This page shows which neighborhoods in Tucson are similar to neighborhoods in Phoenix.
Rents in Tucson average $1 and are about the same as rents in Phoenix.
Tucson's Walk Score is 43, 2 points higher than Phoenix's 41.
Tucson has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Tucson has a Transit Score of 35, Phoenix's score is 36. Tucson's Bike Score is 66, Phoenix's score is 56.
Here are neighborhoods in Tucson, Arizona that are similar to Phoenix, Arizona neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A Mountain is similar to Sienna Vista, River Walk Villages and La Mirada in Phoenix.
Aldea Linda is similar to Rancho Alta Vida, Ingleside Club and Waltann in Phoenix.
Alvernon Heights is similar to Westland Homesites, West Phoenix and Siesta Village in Phoenix.
Amphi is similar to Citrus Acres, Northwest Homesites and Greenfield Acres in Phoenix.
Armory Park is similar to Coronado, Willo and Booker T. Washington in Phoenix.
Arroyo Chico is similar to Cimarron Ridge, North East Village and Sun Sand in Phoenix.
Avondale is similar to Valencia Acres, East Morningside and Citrus Acres in Phoenix.
Balboa Heights is similar to Citrus Acres, Valencia Acres and Greenfield Acres in Phoenix.
Barrio Anita is similar to Roosevelt Place East, Handell Villa and Pomelo Park in Phoenix.
Barrio Blue Moon is similar to Wier Estates, Northwest Village and Del Monte Village North in Phoenix.
Barrio Contro is similar to Lori Heights, Sweetwater and Terracita in Phoenix.
Barrio Hollywood is similar to Papago Vista, East Citrus Acres and Laurelwood in Phoenix.
Barrio Nopal is similar to Sundance Ranch, Lakewood and Desert Foothills Estates in Phoenix.
Barrio San Antonio is similar to Phoenix Country Club, Phoenix College and Nuestro Barrio in Phoenix.
Barrio Santa Rosa is similar to Rexmere Heights, Westwood Estates and Surrey Heights in Phoenix.
Barrio Viejo is similar to Foothill Acres, Willo and La Mancha in Phoenix.
Bear Canyon is similar to Tramonto, Tatum Ranch and Amber Hills in Phoenix.
Blenman-Elm is similar to Central City South, East Morningside and Valencia Acres in Phoenix.
Bravo Park Lane is similar to North East Village, East Morningside and Central City South in Phoenix.
Brichta is similar to Pointe Tapatio, Moon Valley Gardens and Pleasant Valley Estates in Phoenix.
Broadmoor-Broadway is similar to Central City South, Wormsers and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Broadway-Northeast is similar to Paradise Ranchitos, Kierland and Phoenix Country Club in Phoenix.
Cabrini is similar to Northwest Homesites, Citrus Acres and Greenfield Acres in Phoenix.
Campbell-Grant is similar to Valencia Acres, North Central Heights and Pierson Place in Phoenix.
Campus Farm is similar to Northwest Village, Papago Vista and Mission Manor in Phoenix.
Carson Corner is similar to Villa de Paz, Westridge Shadows and Fruitland Acres in Phoenix.
Catalina Vista is similar to Bel Air, Story and Campo Bello in Phoenix.
Catalina Vista-Blenman-Elm is similar to Roosevelt Place East, Western Meadows and Ingleside Club in Phoenix.
Cherry Avenue is similar to Del Monte Village, Maryvale Park and Fruitland Acres in Phoenix.
Civano is similar to Ashler Hills Ranch, Colina del Norte and Thunderbird East in Phoenix.
Colonia Del Valle is similar to Campo Bello, Winona Park and Sandahl Homes in Phoenix.
Corbett is similar to Maryvale Park, Paradise Valley Oasis and Alta Vista in Phoenix.
Coronado Heights is similar to Citrus Acres, Northwest Homesites and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Coyote Corridor is similar to Tatum Highlands, Dobbins Creek and Tatum Ridge in Phoenix.
Desert Aire-Loma Linda is similar to Sandahl Homes, Campo Bello and Osborn Parkway in Phoenix.
Dietz is similar to North East Village, Greenfield Acres and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Dodge Flower is similar to Citrus Acres, Mission Manor and Northwest Homesites in Phoenix.
Doolen-Fruitvale is similar to Mission Manor, Citrus Acres and Patio Homes East in Phoenix.
Drexel Park is similar to Centura West, Independence Park and Rogers Ranch in Phoenix.
Duffy is similar to Valencia Acres, Central City South and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Dunbar Springs is similar to Pierson Place, Garfield and Story in Phoenix.
Eastside is similar to Country Ridge, Villa de Paz and Foothills North in Phoenix.
El Conquistador is similar to Sandahl Homes, Campo Bello and Osborn Parkway in Phoenix.
El Cortez is similar to Westland Homesites, Southland and Siesta Village in Phoenix.
El Montevideo is similar to Phoenix Country Club, Cimarron Ridge and Nuestro Barrio in Phoenix.
El Presidio is similar to Eastlake Park, Willo and Los Olivos in Phoenix.
El Rio Acres is similar to Kierland, Lake Biltmore Village and South Mountain Resort in Phoenix.
Elvira is similar to Rogers Ranch, Upland Hills and Independence Park in Phoenix.
Enchanted Hills is similar to Camelback Ranch, Estrella Park and Larissa in Phoenix.
Fairgrounds is similar to Foothill Acres, Meadowbrook and Wormsers in Phoenix.
Feldman's is similar to Northwest Homesites, Citrus Acres and Greenfield Acres in Phoenix.
Flowing Wells is similar to Cactus Gardens, Village Meadows and Cimarron Ridge in Phoenix.
Garden District is similar to Citrus Acres, Northwest Homesites and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Glenn Heights is similar to Patio Homes East, Vista Income Estates and Papago Vista in Phoenix.
Grant-Glenn is similar to East Citrus Acres, Valencia Acres and Papago Vista in Phoenix.
Groves Lincoln Park is similar to Tatum Highlands, Spanish Wells and Triple Crown in Phoenix.
Harlan Heights is similar to Palm Acres, Wormsers and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Harold Bell Wright Estates is similar to Cimarron Ridge, Nuestro Barrio and Cactus Gardens in Phoenix.
Hedrick Acres is similar to East Morningside, Northwest Homesites and La Mancha in Phoenix.
Highland Vista Cinco Via is similar to Palm Acres, Willo and Montezuma Heights in Phoenix.
Houghton is similar to Northwood Glen, Shea North Estates and Stetson Hills in Phoenix.
Iron Horse is similar to Pierson Place, Garfield and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
Jefferson Park is similar to Patio Homes East, Phillipine and Vista Income Estates in Phoenix.
Julia Keen is similar to Northwest Village, Wier Estates and Mission Manor in Phoenix.
Keeling is similar to Laurelwood, Citrus Acres and Valencia Acres in Phoenix.
La Madera is similar to East Citrus Acres, Vista Income Estates and Valencia Acres in Phoenix.
Lakeside Park is similar to North Valley View, Villa de Paz and Arabian Views in Phoenix.
Las Vistas is similar to Village Meadows, Triple Crown and Cactus Gardens in Phoenix.
Limberlost is similar to La Mancha, Northwest Homesites and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Menlo Park is similar to Osborn Parkway, Palmcroft and Campo Bello in Phoenix.
Mesquite Ranch is similar to Pyramid Heights, Farmington Glen and Laveen Ranch in Phoenix.
Midvale Park is similar to Spanish Wells, Desert Foothills Estates and Triple Crown in Phoenix.
Miles is similar to North Central Heights, Grandview and Pierson Place in Phoenix.
Millville is similar to Waltann, Paradise Ranchitos and Nuestro Barrio in Phoenix.
Miracle Manor is similar to Mission Manor, Patio Homes East and Northwest Village in Phoenix.
Miramonte is similar to Citrus Acres, Valencia Acres and Northwest Homesites in Phoenix.
Mitman is similar to Valencia Acres, Central City South and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
Mortimore is similar to Westridge Shadows, Laveen Crossing and Horizons on Camelback in Phoenix.
Mountain 1st Avenue is similar to Valencia Acres, North Central Heights and Vista Income Estates in Phoenix.
Mountain View is similar to Central City South, North East Village and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Myers is similar to Mission Manor, Patio Homes East and North East Village in Phoenix.
Naylor is similar to Patio Homes East, Ben-Jo Estates and Vista Income Estates in Phoenix.
North Dodge is similar to Mission Manor, Del Rey and Patio Homes East in Phoenix.
North University is similar to Booker T. Washington, Montezuma Heights and La Mancha in Phoenix.
Northwest is similar to West Phoenix, Deerview and Rexmere Heights in Phoenix.
Oak Flower is similar to Citrus Acres, Greenfield Acres and North East Village in Phoenix.
Ocotillo Oracle is similar to Wormsers, Foothill Acres and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Old Fort Lowell is similar to Cactus Gardens, Village Meadows and Triple Crown in Phoenix.
Old Spanish Trail is similar to Spanish Mountain Estates, Laveen Crossing and Arabian Views in Phoenix.
Palo Verde is similar to East Morningside, Northwest Homesites and Citrus Acres in Phoenix.
Parkway Terrace is similar to Northview Acres, Bellair and Laveen Crossing in Phoenix.
Peter Howell is similar to North Central Heights, East Citrus Acres and Vista Income Estates in Phoenix.
Pie Allen is similar to Windsor Square, Ashland and Willo in Phoenix.
Poets Square is similar to Central City South, North East Village and Wormsers in Phoenix.
Prince Tuscon is similar to Tatum Ranch, Mountain Park Ranch and Palos Santos in Phoenix.
Pueblo Gardens is similar to Palos Santos, Triple Crown and Terracita in Phoenix.
Richland Heights East is similar to Cimarron Ridge, Phoenix Country Club and Osborn Parkway in Phoenix.
Richland Heights West is similar to Phoenix Country Club, Meadowbrook and Central City South in Phoenix.
Rillito is similar to Country Ridge, Terracita and Lori Heights in Phoenix.
Rincon Heights is similar to Garfield, Camelback Gardens and Laurelwood in Phoenix.
Rita Ranch is similar to A-M Ranch, Heritage Heights and Diamond Creek in Phoenix.
Roberts is similar to Fairwood, Healy's Dutchtown and Park Meadows in Phoenix.
Rose is similar to Siesta Village, Surrey Heights and West Phoenix in Phoenix.
Rosemont East is similar to Meadowbrook, Black Canyon Heights and Wormsers in Phoenix.
Rosemont West is similar to North East Village, Ben-Jo Estates and Del Rey in Phoenix.
Saguaro Miraflores is similar to Pinnacle Hill, Northwood Glen and Shea North Estates in Phoenix.
Sam Hughes is similar to Valencia Acres, Pierson Place and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
Samos is similar to Valencia Acres, Pierson Place and North Central Heights in Phoenix.
San Carlos is similar to Story, Bel Air and Campo Bello in Phoenix.
San Gabriel is similar to Meadowbrook, Wormsers and Central City South in Phoenix.
San Ignacio Yaqui is similar to Phoenix Country Club, Nuestro Barrio and Meadowbrook in Phoenix.
Santa Cruz Southwest is similar to Arabian Views, Norma Estates and Shea Heights in Phoenix.
Santa Rita Park is similar to East Citrus Acres, Camelback Gardens and Palmcroft in Phoenix.
Santiago Hills is similar to Triple Crown, Palos Santos and Village Meadows in Phoenix.
Sewell is similar to Wormsers, Meadowbrook and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Shaheen Estates is similar to East Morningside, Wormsers and Palm Acres in Phoenix.
Sierra Estates is similar to Phoenix Country Club, Wormsers and Meadowbrook in Phoenix.
Silvercroft is similar to Triple Crown, Village Meadows and Palos Santos in Phoenix.
South Harrison is similar to Tatum Ranch, Tramonto and Arabian Views in Phoenix.
South Park is similar to Cactus Gardens, Cimarron Ridge and Village Meadows in Phoenix.
Starr Pass is similar to Riordan Ranch, Thoroughbred Farms and Foothills Reserve in Phoenix.
Stella Mann is similar to Westridge Shadows, Horizons on Camelback and Wedgewood Park in Phoenix.
Sunnyside is similar to Alta Vista, Maryvale Park and Northwest Village in Phoenix.
Sunset Villa is similar to Vista Income Estates, Patio Homes East and Ben-Jo Estates in Phoenix.
Swan Way Park is similar to Palm Acres, Montezuma Heights and Coronado in Phoenix.
Terra Del Sol is similar to West Phoenix, Siesta Village and Villages of Laveen Ranch in Phoenix.
The Villas at Hacienda Del Sol is similar to Thunderbird East, Perry Estates and Mountain Park in Phoenix.
Thunderbird Height-Wilmot Desert Estate is similar to Wormsers, Palm Acres and Foothill Acres in Phoenix.
Toumey Park is similar to Del Rey, Patio Homes East and North East Village in Phoenix.
Tuscon Park West is similar to Park at Terralea, Arlington Estates and Montana Vista in Phoenix.
Vista Del Monte is similar to Valencia Acres, North Central Heights and East Citrus Acres in Phoenix.
Vista Del Sahuaro is similar to Valencia Acres, Central City South and East Morningside in Phoenix.
Wakefield is similar to Laurelwood, Camelback Gardens and Papago Vista in Phoenix.
West University is similar to Downtown, Governmental Mall and Booker T. Washington in Phoenix.
Western Hills II is similar to Cheatham Farms, Ponderosa Village and Park Phoenix in Phoenix.
Westside Development is similar to Foothills Reserve, Hurley Ranch and Riordan Ranch in Phoenix.
Wilshire Heights is similar to Pomelo Park, Estrella Mountain Village and Northview Acres in Phoenix.