This page shows which neighborhoods in Wichita are similar to neighborhoods in Columbus.
Rents in Wichita average $1 and are about the same as rents in Columbus.
Wichita's Walk Score is 35, 6 points lower than Columbus's 41.
Wichita has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Wichita has a Transit Score of 20, Columbus's score is 30. Wichita's Bike Score is 44, Columbus's score is 48.
Here are neighborhoods in Wichita, Kansas that are similar to Columbus, Ohio neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Benjamin Hills is similar to Sycamore Hills, Galloway Ridge and Brookshire in Columbus.
College Hill is similar to The Gables, North Hilltop and Forest Park East in Columbus.
Country Overlook is similar to Holly Hill, Southwest Hilltop and Devonshire in Columbus.
Crestview Heights is similar to South Hilltop, Trouville and Olde Sawmill in Columbus.
Crown Heights is similar to The Gables, Westgate and Foxboro in Columbus.
Crown Heights South is similar to Hilliard Green, Shannon Heights and Busch in Columbus.
Delano is similar to Foxboro, Central Clintonville and Maize-Morse in Columbus.
East Front is similar to Reeb-Hosack, Westgate and Southern Orchards in Columbus.
El Pueblo is similar to Southwest Hilltop, Reeb-Hosack and Holly Hill in Columbus.
Fabrique is similar to Southwest Hilltop, Holly Hill and Reeb-Hosack in Columbus.
Fairmount is similar to Shannon Heights, Northern Woods and Hilliard Green in Columbus.
Forest Hills is similar to Antrim, Polaris North and Woodstream in Columbus.
Grandview Heights is similar to Olentangy Commons, Hilliard Green and Riverview in Columbus.
Hilltop is similar to Foxboro, Forest Park East and The Gables in Columbus.
Indian Hills is similar to Northgate, Glenmeadows and Sweetwater in Columbus.