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Living in Page Minneapolis

Page is the 62nd most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with 1,727 residents.

Page has good public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Field, Diamond Lake, Tangletown, Hale, Regina, Windom and Northrup.

Nearby Page Apartments on Redfin

64 Walk Score of Page, Minneapolis, MN

Page is Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Cottontail on the Trail in Page, Minneapolis

Cottontail on the Trail

Photo of Diamond Lake in Page, Minneapolis

Diamond Lake

Some errands can be accomplished on foot in Page Minneapolis.

Page is the 62nd most walkable neighborhood in Minneapolis with a Walk Score of 64.

Find apartments in Minneapolis's most walkable neighborhoods: Lyn Lake, Downtown West and Lowry Hill East.

Page Minneapolis Apartments for Rent

Page Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Page to other Minneapolis neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


60 Cooper 64 44 87 3,495
61 Cedar Isles - Dean 64 41 88 2,883
62 Page 64 51 80 1,727
63 Hiawatha 64 56 87 5,265
64 Keewaydin 64 47 68 2,870

Moving to Minneapolis from another city?

thumbnail for Minnehaha Creek Park#field Enjoy a walk or bike ride on the Minnehaha Creek trail. Located at the south end of the field neighborhood this trail leads to nearby Lake Nokomis to the East or Lake Harriet to the west. Both lakes have wonderful beaches, sailing, dining, and paddling.

Carrie Monroe
on Minnehaha Creek Park

80 Bike Score of Page, Minneapolis, MN

Page is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Pearl Park in Page, Minneapolis

Pearl Park

Photo of Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating in Page, Minneapolis

Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating

Photo of Chicago Avenue in Page, Minneapolis

Chicago Avenue

Photo of 5178-5198 Portland Avenue South in Page, Minneapolis

5178-5198 Portland Avenue South

Photo of 4429 Portland Avenue in Page, Minneapolis

4429 Portland Avenue

Photo of Pearl Park in Page, Minneapolis

Pearl Park

thumbnail for Minnehaha Creek Park#field Take a walk or a bike ride on the paths that run along Minnehaha Creek. The bike path is part of a 55 mile scenic byway that circles the entire city known as the Grand Rounds.

Carrie Monroe
on Minnehaha Creek Park

Photo of All About The Journey in Page, Minneapolis

All About The Journey

Photo of 5178-5198 Portland Avenue South in Page, Minneapolis

5178-5198 Portland Avenue South

Photo of On The Street in Page, Minneapolis

On The Street

Photo of Huie's Chow Mein in Page, Minneapolis

Huie's Chow Mein

thumbnail for Pearl Park#page Pearl Park features two playgrounds, a wading pool, a community center, walking paths, and a variety of sport fields.

Carrie Monroe
on Pearl Park

thumbnail for Cottontail on the Trail#field This giant rabbit is a favorite of residents and visitors to the neighborhood. This sculpture greets people as they bike or walk along Minnehaha trail.

Carrie Monroe
on Cottontail on the Trail

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