This page shows which neighborhoods in San Francisco are similar to neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
Rents in San Francisco average $1 and are about the same as rents in Milwaukee.
San Francisco's Walk Score is 89, 27 points higher than Milwaukee's 62.
San Francisco has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable. San Francisco has a Transit Score of 77, Milwaukee's score is 49. San Francisco's Bike Score is 72, Milwaukee's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in San Francisco, California that are similar to Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Ashbury Heights is similar to Murray Hill, Clarke Square and Historic Mitchell Street in Milwaukee.
Buena Vista is similar to Murray Hill and Lower East Side in Milwaukee.
Castro is similar to Yankee Hill in Milwaukee.
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Dogpatch is similar to Walker's Point, Yankee Hill and Avenues West in Milwaukee.
Dolores Heights is similar to Murray Hill in Milwaukee.
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Golden Gate Heights is similar to Murray Hill, Clarke Square and Muskegg Way in Milwaukee.
Haight Ashbury is similar to Yankee Hill and Avenues West in Milwaukee.
Hunters Point is similar to Williamsburg Heights, Rufus King and Garden Homes in Milwaukee.
Ingleside is similar to Murray Hill, Muskegg Way and Clarke Square in Milwaukee.
Lincoln Park-Fort Miley is similar to Fairfield, Story Hill and Valley Forge in Milwaukee.
Northern Waterfront is similar to Kilbourn Town in Milwaukee.
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Oceanview is similar to Muskegg Way, Historic Mitchell Street and Cambridge Heights in Milwaukee.
Parkmerced is similar to Avenues West, Yankee Hill and Harawbee in Milwaukee.
St. Marys Park is similar to Historic Mitchell Street, Upper East Side and Cambridge Heights in Milwaukee.
Visitacion Valley is similar to Murray Hill, Clarke Square and Concordia in Milwaukee.