This page shows which neighborhoods in Sacramento are similar to neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
Rents in Sacramento average $1 and are about the same as rents in Milwaukee.
Sacramento's Walk Score is 49, 13 points lower than Milwaukee's 62.
Sacramento has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Sacramento has a Transit Score of 34, Milwaukee's score is 49. Sacramento's Bike Score is 67, Milwaukee's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in Sacramento, California that are similar to Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Avondale is similar to Lindsay Park, Euclid Park and Bluemound Heights in Milwaukee.
Brentwood is similar to Euclid Park, Gra-Ram and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
California State University-Sacramento is similar to Tippecanoe, Timmerman West and Valley Forge in Milwaukee.
Central Oak Park is similar to Morgandale, Bay View and Metcalfe Park in Milwaukee.
College-Glen is similar to Silver Spring, Alverno and Borchert Field in Milwaukee.
Colonial Heights is similar to Southpoint, Bluemound Heights and Polonia in Milwaukee.
Colonial Village North is similar to Silverswan, Tripou Park and Northridge in Milwaukee.
Creekside is similar to Gra-Ram, Town of Lake and Grantosa in Milwaukee.
Curtis Park is similar to Layton Park, Harawbee and Historic Third Ward in Milwaukee.
Del Paso Heights is similar to Bluemound Heights, Silver Spring and Claytown Crest in Milwaukee.
Downtown is similar to Juneau Town, Marquette and Kilbourn Town in Milwaukee.
East Del Paso Heights is similar to Euclid Park, Gra-Ram and Tripou Park in Milwaukee.
East Sacramento is similar to Fairview, St. Aemilian's and Martin Drive in Milwaukee.
Elmhurst is similar to Borchert Field, St. Aemilian's and Merrill Park in Milwaukee.
Fairgrounds is similar to Cannon Park, Thurston Woods and Golden Valley in Milwaukee.