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278 Main Street

278 Main Street

Commute to Downtown Melrose

Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options.

Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure.

map of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, grocery stores, and more near 278 Main Street in Melrose
map of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, grocery stores, and more near 278 Main Street in Melrose

About this Location

278 Main Street

278 Main Street has a Walk Score of 90 out of 100. This location is a Walker’s Paradise so daily errands do not require a car.

278 Main Street is a three minute walk from the Haverhill Line at the Wyoming Hill stop.

This location is in the Wyoming neighborhood in Melrose. Nearby parks include Lincoln Park, Mt. Vernon Ave and Beaumont Street.

Travel Time Map

Explore how far you can travel by car, bus, bike and foot from 278 Main Street.

Some Transit

278 Main Street has some transit which means a few nearby public transportation options. Car sharing is available from Zipcar.

Rail lines:

  • Haverhill Line

    0.1 mi

  • Orange Line

    0.9 mi

Bus lines:

  • 137 Reading Depot - Malden Center Station

    0.1 mi

  • 131 Melrose Highlands - Oak Grove or Malden Center Station

    0.1 mi

  • 132 Redstone Shopping Center - Malden Center Station

    0.1 mi

Wyoming Neighborhood

278 Main Street is in the Wyoming neighborhood. Wyoming is the 3rd most walkable neighborhood in Melrose with a neighborhood Walk Score of 70.