This page shows which neighborhoods in Virginia Beach are similar to neighborhoods in Arlington.
Rents in Virginia Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in Arlington.
Virginia Beach's Walk Score is 33, 5 points lower than Arlington's 38.
Virginia Beach has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Virginia Beach has a Transit Score of 21, Arlington's score is 0. Virginia Beach's Bike Score is 42, Arlington's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Virginia Beach, Virginia that are similar to Arlington, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Ashville Park is similar to Bay Springs, Interlochen West and Interlocken in Arlington.
Baycliff is similar to Nature's Glen, Lynn Creek Village and Hidden Oaks in Arlington.
Cavalier Park-Bay Colony is similar to Lynn Creek Village, Meadow Vista and Nature's Glen in Arlington.
Chesopeian Colony is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Church Point is similar to Lake Port Village, Woodfield Arlington and Lake Port Meadows in Arlington.
Gardenwood Park is similar to Lynn Creek Village, Meadow Vista and Fossil Lake in Arlington.
Great Neck Estates is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Sherwood Knoll and Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Hunt Club Forest is similar to Fossil Lake, Oakbrook and Woodfield Arlington in Arlington.
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story is similar to Interlocken, Lake Port Meadows and Enchanted Lake Estates in Arlington.
Lago Mar is similar to Lake Port Village, Woodfield Arlington and Fossil Lake in Arlington.
Naval Air Station Oceana is similar to Waterwood Estates, Wallace Meadows and Bay Springs in Arlington.
Pine Ridge is similar to Fossil Lake, Woodfield Arlington and Lake Port Village in Arlington.
Pocahontas Village is similar to Sherwood Knoll and Highland Park Arlington in Arlington.
Towne Square is similar to Forestbrook in Arlington.
Less Similar
More Similar
US Navy Little Creek Amphibious Base is similar to Fossil Lake, Woodfield Arlington and Georgetown in Arlington.