MO

Downtown is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Gateway Arch in Downtown, St. Louis

Gateway Arch

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

thumbnail for Downtown St.LouisBusch Stadium. Really busy in the baseball season. Home of the St.Louis Cardinals.

Elvira Husetovic
on Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Downtown St.Louis in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown St.Louis

Photo of Gateway Arch in Downtown, St. Louis

Gateway Arch

Photo of Downtown Children's Center in Downtown, St. Louis

Downtown Children's Center

Photo of The Laurel Apartments in Downtown, St. Louis

The Laurel Apartments

Photo of Thaxton Speakeasy in Downtown, St. Louis

Thaxton Speakeasy

Photo of MacroSun International in Downtown, St. Louis

MacroSun International

Photo of Mankovsky Shoe Co in Downtown, St. Louis

Mankovsky Shoe Co

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