This page shows which neighborhoods in San Jose are similar to neighborhoods in Oakland.
Rents in San Jose average $1 and are about the same as rents in Oakland.
San Jose's Walk Score is 51, 24 points lower than Oakland's 75.
San Jose has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. San Jose has a Transit Score of 40, Oakland's score is 57. San Jose's Bike Score is 62, Oakland's score is 65.
Here are neighborhoods in San Jose, California that are similar to Oakland, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Albanese is similar to Toler Heights, Oakmore and Highland Park in Oakland.
Alderbrook is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Sheffield in Oakland.
Alexander is similar to Castlemont, Maxwell Park and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Alexian is similar to Elmhurst Park, Claremont Elmwood and Highland in Oakland.
Alma is similar to Maxwell Park, Frick and Foothill Square in Oakland.
Alma-Almaden is similar to Castlemont, Maxwell Park and Highland Terrace in Oakland.
Almaden is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Almaden Country Club is similar to Montclair, Woodminster and Crestmont in Oakland.
Almaden Meadows is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Montclair in Oakland.
Almaden Springs is similar to Forestland, Sequoyah and Merriwood in Oakland.
Almaden Winery is similar to Glen Highlands, Merriwood and Sheffield in Oakland.
Almaden-Clare Felice is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Alvin-Burdette is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Melrose in Oakland.
Alviso is similar to Montclair, Crestmont and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Anderson East is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Anderson West is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Anne Darling is similar to Highland, Foothill Square and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Artic Sue is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Millsmont in Oakland.
Ashbridge is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Shepherd Canyon in Oakland.
Atlanta Bird is similar to Millsmont, Bartlett and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Auzerais-Josefa is similar to Cypress Village, Woodland and Golden Gate in Oakland.
Avenida Espana is similar to Woodminster, Crestmont and Montclair in Oakland.
Avis-Cherry is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Banana Grove is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Crocker Highlands and Sheffield in Oakland.
Barbera-Stokes is similar to Maxwell Park, Upper Laurel and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
Barletta-Madeline is similar to Sheffield, Crocker Highlands and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Bascom-Forest is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and Fitchburg in Oakland.
Baton Rouge is similar to South Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Battaglia is similar to Toler Heights, Highland Park and Oakmore in Oakland.
Berry Park is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Berryessa Creek is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Beverley-Wilshire is similar to Foothill Square, North Stonehurst and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Blackford is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Lakeshore in Oakland.
Blossom Crest is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Crestmont in Oakland.
Blossom Hill is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Millsmont in Oakland.
Blossom River is similar to South Stonehurst, Upper Rockridge and Mills College in Oakland.
Blossom Valley is similar to Montclair, Sobrante Park and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Bluewater is similar to Crestmont, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Bonita-24th is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Bonnett is similar to North Stonehurst, Upper Laurel and Glenview in Oakland.
Branham is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Branham-Jarvis is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Oakmore in Oakland.
Branham-Kirk is similar to South Stonehurst, North Stonehurst and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Brianna is similar to Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland.
Less Similar
More Similar
Brigadoon is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Broadway-Palmhaven is similar to Foothill Square, Frick and Highland in Oakland.
Brooktree is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Brookvale-Chantel is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Montclair and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Brookwood South is similar to Sheffield, Crocker Highlands and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Brookwood Terrace is similar to Bartlett, Millsmont and Tuxedo in Oakland.
Brush Glen is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Bucknall is similar to Montclair, Sobrante Park and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Buena Park is similar to Woodminster, Columbia Gardens and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Buena Vista is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Burning Tree is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Cadillac East is similar to Grand Lake, Adams Point and Lakeshore in Oakland.
Cadillac West is similar to Brookfield Village, Oakmore and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Cadwallader is similar to Oakmore, Sobrante Park and Montclair in Oakland.
Calabazas North is similar to North Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Calabazas Sorth is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Montclair in Oakland.
Calderwood-Delwood is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
California Maison is similar to Merriwood, Forestland and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Cambrian is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Candlestick is similar to Merriwood, Glen Highlands and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Canoas Garden is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Capewood is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Oakmore in Oakland.
Capitol-Goss is similar to Maxwell Park, Castlemont and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Carmine-Parkmont is similar to North Stonehurst, Upper Laurel and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Carson is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Crestmont in Oakland.
Cassell is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Castlemont is similar to North Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Castro is similar to South Stonehurst, Foothill Square and Oakmore in Oakland.
Cedarville-Giannotta is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Centerwood is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Oakmore in Oakland.
Century-Pebbletree is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Leona Heights and Crocker Highlands in Oakland.
Chaboya is similar to Woodminster, Chabot Park and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Chantillery is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Chapman Morse is similar to Mills College, South Stonehurst and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Checkers is similar to Maxwell Park, Las Palmas and Castlemont in Oakland.
Cherrywood is similar to Redwood Heights, Eastmont Hills and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Cimarron is similar to Crocker Highlands, Oak Knoll Golf Links and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Cinco de Mayo is similar to Redwood Heights, Toler Heights and Crocker Highlands in Oakland.
Cinderella is similar to Millsmont, Brookfield Village and Tuxedo in Oakland.
Cinnabar is similar to Columbia Gardens, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Citaldi is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Clareview is similar to Merriwood, Sequoyah and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Clayton North is similar to Forestland, Shepherd Canyon and Merriwood in Oakland.
Clayton South is similar to Merriwood, Forestland and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Clovercrest-Glen Brae is similar to Claremont Elmwood and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Coldwater is similar to Woodminster, Sobrante Park and Crestmont in Oakland.
College Park is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and Mills College in Oakland.
Colony Green is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Commodore is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Cornwall-Sunshadow is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Millsmont in Oakland.
Cory is similar to Elmhurst Park, South Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Country Lane is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Country View Estate is similar to Sequoyah, Shepherd Canyon and Forestland in Oakland.
Countrybrook Lagoon is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Coyote-Fontanelle is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Shepherd Canyon in Oakland.
Cramer-Umbarger is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Creekland is similar to Eastmont Hills, Crocker Highlands and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Creekside North is similar to Woodminster, Crestmont and Montclair in Oakland.
Creekside South is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Merriwood in Oakland.
Crossgate is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and Montclair in Oakland.
Croydon is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Sheffield in Oakland.
Cypress-Jurdo is similar to Sobrante Park, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Danna Rocks is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Merriwood and Crocker Highlands in Oakland.
Dartmouth is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
David-Rosemary is similar to Lakeshore, Grand Lake and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
Davis is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
De Voss-Leigh is similar to Columbia Gardens, Redwood Heights and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Deer Run is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Deer Run North is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Merriwood and Sheffield in Oakland.
Del Mar is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Reservoir Hill in Oakland.
Del Marietta-Southwest is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Grand Lake and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Del Robles is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Dentwood-Soutbridge is similar to Oakmore, South Stonehurst and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Dobern is similar to Crocker Highlands, Millsmont and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Doerr-Steindorf is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Doncaster-Warrington is similar to Toler Heights, Highland Park and Oakmore in Oakland.
Dovehill is similar to Sobrante Park, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Downing-Whitethorne is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Downtown is similar to Piedmont Avenue, Fitchburg and Merritt in Oakland.
Drake-Fuller is similar to Highland Park, Toler Heights and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Dry Creek is similar to Upper Laurel, Maxwell Park and Frick in Oakland.
East Dobern is similar to Crocker Highlands, Millsmont and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
East Virginia is similar to Golden Gate, Lower Dimond and Paradise Park in Oakland.
East-West Citadel is similar to Toler Heights, Oakmore and Highland Park in Oakland.
Eastridge Mall is similar to Embarcadero and Coliseum Industrial Complex in Oakland.
Eastside is similar to Trestle Glen, Maxwell Park and Las Palmas in Oakland.
Eden is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Edenvale is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Edge is similar to Lakeshore, Grand Lake and Claremont Elmwood in Oakland.
El Ranco Verde is similar to Maxwell Park, North Stonehurst and Allendale in Oakland.
Erikson is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Estates is similar to Woodminster, Crestmont and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Evans is similar to Sobrante Park, Columbia Gardens and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Everydale-Neimen is similar to Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Farm Drive is similar to Eastmont Hills, Redwood Heights and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Farnam is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Fenton-McCollan is similar to Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands and Millsmont in Oakland.
Ferrari Pinoche is similar to Maxwell Park, Castlemont and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Five Wounds is similar to Frick, Foothill Square and Glenview in Oakland.
Flickinger North is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Millsmont in Oakland.
Flickinger South is similar to Crocker Highlands, Oak Knoll Golf Links and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Florence Court is similar to Crocker Highlands, Durant Manor and Toler Heights in Oakland.
Florence-Nancy is similar to North Stonehurst, Peralta Hacienda and Eastmont in Oakland.
Forest-Pruneridge is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Fowler is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Montclair in Oakland.
Foxchase-Sanchez is similar to South Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Fruitdale College is similar to Durant Manor, Crocker Highlands and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Fruitdale Ruexford is similar to Oakmore, Toler Heights and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Garden Alameda is similar to Bushrod, Fitchburg and Mosswood in Oakland.
Gardens-Villa Montery is similar to Lincoln Highlands, Upper Rockridge and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Gardner is similar to Highland Park, Toler Heights and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Gateview is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Gawain-Percivale is similar to Crocker Highlands, Sheffield and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Gilchrist is similar to Eastmont Hills, Sobrante Park and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Glen Crest is similar to Merriwood, Piedmont Pines and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Glenview Serenity is similar to Merriwood, Piedmont Pines and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Gold Creek is similar to Forestland, Glen Highlands and Merriwood in Oakland.
Goodyear-Mastic is similar to Cleveland Heights, Seminary and Peralta Hacienda in Oakland.
Gordy is similar to Toler Heights, Highland Park and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Granite Creek is similar to South Stonehurst, Foothill Square and Oakmore in Oakland.
Graystone is similar to Piedmont Pines, Shepherd Canyon and Merriwood in Oakland.
Great Oaks is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Merriwood in Oakland.
Guadalupe Oak Grove is similar to Columbia Gardens, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Guatalupe Almaden is similar to Lincoln Highlands, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Guatalupe Canoas is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Hamann Park is similar to South Stonehurst, Upper Rockridge and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Hammer is similar to Redwood Heights, Brookfield Village and Millsmont in Oakland.
Hannah-Gregory is similar to Highland Park, Toler Heights and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Hathaway is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Reservoir Hill and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Hayes is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Hellyer is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Heritage is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Montclair in Oakland.
Hidden Glen North is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Hillsdale is similar to Brookfield Village, Millsmont and Castlemont in Oakland.
Hillview North is similar to Eastmont Hills, Brookfield Village and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Holland is similar to Sheffield, Crocker Highlands and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Hollywood is similar to South Prescott, Frick and Las Palmas in Oakland.
Holy Oaks is similar to South Stonehurst, North Stonehurst and Oakmore in Oakland.
Joaquin Miller is similar to Oakmore, Sobrante Park and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Jose Figueres-Rancho Verde is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Harrington in Oakland.
Junipero Serra is similar to Maxwell Park, Oakmore and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Kennedy is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Kenwood is similar to Millsmont, Brookfield Village and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Kettman-Pomeroy is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Sheffield in Oakland.
King and Story is similar to Elmhurst Park, Claremont Elmwood and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
Knights Bridge is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Kooser is similar to Sobrante Park, Montclair and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
La Pala South is similar to North Stonehurst, Upper Laurel and Allendale in Oakland.
Lake Cunningham Park is similar to Joseph Knowland State Arboretum and Park and Port of Oakland in Oakland.
Lakehouse is similar to Jingletown, Prescott and Woodland in Oakland.
Lanai-Cunningham is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Lexington Maria is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Leyva is similar to South Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Highland in Oakland.
Little Branham-Rosswood is similar to Sheffield, Merriwood and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Little Portugal North is similar to Upper Laurel, Maxwell Park and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
Little Portugal South is similar to Lynn, Fairfax and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Lochridge-Luby is similar to Maxwell Park, Castlemont and Iveywood in Oakland.
Locke is similar to Leona Heights, Caballo Hills and Skyline-Hillcrest Estates in Oakland.
Loma Linda is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Grand Lake and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Loma Verde is similar to North Stonehurst, Elmhurst Park and Harrington in Oakland.
Lombard is similar to Toler Heights, Eastmont Hills and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Lone Bluff is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Lone Hill Highlands is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Oakmore in Oakland.
Los Arboles is similar to Brookfield Village, Millsmont and Castlemont in Oakland.
Los Gatos is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Los Paseos is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Ludlow is similar to Trestle Glen, Durant Manor and Toler Heights in Oakland.
Luz is similar to Elmhurst Park, North Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Lynbrook is similar to Montclair, Crestmont and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Lynhaven is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Oakmore in Oakland.
Magliocco-Huff is similar to Grand Lake, Claremont Elmwood and Lakeshore in Oakland.
Majestic is similar to Piedmont Pines, Woodminster and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Makati is similar to Highland, Elmhurst Park and Woodland in Oakland.
Malabar-Nordyke is similar to Highland Park, Las Palmas and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Markingdon is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Millsmont in Oakland.
Martinvale-Vinyard is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Mayfair is similar to Maxwell Park, Castlemont and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Mayfair North is similar to Maxwell Park, Peralta Hacienda and Eastmont in Oakland.
Mayglen-Little Rock is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
McKay-Ringwood is similar to Elmhurst Park, Claremont Elmwood and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
McKinley is similar to North Stonehurst, Maxwell Park and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Meadow Fair is similar to Highland Park, Las Palmas and Trestle Glen in Oakland.
Meadowlands is similar to Forestland, Shepherd Canyon and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Meadows is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Melody is similar to Eastmont Hills, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Meridian-Pedro is similar to Maxwell Park, Castlemont and Iveywood in Oakland.
Millic-Phelps is similar to Sobrante Park, Crestmont and Montclair in Oakland.
Miner is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Mirassou Vineyards is similar to Brookfield Village, Redwood Heights and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Mitty is similar to South Stonehurst, Upper Rockridge and Oakmore in Oakland.
Montego is similar to Forestland, Sequoyah and Merriwood in Oakland.
Montevideo is similar to Shepherd Canyon, Piedmont Pines and Merriwood in Oakland.
Monticello is similar to Lincoln Highlands, Oakmore and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Morrill is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Mountain Shadows is similar to Merriwood, Glen Highlands and Forestland in Oakland.
Mt. Pleasant is similar to Woodminster, Piedmont Pines and Chabot Park in Oakland.
Mt. Pleasant North is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Mt. Pleasant South is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Woodminster in Oakland.
Muir is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Murillo is similar to Piedmont Pines, Merriwood and Shepherd Canyon in Oakland.
Newhall-Sherwood is similar to South Stonehurst, Foothill Square and Oakmore in Oakland.
Nob Hill is similar to Forestland, Shepherd Canyon and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Noble is similar to Leona Heights, Oak Knoll Golf Links and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Noddin is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Montclair in Oakland.
Northern Cross is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Sheffield and Merriwood in Oakland.
Northlake is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Elmhurst Park and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Northwood is similar to Elmhurst Park, Highland and Woodland in Oakland.
Norwood is similar to Piedmont Pines, Merriwood and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Notting Hill-Royal Crest is similar to Eastmont Hills, Sobrante Park and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Oak Canyon is similar to Merriwood, Sequoyah and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Oak Grove is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Ocala is similar to Columbia Gardens, Woodminster and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Ohlone is similar to Elmhurst Park, South Stonehurst and Highland in Oakland.
Old Piedmont is similar to Joaquin Miller Park and Glen Highlands in Oakland.
Old Port is similar to Redwood Heights, Columbia Gardens and Crocker Highlands in Oakland.
Olinder is similar to Bartlett, Wentworth Holland and Fairfax in Oakland.
Orchard Creek is similar to Merriwood, Piedmont Pines and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Oster is similar to Oakmore, Montclair and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Overfelt is similar to North Stonehurst, Maxwell Park and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Pacheco is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Palmar-Borello is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Park-Lorraine is similar to Acorn Industrial, Jingletown and Golden Gate in Oakland.
Parker is similar to Montclair, Mills College and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Parkview is similar to Sobrante Park, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Penitencia is similar to Crestmont, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Pepper Tree is similar to Oakmore, South Stonehurst and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Pfiffer is similar to Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland.
Less Similar
More Similar
Piedmont is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Woodminster in Oakland.
Piedmont Hills is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Crestmont in Oakland.
Pierce Ranch is similar to Woodminster, Piedmont Pines and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Pine Hollow is similar to Lincoln Highlands, Upper Rockridge and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Pinehurst is similar to Oakmore, Columbia Gardens and Toler Heights in Oakland.
Pinnacle is similar to Woodminster, Crestmont and Chabot Park in Oakland.
Pleasant Knoll is similar to Shepherd Canyon, Piedmont Pines and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Ponderosa is similar to Montclair, Upper Rockridge and Mills College in Oakland.
Quimby is similar to Piedmont Pines, Merriwood and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Rainbow is similar to Piedmont Pines, Merriwood and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Ramblewood is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Rancho is similar to Maxwell Park, North Stonehurst and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Rancho Santa Teresa is similar to Upper Rockridge, Montclair and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Rancho Santa Teresa Mobile Home Park is similar to Eastmont Hills, Redwood Heights and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Renaissance is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Richmond Ranch is similar to Forestland and Glen Highlands in Oakland.
River Oaks is similar to Sobrante Park, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Riverview is similar to Piedmont Pines, Caballo Hills and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Roberts-Walnut Woods is similar to Allendale, Maxwell Park and Upper Laurel in Oakland.
Rockspring is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Rodgers is similar to Redwood Heights, Columbia Gardens and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Rogers is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Roosevelt Park is similar to Woodland, Lower Dimond and Melrose in Oakland.
Rose Garden is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Elmhurst Park in Oakland.
Rose Glen is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Rose-Sartorette is similar to Brookfield Village, Oakmore and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Rosemary Garden is similar to Lincoln Highlands, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Ruskin is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Ryan is similar to Foothill Square, Maxwell Park and Oakmore in Oakland.
Rymar is similar to Redwood Heights, Millsmont and Crocker Highlands in Oakland.
San Ramon is similar to Mills College, Lincoln Highlands and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
San Tomas Aquinos is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Santee is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Saratoga Creek is similar to Claremont Elmwood, Lakeshore and Grand Lake in Oakland.
Serenede is similar to Eastmont Hills, Crocker Highlands and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Seven Trees is similar to North Stonehurst, Harrington and Seminary in Oakland.
Shadow Brook is similar to Montclair, Columbia Gardens and Woodminster in Oakland.
Shasta Hanchette Park is similar to Highland, Laurel and Melrose in Oakland.
Sherman Oaks is similar to Redwood Heights, Columbia Gardens and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Sierra is similar to Castlemont, Maxwell Park and Eastmont in Oakland.
Sierramont is similar to Crestmont, Montclair and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Silver Creek is similar to Shepherd Canyon, Sequoyah and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Silver Crest is similar to Glen Highlands, Merriwood and Sheffield in Oakland.
Silver Leaf is similar to Woodminster, Columbia Gardens and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Silverland is similar to Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Singletree is similar to Leona Heights, Columbia Gardens and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Spratan-Keyes is similar to North Stonehurst, Upper Laurel and Peralta Hacienda in Oakland.
St. Leo's is similar to Golden Gate, Clawson and Lower Dimond in Oakland.
St. Victor is similar to Columbia Gardens, Sobrante Park and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Stallion-Shadowsprings is similar to Upper Rockridge, Sobrante Park and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Starbird is similar to Eastmont Hills, Columbia Gardens and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Stonegate East is similar to Sobrante Park, Upper Rockridge and Montclair in Oakland.
Stonegate West is similar to Sobrante Park, Columbia Gardens and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Strawberry Park is similar to South Stonehurst, North Stonehurst and Foothill Square in Oakland.
Suenos is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and Maxwell Park in Oakland.
Summerdale is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Summerside is similar to Brookfield Village, Sobrante Park and Millsmont in Oakland.
Sunol-Midtown is similar to Rockridge, Melrose and McClymonds in Oakland.
Sunrise Almaden is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Sunspring is similar to Oakmore, Lincoln Highlands and South Stonehurst in Oakland.
Sweigert is similar to Forestland, Caballo Hills and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Sylvandale East is similar to Piedmont Pines, Oak Knoll Golf Links and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Sylvandale West is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Tamien is similar to Highland, Elmhurst Park and Clawson in Oakland.
Tanglewood-El Monte is similar to Oak Knoll Golf Links, Crocker Highlands and Eastmont Hills in Oakland.
Tatra is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Terrace Hill is similar to Glen Highlands, Merriwood and Forestland in Oakland.
The Almaden Villas is similar to Sheffield and Glen Highlands in Oakland.
The Village is similar to Forestland, Merriwood and Sequoyah in Oakland.
The Villas is similar to Fitchburg in Oakland.
Less Similar
More Similar
The Woods is similar to Highland Terrace, Castlemont and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Thousand Oaks is similar to Sobrante Park, Lincoln Highlands and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Thunderbird is similar to Maxwell Park, Brookfield Village and Castlemont in Oakland.
Townsend is similar to Crocker Highlands, Sheffield and Redwood Heights in Oakland.
Toyon is similar to Brookfield Village, Maxwell Park and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Trade Winds is similar to North Stonehurst, Brookfield Village and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Upper Sierra is similar to Leona Heights, Oak Knoll Golf Links and Sequoyah in Oakland.
Valle Vista is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Shepherd Canyon in Oakland.
Valley View-Reed is similar to Sobrante Park, Columbia Gardens and Montclair in Oakland.
Vermont-McKendrie is similar to Mills College, Claremont Elmwood and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Vinci North is similar to Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands and Millsmont in Oakland.
Vinci South is similar to Sobrante Park, Eastmont Hills and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Vista Park is similar to Woodminster, Columbia Gardens and Crestmont in Oakland.
Walnut Blossom is similar to Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village and Columbia Gardens in Oakland.
Warmsprings is similar to Foothill Square, South Stonehurst and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
Washington-Guadalupe is similar to Patten, Rancho San Antonio and Paradise Park in Oakland.
Westmont is similar to Piedmont Pines, Sequoyah and Merriwood in Oakland.
Whaley is similar to North Stonehurst, Maxwell Park and Brookfield Village in Oakland.
Willow Glen is similar to South Stonehurst, Oakmore and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.
Willow Glen South-Lincoln Glen is similar to Sobrante Park, Columbia Gardens and Lincoln Highlands in Oakland.
Windmill Springs is similar to Columbia Gardens, Eastmont Hills and Sobrante Park in Oakland.
Woodside of Almaden is similar to Merriwood, Forestland and Piedmont Pines in Oakland.
Wooster-26th is similar to Castlemont, Maxwell Park and North Stonehurst in Oakland.
Yerba Buena is similar to Crocker Highlands, Redwood Heights and Oak Knoll Golf Links in Oakland.
Yum Yum is similar to Montclair, Sobrante Park and Upper Rockridge in Oakland.