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Living in Aliso Viejo

Aliso Viejo has an average Walk Score of 35 with 47,823 residents.

Aliso Viejo does not have many bike lanes.

The most walkable Aliso Viejo neighborhoods are Heather Ridge, St. Moritz and Alicante.

Nearby Aliso Viejo Apartments on Redfin

35 Walk Score of Aliso Viejo, CA

Aliso Viejo is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX in Aliso Viejo

Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX

Photo of Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX in Aliso Viejo

Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX

Most errands require a car in Aliso Viejo.

Aliso Viejo Apartments for Rent

Aliso Viejo Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Heather Ridge 66 - 62 769
2 St. Moritz 66 - 53 1,514
3 Alicante 65 - 51 621
4 Morningside Townhomes 52 - 60 626
5 Alize 46 - 38 594
6 Twelve Picket Lane 44 - 50 506
7 Windsong 41 - 38 532
8 Coronado 36 - 33 732
9 Aventine Apartments 32 - 36 838
10 Glenwood Terrace 32 - 42 525
11 Moulton Parkway 31 - 28 1,649
12 Glenwood Park 31 - 39 532
13 Barcelona Resort Apartments 30 - 36 1,068
14 Laurelmont 27 - 53 525
15 California Renaissance 27 - 34 513
16 Hillsborough 26 - 24 518
17 Village Cottages 24 - 27 656
18 Vista Plaza 23 - 18 525
19 Aliso Creek Apartments 22 - 50 1,098
20 Vista Point Ridge 19 - 13 918
21 Pacific Ridge 17 - 16 2,178
22 Carmel 15 - 17 562
23 Laguna Audubon 13 - 19 2,819
24 Seagate Colony 8 - 27 611

thumbnail for City Walk at VantisNew Business Style Homes being built close to entertainment, food, families and fun in Aliso Viejo

Mr Anderson
on City Walk at Vantis

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Aliso Viejo? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Mr Anderson

I'm a fun loving dad with a great family living in Southern California. Love the outdoors, fishing and relaxing at the beach. Huge fan, coach and trainer in Mixed Martial Arts- so be nice or I'll teach you a life lesson. :)

Ask Mr about Aliso Viejo

Photo of Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX in Aliso Viejo

Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX

Photo of Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX in Aliso Viejo

Edwards Aliso Viejo 20 & IMAX

Photo of The Hamptons in Aliso Viejo

The Hamptons

34 Bike Score of Aliso Viejo, CA

Aliso Viejo is Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.


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Photo of The Hamptons in Aliso Viejo

The Hamptons

Photo of City Walk at Vantis in Aliso Viejo

City Walk at Vantis

Photo of Elements at Vantis in Aliso Viejo

Elements at Vantis

Photo of Elements at Vantis in Aliso Viejo

Elements at Vantis

Photo of Concert at the Park, Alsio Viejo in Aliso Viejo

Concert at the Park, Alsio Viejo

Photo of Stadium Brew Co. in Aliso Viejo

Stadium Brew Co.

thumbnail for City Walk at VantisA very New and Modern way of living in Aliso Viejo. 2-3 Bedrooms, 2.0-2.5 Bathrooms 2,194-2,635 Square Ft. Priced from $624,900 So if fits your price range, this place is legit to own.

Mr Anderson
on City Walk at Vantis

Aliso Viejo is Talking About...

play reading eating school song food god drink run coffee dog job sleep movie dinner video beach dream california car

Aliso Viejo is all about:

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