336 West Cermak Road
Daily errands do not require a car.
Transit is convenient for most trips.
Biking is convenient for most trips.
336 West Cermak Road has a Walk Score of 96 out of 100. This location is a Walker’s Paradise so daily errands do not require a car.
336 West Cermak Road is a six minute walk from the Red Line at the Cermak-Chinatown stop.
This location is in Chicago. Nearby parks include Chinatown Square, Ping Tom Memorial Park and Ping Tom Memorial Park.
Explore how far you can travel by car, bus, bike and foot from 336 West Cermak Road.
336 West Cermak Road has excellent transit which means transit is convenient for most trips.
Rail lines:
Red Line
0.3 mi
Green Line
0.5 mi
BNSF Burlington Northern
0.7 mi
Orange Line
0.8 mi
ME Metra Electric
1.0 mi
Bus lines:
21 Cermak
0.1 mi
62 Archer
0.1 mi
44 Wallace/Racine
0.2 mi
24 Wentworth
0.2 mi
This location is in the city of Chicago, IL. Chicago has an average Walk Score of 77 and has 2,695,598 residents.