This page shows which neighborhoods in San Diego are similar to neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
Rents in San Diego average $1 and are about the same as rents in Milwaukee.
San Diego's Walk Score is 53, 9 points lower than Milwaukee's 62.
San Diego has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. San Diego has a Transit Score of 37, Milwaukee's score is 49. San Diego's Bike Score is 43, Milwaukee's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in San Diego, California that are similar to Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Adams North is similar to Morgandale, St. Aemilian's and Burnham Park in Milwaukee.
Allied Gardens is similar to Euclid Park, Silverswan and Bluemound Heights in Milwaukee.
Alta Vista is similar to Morgan Heights, Alcott Park and Pheasant Run in Milwaukee.
Balboa Park is similar to Granville Woods, Land Bank and Havenwoods in Milwaukee.
Barrio Logan is similar to Martin Drive, Grasslyn Manor and Uptown in Milwaukee.
Bay Ho is similar to Silver Spring, Alverno and Borchert Field in Milwaukee.
Bay Park is similar to Bluemound Heights, Lindsay Park and Old North Milwaukee in Milwaukee.
Bay Terraces is similar to North Meadow, Woodland Court and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Birdland is similar to Thurston Woods, Golden Valley and Castle Manor in Milwaukee.
Black Mountain Ranch is similar to Heritage Heights and Golden Gate in Milwaukee.
Burlingame is similar to Washington Park, Nash Park and Fernwood in Milwaukee.
Carmel Mountain is similar to Castle Manor, Tippecanoe and Fairview in Milwaukee.
Chollas View is similar to Concordia, Sherman Park and National Park in Milwaukee.
Clairemont Mesa East is similar to St. Joseph's, Cold Spring Park and St. Aemilian's in Milwaukee.
Clairemont Mesa West is similar to Euclid Park, Tripou Park and Silverswan in Milwaukee.