This page shows which neighborhoods in Tucson are similar to neighborhoods in Austin.
Rents in Tucson average $1 and are about the same as rents in Austin.
Tucson's Walk Score is 43, 1 points higher than Austin's 42.
Tucson has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Tucson has a Transit Score of 35, Austin's score is 35. Tucson's Bike Score is 66, Austin's score is 54.
Here are neighborhoods in Tucson, Arizona that are similar to Austin, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Aldea Linda is similar to RMMA, West Austin and Johnston Terrace in Austin.
Alvernon Heights is similar to Chestnut, Old Enfield and Rosewood in Austin.
Amphi is similar to Riverside, Windsor Park and Georgian Acres in Austin.
Armory Park is similar to Hancock, South River City and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Arroyo Chico is similar to South Manchaca, Allandale and Galindo in Austin.
Avondale is similar to Dawson, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Balboa Heights is similar to Riverside, Dawson and Windsor Park in Austin.
Barrio Anita is similar to Old Enfield, Chestnut and Rosewood in Austin.
Barrio Blue Moon is similar to Garrison Park, Montropolis and Franklin Park in Austin.
Barrio Contro is similar to University Hills, Montropolis and MLK in Austin.
Barrio Hollywood is similar to Garrison Park, Rosewood and Holly in Austin.
Barrio Nopal is similar to Windsor Hills, Franklin Park and West Austin in Austin.
Barrio San Antonio is similar to Govalle, Allandale and RMMA in Austin.
Barrio Santa Rosa is similar to Rosewood, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Barrio Viejo is similar to North Loop, Wooten and St. Edwards in Austin.
Bear Canyon is similar to Circle C Ranch, Village at Western Oaks and Northwest Hills - Far West in Austin.
Blenman-Elm is similar to Dawson, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Bravo Park Lane is similar to Coronado Hills, North Lamar and Windsor Park in Austin.
Brichta is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
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More Similar
Broadmoor-Broadway is similar to Westgate, Allandale and Crestview in Austin.
Broadway-Northeast is similar to Gateway, North Burnet and Govalle in Austin.
Cabrini is similar to North Austin, Windsor Park and Georgian Acres in Austin.
Campbell-Grant is similar to Holly, Dawson and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Campus Farm is similar to Garrison Park, Montropolis and Franklin Park in Austin.
Carson Corner is similar to Pleasant Valley, University Hills and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Catalina Vista is similar to Rosewood, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Catalina Vista-Blenman-Elm is similar to Old Enfield, RMMA and MLK in Austin.
Cherry Avenue is similar to Pleasant Valley, University Hills and Franklin Park in Austin.
Colonia Del Valle is similar to MLK, Garrison Park and University Hills in Austin.
Corbett is similar to Garrison Park, Montropolis and Pleasant Valley in Austin.
Coronado Heights is similar to Riverside, North Austin and Windsor Park in Austin.
Coyote Corridor is similar to Village at Western Oaks, Circle C Ranch and West Oak Hill in Austin.
Desert Aire-Loma Linda is similar to MLK, RMMA and West Austin in Austin.
Dietz is similar to Coronado Hills, Windsor Park and Parker Lane in Austin.
Dodge Flower is similar to Riverside, North Austin and Windsor Park in Austin.
Doolen-Fruitvale is similar to Garrison Park, Riverside and Windsor Park in Austin.
Drexel Park is similar to Pleasant Valley in Austin.
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Duffy is similar to Dawson, Upper Boggy Creek and Crestview in Austin.
Dunbar Springs is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and Holly in Austin.
Eastside is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, University Hills and MLK-183 in Austin.
El Conquistador is similar to RMMA, MLK and Garrison Park in Austin.
El Cortez is similar to Chestnut, Rosewood and Old Enfield in Austin.
El Montevideo is similar to Govalle, Allandale and Westgate in Austin.
El Presidio is similar to Highland, Triangle State and Brentwood in Austin.
El Rio Acres is similar to Heritage Hills, North Burnet and Barton Hills in Austin.
Elvira is similar to Village at Western Oaks in Austin.
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Fairgrounds is similar to St. Edwards, North Shoal Creek and Heritage Hills in Austin.
Feldman's is similar to Riverside, North Austin and Georgian Acres in Austin.
Flowing Wells is similar to West Austin, Barton Hills and East Oak Hill in Austin.
Garden District is similar to Dawson, Riverside and Windsor Park in Austin.
Glenn Heights is similar to Garrison Park, Sweetbriar and Galindo in Austin.
Grant-Glenn is similar to Garrison Park, Holly and Rosewood in Austin.
Groves Lincoln Park is similar to West Oak Hill, Pecan Springs Springdale and Northwest Hills - Far West in Austin.
Harlan Heights is similar to Wooten, North Loop and Rosedale in Austin.
Harold Bell Wright Estates is similar to South Manchaca, RMMA and Allandale in Austin.
Hedrick Acres is similar to Wooten, North Lamar and St. Johns in Austin.
Highland Vista Cinco Via is similar to Rosedale, North Shoal Creek and Windsor Road in Austin.
Houghton is similar to Circle C Ranch, Village at Western Oaks and MLK-183 in Austin.
Iron Horse is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and Central East Austin in Austin.
Jefferson Park is similar to Sweetbriar, Garrison Park and Galindo in Austin.
Julia Keen is similar to Franklin Park, Garrison Park and Montropolis in Austin.
Keeling is similar to Riverside, Hyde Park and Garrison Park in Austin.
La Madera is similar to Garrison Park, West Congress and Galindo in Austin.
Lakeside Park is similar to Village at Western Oaks, Pecan Springs Springdale and Pleasant Valley in Austin.
Las Vistas is similar to Northwest Hills - Far West, West Austin and East Oak Hill in Austin.
Limberlost is similar to South Lamar, North Lamar and St. Johns in Austin.
Menlo Park is similar to RMMA, MLK and West Congress in Austin.
Midvale Park is similar to Northwest Hills - Far West, East Oak Hill and Windsor Hills in Austin.
Miles is similar to Holly, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Millville is similar to McKinney, Gateway and North Burnet in Austin.
Miracle Manor is similar to Garrison Park, Franklin Park and Sweetbriar in Austin.
Miramonte is similar to Riverside, Dawson and Windsor Park in Austin.
Mitman is similar to Dawson, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Mortimore is similar to Pleasant Valley, University Hills and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Mountain 1st Avenue is similar to Dawson, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Mountain View is similar to Windsor Park, Dawson and Westgate in Austin.
Myers is similar to Garrison Park, Franklin Park and Windsor Park in Austin.
Naylor is similar to Galindo, South Manchaca and West Austin in Austin.
North Dodge is similar to Franklin Park, Garrison Park and Georgian Acres in Austin.
North University is similar to Brentwood, St. Johns and Windsor Road in Austin.
Northwest is similar to Old Enfield, Chestnut and Rosewood in Austin.
Oak Flower is similar to Windsor Park, Georgian Acres and Riverside in Austin.
Ocotillo Oracle is similar to North Loop, Rosedale and Wooten in Austin.
Old Fort Lowell is similar to West Austin, Johnston Terrace and Northwest Hills - Far West in Austin.
Old Spanish Trail is similar to Village at Western Oaks, Pecan Springs Springdale and University Hills in Austin.
Palo Verde is similar to North Lamar, Wooten and St. Johns in Austin.
Parkway Terrace is similar to Old Enfield, Pecan Springs Springdale and MLK-183 in Austin.
Peter Howell is similar to West Congress, Garrison Park and Galindo in Austin.
Pie Allen is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Bouldin Creek and Central East Austin in Austin.
Poets Square is similar to Westgate, Allandale and South Manchaca in Austin.
Prince Tuscon is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, MLK-183 and Village at Western Oaks in Austin.
Pueblo Gardens is similar to MLK-183, Pecan Springs Springdale and University Hills in Austin.
Richland Heights East is similar to Govalle, West Congress and RMMA in Austin.
Richland Heights West is similar to Govalle, Allandale and Westgate in Austin.
Rillito is similar to University Hills, Pecan Springs Springdale and Montropolis in Austin.
Rincon Heights is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and Riverside in Austin.
Rita Ranch is similar to Circle C Ranch in Austin.
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More Similar
Roberts is similar to Old Enfield, University Hills and Pleasant Valley in Austin.
Rose is similar to Old Enfield, Pleasant Valley and MLK in Austin.
Rosemont East is similar to Allandale, Westgate and Coronado Hills in Austin.
Rosemont West is similar to South Manchaca, Galindo and Coronado Hills in Austin.
Saguaro Miraflores is similar to Circle C Ranch in Austin.
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Sam Hughes is similar to Holly, Dawson and Hyde Park in Austin.
Samos is similar to Holly, Dawson and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
San Carlos is similar to RMMA, Rosewood and MLK in Austin.
San Gabriel is similar to Allandale, Westgate and South Manchaca in Austin.
San Ignacio Yaqui is similar to Govalle, Allandale and Westgate in Austin.
Santa Cruz Southwest is similar to Circle C Ranch, Village at Western Oaks and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Santa Rita Park is similar to Rosewood, Garrison Park and Sweetbriar in Austin.
Santiago Hills is similar to Johnston Terrace, MLK-183 and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Shaheen Estates is similar to Wooten, Zilker and North Loop in Austin.
Sierra Estates is similar to Govalle, Gateway and North Shoal Creek in Austin.
Silvercroft is similar to University Hills, Johnston Terrace and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
South Harrison is similar to Village at Western Oaks, Circle C Ranch and Northwest Hills - Far West in Austin.
South Park is similar to West Austin, RMMA and MLK in Austin.
Stella Mann is similar to Pleasant Valley, Village at Western Oaks and University Hills in Austin.
Sunnyside is similar to Garrison Park, Montropolis and Franklin Park in Austin.
Sunset Villa is similar to West Congress, West Austin and Galindo in Austin.
Swan Way Park is similar to Rosedale, South River City and North Shoal Creek in Austin.
Terra Del Sol is similar to Old Enfield, Garrison Park and Pleasant Valley in Austin.
Thunderbird Height-Wilmot Desert Estate is similar to Rosedale, North Shoal Creek and Zilker in Austin.
Toumey Park is similar to Franklin Park, Garrison Park and Windsor Park in Austin.
Vista Del Monte is similar to Dawson, West Congress and Holly in Austin.
Vista Del Sahuaro is similar to Dawson, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Wakefield is similar to Garrison Park, Riverside and Sweetbriar in Austin.
West University is similar to University of Texas-Austin, Old West Austin and Hancock in Austin.
Wilshire Heights is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and RMMA in Austin.