This page shows which neighborhoods in Tulsa are similar to other neighborhoods in Tulsa.
Tulsa's Walk Score is 39.
Tulsa has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Tulsa has a Transit Score of 23. Tulsa's Bike Score is 47.
Here are neighborhoods in Tulsa, Oklahoma and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Archer Heights is similar to Woody Crest, Braniff Hills and Greater Oakview Estates in Tulsa.
Braniff Hills is similar to Greater Oakview Estates, Lewis Road Estates and North Ridge in Tulsa.
Collegiate Square is similar to Fulton, Cooper and Mayo Meadow in Tulsa.
Crutchfield is similar to Western Village, Dawson and South Bolewood in Tulsa.
Expo Square is similar to LaFortune Park in Tulsa.
Less Similar
More Similar
Forest Creek is similar to Ziegler, Shannon Park East and Minshall Park in Tulsa.
Forest Orchard is similar to Park Place, Central Park and Yorktown in Tulsa.
Kensington is similar to Regency Park, Lewis Crest and Independence in Tulsa.
Lacy Park is similar to Norvell Park, Sunset Terrace and North Evanston Place in Tulsa.
Patrick Henry is similar to Independence, Lewis Crest and Shadow Mountain in Tulsa.
Rolling Hills is similar to Gilcrease Hills, Carriage Trail and North Ridge in Tulsa.
Suburban Acres is similar to Sunset Terrace, Carriage Trail and Cheyenne Park in Tulsa.
Sunset Park is similar to Lacy Park, Norvell Park and North Evanston Place in Tulsa.
Wagon Wheel is similar to South Bolewood, Western Village and Red Fork-Park Grove in Tulsa.
Western Village is similar to Crutchfield, Mayo Meadow and Red Fork-Park Grove in Tulsa.