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Living in Downtown Madison

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Madison with 17,587 residents.

Downtown has good public transportation and is a biker’s paradise.

Nearby neighborhoods: State-Langdon, Bay Creek, Tenney-Lapham, Greenbush, Vilas, Marquette and Regent.

Nearby Downtown Apartments on Redfin

92 Walk Score of Downtown, Madison, WI

Downtown is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Lawn of the Capitol in Downtown, Madison

Lawn of the Capitol

Photo of Wisconsin State Capitol Tour in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

Daily errands do not require a car in Downtown Madison.

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Madison with a Walk Score of 92.

Find apartments in Madison's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, State-Langdon and Marquette.

Downtown Madison Apartments for Rent

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other Madison neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 92 55 91 17,587
2 State-Langdon 91 56 88 6,433
3 Marquette 85 45 98 6,375

thumbnail for Wisconsin State Capitol TourCommon to have weddings on these beautiful steps leading up to the capitol.

Dan Keller
on Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

91 Bike Score of Downtown, Madison, WI

Downtown is a Biker’s Paradise

Daily errands can be accomplished on a bike.


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Photo of Wisconsin State Capitol Tour in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

Photo of Fine Italian Beef and Sausage in Downtown, Madison

Fine Italian Beef and Sausage

Photo of Light Pole in Downtown, Madison

Light Pole

Photo of Fromagination in Downtown, Madison


Photo of James Madison Park in Downtown, Madison

James Madison Park

Photo of Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin Veterans Museum

thumbnail for GrazeThe casual companion to Chef Tory Miller's L'Etoile restaurant, Graze serves a range of comfort foods made from local, sustainable ingredients in Madison, WI.

Dan Keller
on Graze

Photo of Tipsy Cow in Downtown, Madison

Tipsy Cow

Photo of Dairy showcase in Downtown, Madison

Dairy showcase

Photo of Music on the Square in Downtown, Madison

Music on the Square

Photo of Wisconsin State Capitol Tour in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

Photo of Wisconsin State Capitol Tour in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

Photo of Wisconsin State Capitol Tour in Downtown, Madison

Wisconsin State Capitol Tour

Photo of The State Historicla Museum in Downtown, Madison

The State Historicla Museum

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