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Living in Core-Columbia San Diego

Core-Columbia is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with 5,338 residents.

Core-Columbia has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Horton Plaza, Gaslamp, Marina, Cortez, Little Italy, East Village and Harborview.

Nearby Apartments

97 Walk Score of Core-Columbia, San Diego, CA

Core-Columbia is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Photo of 1350 6th Avenue in Core-Columbia, San Diego

1350 6th Avenue

Photo of Fifth Avenue Trolley Station in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Fifth Avenue Trolley Station

Daily errands do not require a car in Core-Columbia San Diego.

Core-Columbia is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in San Diego with a Walk Score of 97.

Find apartments in San Diego's most walkable neighborhoods: Little Italy, Harborview and Core-Columbia.

Core-Columbia Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Core-Columbia to other San Diego neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Little Italy 98 76 71 3,169
2 Harborview 97 74 71 525
3 Core-Columbia 97 81 84 5,338
4 Horton Plaza 97 81 86 1,474
5 Gaslamp 97 81 87 976

Moving to San Diego from another city?

thumbnail for Church LoftsThe Church Lofts building houses historic urban lofts with raw space to create your own downtown living experience.

Local Native
on Church Lofts

81 Transit Score of Core-Columbia, San Diego, CA

Core-Columbia has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Core-Columbia San Diego apartments for rent near public transit.

Public Transit Routes

Core-Columbia has excellent public transportation and about 18 bus and 3 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Core-Columbia on public transit.

84 Bike Score of Core-Columbia, San Diego, CA

Core-Columbia is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Wheel Fun Rentals in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Wheel Fun Rentals

Photo of Museum Contemporary Art in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Museum Contemporary Art

Photo of Vantage Pointe in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Vantage Pointe

Photo of America Plaza Station in Core-Columbia, San Diego

America Plaza Station

Photo of Santa Fe Depot in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Santa Fe Depot

Photo of Westin San Diego in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Westin San Diego

thumbnail for Colina Park Golf CourseThis ethnic neighborhood offers many diverse cultural experiences. Colina del sol park and golf course are large and beautiful. Colina del sol has a public swimming pool and several new state of the art schools.

Angie Good
on Colina Park Golf Course

Photo of Morley Field Dog Park and Hiking in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Morley Field Dog Park and Hiking

Photo of The US Grant - A Luxury Collection Hotel in Core-Columbia, San Diego

The US Grant - A Luxury Collection Hotel

Photo of The Sofia Hotel in Core-Columbia, San Diego

The Sofia Hotel

Photo of Copley Symphony Hall in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Copley Symphony Hall

Photo of San Diego Athletic Club in Core-Columbia, San Diego

San Diego Athletic Club

Photo of 801 Ash Street in Core-Columbia, San Diego

801 Ash Street

Photo of Aminpour & Associates in Core-Columbia, San Diego

Aminpour & Associates

Photo of State of California Office of Administrative Hearings in Core-Columbia, San Diego

State of California Office of Administrative Hearings

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