This page shows which neighborhoods in Raleigh are similar to neighborhoods in Louisville.
Rents in Raleigh average $1 and are about the same as rents in Louisville.
Raleigh's Walk Score is 31, 3 points lower than Louisville's 34.
Raleigh has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Raleigh has a Transit Score of 29, Louisville's score is 27. Raleigh's Bike Score is 39, Louisville's score is 43.
Here are neighborhoods in Raleigh, North Carolina that are similar to Louisville, Kentucky neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bedford at Falls River is similar to Fern Creek, Highview and Fairdale in Louisville.
Brier Creek Country Club is similar to Valley Station, Highview and Pleasure Ridge Park in Louisville.
Brookhaven is similar to Rockcreek Lexington Road, Cherokee Gardens and Iroquois Park in Louisville.
College Park is similar to Highlands Douglass, Crescent Hill and Portland in Louisville.
King Charles is similar to Prestonia, Rockcreek Lexington Road and Cherokee Gardens in Louisville.
North Hills is similar to Prestonia, Rockcreek Lexington Road and St. Dennis in Louisville.
North Ridge is similar to Highview, Valley Station and Fern Creek in Louisville.
Oakwood is similar to Limerick, Russell and South Louisville in Louisville.
Stonehenge East is similar to Prestonia, Cherokee Seneca and Camp Taylor in Louisville.
Sunset Hills is similar to Rockcreek Lexington Road, Cherokee Gardens and Iroquois Park in Louisville.