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DePaul is the 16th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with 30,656 residents.
DePaul has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.
Nearby neighborhoods: Bucktown, Lakeview, Noble Square, Goose Island, Lincoln Park, Wicker Park and East Ukrainian Village.
Daily errands do not require a car.
On The Street
Prescott Elementary School
Daily errands do not require a car in DePaul Chicago Ridge.
DePaul is the 16th most walkable neighborhood in Chicago Ridge with a Walk Score of 92.
Find apartments in Chicago Ridge's most walkable neighborhoods: East Ukrainian Village, Wicker Park and Near North Side.
View all DePaul apartments on a map.
Transit is convenient for most trips. Find DePaul Chicago Ridge apartments for rent near public transit.
DePaul has excellent public transportation and about 8 bus and 3 subway lines passing through it.
The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from DePaul on public transit.
Biking is convenient for most trips.
Apollo Theater
Children's Memorial Park
Modern Architectural Design
Kingston Mines
Prescott Elementary is a 1-8 year school active during the regular school year that serves the west DePaul and Lathorp Homes neighborhood
Alexander Price
on Prescott Elementary School
St. Vincent Rectory
Wrightwood Park
Wrightwood Park
This neighborhood institution has an intimate seating arrangement that allows you to truly enjoy each performance.
Anabel Tuesday
on Apollo Theater
Wrightwood Park
Wrightwood Park
Birds Nest
Located just north of the Lincoln, Halsted and Fullerton intersection, this small park offers a quiet interlude.
Anabel Tuesday
on Children's Memorial Park
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Alexander Price
on On The Street