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Living in Parkside Portland

Parkside is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with 3,912 residents.

Parkside is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: West End, Valley Street, West Bayside, Oakdale, East Bayside - India Street, Downtown and Libbytown.

Nearby Parkside Apartments on Redfin

93 Walk Score of Parkside, Portland, ME

Parkside is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Deering Oaks Park in Parkside, Portland

Deering Oaks Park

Photo of Deering Oaks Pond in Parkside, Portland

Deering Oaks Pond

Daily errands do not require a car in Parkside Portland.

Parkside is the 4th most walkable neighborhood in Portland with a Walk Score of 93.

Find apartments in Portland's most walkable neighborhoods: East Bayside - India Street, West Bayside and Downtown.

Parkside Portland Apartments for Rent

Parkside Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Parkside to other Portland neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


2 West Bayside 95 - 77 2,320
3 Downtown 93 - 84 2,572
4 Parkside 93 - 88 3,912
5 Valley Street 88 - 76 1,408
6 West End 88 - 84 5,719

thumbnail for Deering Oaks PondThe iconic Swan House in the middle of the pond has lived on decade after decade. Rumor is a new swan queen will emerge every summer.

David Pollack
on Deering Oaks Pond

88 Bike Score of Parkside, Portland, ME

Parkside is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Sea of Oaks in Parkside, Portland

Sea of Oaks

Photo of Deering Oaks Park in Parkside, Portland

Deering Oaks Park

Photo of Deering Oaks Swimming Hole in Parkside, Portland

Deering Oaks Swimming Hole

Photo of Hot Suppa in Parkside, Portland

Hot Suppa

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