This page shows which neighborhoods in Phoenix are similar to neighborhoods in Wichita.
Rents in Phoenix average $1 and are about the same as rents in Wichita.
Phoenix's Walk Score is 41, 6 points higher than Wichita's 35.
Phoenix has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Phoenix has a Transit Score of 36, Wichita's score is 20. Phoenix's Bike Score is 56, Wichita's score is 44.
Here are neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona that are similar to Wichita, Kansas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
A-M Ranch is similar to Maple Dunes, Auburn Hills and Allen's Lake in Wichita.
Adobe Highlands is similar to Breezy Lake, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Auburn Hills in Wichita.
Adobe Hills is similar to Colonial Oaks, Breezy Lake and Bradford North in Wichita.
Alta Vista is similar to Fabrique, Southwest Wichita and Country Overlook in Wichita.
Amber Hills is similar to Maple Dunes, Allen's Lake and Teal Cove in Wichita.
Arabian Views is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Maple Dunes in Wichita.
Arizona Homes is similar to Hedgewood, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Ashler Hills Ranch is similar to Pleasant Valley, Moorings and Fossil Rim Estates in Wichita.
Bel Air is similar to East Front, Murdock and New Salem in Wichita.
Bellair is similar to North Central, Jones Park and Orchard Park in Wichita.
Ben-Jo Estates is similar to Delano, South Central and New Salem in Wichita.
Biltmore Highlands is similar to Moorings, Pleasant Valley and Huntleigh in Wichita.
Black Canyon Heights is similar to Kellogg School, MacDonald and Delano in Wichita.
Booker T. Washington is similar to Old Town in Wichita.
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More Similar
Braewood Park is similar to Kellogg School, Fairmount and Sunflower in Wichita.
Brandywine is similar to Maple Dunes, Amarado Estates and Riverside in Wichita.
Broadway Estates is similar to South Central, Sleepy Hollow and Sunflower in Wichita.
Cactus Gardens is similar to McCormick, Murdock and K-15 in Wichita.
Camelback Gardens is similar to East Front, New Salem and College Hill in Wichita.
Camelback Ranch is similar to Waterford, Oak Ridge West and Forest Lakes in Wichita.
Camelback Vista is similar to Power, Maple Dunes and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Campo Bello is similar to Murdock, Crestview Heights and Sleepy Hollow in Wichita.
Canyon Creek Deer Valley is similar to Kellogg School, Fairmount and Regency Lakes in Wichita.
Carefree Crossing is similar to Breezy Lake, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Oak Ridge West in Wichita.
Cavalier Estates is similar to Breezy Lake, Maple Dunes and Oak Ridge West in Wichita.
Central City South is similar to Delano, The Elm and New Salem in Wichita.
Centura West is similar to Planeview, Colonial Oaks and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
Century Club Estates is similar to Corporate Lakes, Lakepoint and Northeast Heights in Wichita.
Chateau Thierry is similar to Ridgeport, Auburn Hills and Country Place Estates in Wichita.
Cheatham Farms is similar to Hedgewood, Colonial Oaks and Planeview in Wichita.
Cimarron Ridge is similar to Delano, South City and Orchard Breeze in Wichita.
Citrus Acres is similar to Uptown, Hilltop and College Hill in Wichita.
Colina del Norte is similar to Shadybrook, Moorings and Brookhaven Estates in Wichita.
Continental North is similar to Planeview, Colonial Oaks and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Coral Gables Estates is similar to Huntleigh, Harbor Isle and Moorings in Wichita.
Coronado is similar to Historic Midtown, Old Town and The Elm in Wichita.
Cottonfields is similar to Oak Ridge West, Cobblestone and White Tail in Wichita.
Country Club Acres is similar to Ridgeport, Country Place Estates and Huntleigh in Wichita.
Country Gables is similar to Hedgewood, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Country Life Homes is similar to Planeview, Hedgewood and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Country Ridge is similar to Oak Cliff, North Central and Ken-Mar in Wichita.
Deerview is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and North Central in Wichita.
Del Monte Village is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and Country Overlook in Wichita.
Del Monte Village North is similar to South Central, Southwest Wichita and Sleepy Hollow in Wichita.
Del Rey is similar to South Central, Sunflower and Delano in Wichita.
Desert Foothills Estates is similar to Sterling Farms, Stanley-Aley and Longview in Wichita.
Desert Peak is similar to Sherwood Glen, Bradford North and Tylers Landing in Wichita.
Desert Pines is similar to Matlock Heights, Power and Fairfax in Wichita.
Desert Ridge is similar to Corporate Lakes, Lakepoint and Vickridge in Wichita.
Diamond Creek is similar to Breezy Lake, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Auburn Hills in Wichita.
Dobbins Creek is similar to Sandpiper Bay, Aberdeen and South Area in Wichita.
Dobbins Crossing is similar to Rainbow Lakes West, Fossil Rim Estates and Tylers Landing in Wichita.
Dobbins Point is similar to Tylers Landing, Rocky Creek and Bradford in Wichita.
Doubletree Canyon is similar to Harbor Isle, Huntleigh and Ridgeport in Wichita.
Dove Valley Ranch is similar to Northeast Heights, Willowbend and Aberdeen in Wichita.
Eagle Ridge is similar to Glen, West Ridge and Bradford in Wichita.
East Citrus Acres is similar to East Front, New Salem and Sleepy Hollow in Wichita.
East Morningside is similar to The Elm, Uptown and Delano in Wichita.
Eastlake Park is similar to Old Town in Wichita.
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More Similar
Encanto Village is similar to Fairfax, Matlock Heights and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
Estrella Mountain Village is similar to Rolling Hills, Riverside and Murdock in Wichita.
Estrella Northwest is similar to Rolling Hills, North Central and Murdock in Wichita.
Estrella Park is similar to Waterford, Colonial Oaks and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
Fairwood is similar to Fairfax, Matlock Heights and Planeview in Wichita.
Farmington Glen is similar to Shadow Lake, Avalon Park and West Ridge in Wichita.
Foothill Acres is similar to The Elm, Grandview Heights and Kellogg School in Wichita.
Foothills Golf Club is similar to White Tail, Forest Lakes and Pepperwood Village in Wichita.
Foothills North is similar to Longview, Sterling Farms and Cedar Lakes Village in Wichita.
Foothills Reserve is similar to Sherwood Glen, Shadybrook and Fossil Rim Estates in Wichita.
Fruitland Acres is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Fairfax in Wichita.
Garfield is similar to East Front and Uptown in Wichita.
Governmental Mall is similar to Old Town in Wichita.
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More Similar
Grandview is similar to New Salem, Uptown and East Front in Wichita.
Greenfield Acres is similar to Delano, Hilltop and South Central in Wichita.
Greentrails is similar to Power, Maple Dunes and Northeast Millair in Wichita.
Hacienda Granada is similar to Riverside, Amarado Estates and Northeast Millair in Wichita.
Handell Villa is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and Rolling Hills in Wichita.
Healy's Dutchtown is similar to Power, Matlock Heights and Fairfax in Wichita.
Heritage Heights is similar to Briarwood Lakes Estates, Auburn Hills and Cobblestone in Wichita.
Heritage Hills is similar to Moorings, Huntleigh and Pleasant Valley in Wichita.
Homedale is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Longview in Wichita.
Horizons on Camelback is similar to Matlock Heights, Fairfax and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
Hurley Ranch is similar to Sherwood Glen, Bradford North and Rainbow Lakes West in Wichita.
Independence Park is similar to Planeview, Colonial Oaks and Waterford in Wichita.
Indian Springs Estates is similar to Huntleigh, Moorings and Pleasant Valley in Wichita.
Ingleside Club is similar to Whispering Brook, McAdams and Vickridge in Wichita.
Jade Park North is similar to Breezy Lake, Colonial Oaks and Briarwood Lakes Estates in Wichita.
Kierland is similar to Crown Heights South, Grandview Heights and Fairmount in Wichita.
Knoell Royal Oaks is similar to Maple Dunes, Matlock Heights and Amarado Estates in Wichita.
La Mancha is similar to Historic Midtown, The Elm and Fairmount in Wichita.
La Mirada is similar to Bradford, Tylers Landing and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Lake Biltmore Village is similar to Fairmount, Kellogg School and Crown Heights South in Wichita.
Lakewood is similar to Southwest Wichita, Ken-Mar and Sterling Farms in Wichita.
Larissa is similar to Breezy Lake, Colonial Oaks and Waterford in Wichita.
Laurelwood is similar to East Front, Fabrique and El Pueblo in Wichita.
Laveen Crossing is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Orchard Park in Wichita.
Laveen Farms is similar to Rocky Creek, Tylers Landing and Brookhaven Estates in Wichita.
Laveen Meadows is similar to Tylers Landing, Rocky Creek and Brookhaven Estates in Wichita.
Laveen Ranch is similar to West Ridge, Avalon Park and Savanna West in Wichita.
Laveen Village is similar to Breezy Lake, Colonial Oaks and Oak Ridge West in Wichita.
Lookout Mountain is similar to Breezy Lake, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Auburn Hills in Wichita.
Lori Heights is similar to North Central, Sleepy Hollow and Southwest Wichita in Wichita.
Los Olivos is similar to Old Town in Wichita.
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More Similar
Marion Estates is similar to Oak Ridge West, Cobblestone and Auburn Hills in Wichita.
Maryvale Park is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and Country Overlook in Wichita.
Meadowbrook is similar to Grandview Heights, The Elm and Delano in Wichita.
Melrose Paradise is similar to North Central, Jones Park and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
Mission Manor is similar to Hilltop, South Central and La Placita Park in Wichita.
Montana Vista is similar to James Place and Angel Fire in Wichita.
Monte Vista Acres is similar to Village, Remington Place and McAdams in Wichita.
Montezuma Heights is similar to Old Town, Historic Midtown and The Elm in Wichita.
Moon Valley is similar to Auburn Hills, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Huntleigh in Wichita.
Moon Valley Gardens is similar to Colonial Oaks, Hedgewood and Planeview in Wichita.
Mountain Park is similar to Auburn Hills, Briarwood Lakes Estates and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
Mountain Park Ranch is similar to Longview, Northwest Big River and Indian Hills Riverbend in Wichita.
Mountaingate is similar to White Tail, Forest Lakes and Oak Ridge West in Wichita.
Mountaingate North is similar to Rocky Creek, Forest Lakes and White Tail in Wichita.
New Northtown is similar to Power and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Newcastle Village is similar to North Central, Fabrique and Jones Park in Wichita.
Norma Estates is similar to Maple Dunes, Colonial Oaks and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
North Central Heights is similar to New Salem, Uptown and East Front in Wichita.
North East Village is similar to Delano, South Central and New Salem in Wichita.
North Ranch is similar to Amarado Estates, Maple Dunes and Northeast Millair in Wichita.
North Valley View is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Indian Hills Riverbend in Wichita.
Northgate is similar to Evergreen, Aberdeen and Regency Lakes in Wichita.
Northgate Village is similar to Oak Ridge West, Breezy Lake and Forest Lakes in Wichita.
Northview Acres is similar to Riverside, Rolling Hills and Amarado Estates in Wichita.
Northwest Homesites is similar to Hilltop, College Hill and Uptown in Wichita.
Northwest Village is similar to South Central, Sleepy Hollow and Southwest Wichita in Wichita.
Northwood Glen is similar to Ridgeport, White Tail and Cobblestone in Wichita.
Nuestro Barrio is similar to MacDonald, Grandview Heights and Kellogg School in Wichita.
Orangedale Place is similar to Planeview, Fairfax and Matlock Heights in Wichita.
Osborn Parkway is similar to McCormick, New Salem and Delano in Wichita.
Palm Acres is similar to Historic Midtown, The Elm and Old Town in Wichita.
Palmcroft is similar to New Salem, Sleepy Hollow and McCormick in Wichita.
Palos Santos is similar to Longview, Evergreen and Sterling Farms in Wichita.
Papago Vista is similar to East Front, New Salem and College Hill in Wichita.
Paradise Foothills is similar to Country Place Estates, Vickridge and Forest Hills in Wichita.
Paradise Ranchitos is similar to Grandview Heights, MacDonald and Crown Heights South in Wichita.
Paradise Valley Oasis is similar to Fabrique, North Central and El Pueblo in Wichita.
Park Meadows is similar to Power, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Park Phoenix is similar to Hedgewood, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Park Place North is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and North Central in Wichita.
Park at Terralea is similar to Angel Fire and James Place in Wichita.
Paseo Pointe is similar to Brookhaven Estates, Rainbow Lakes West and Pleasant Valley in Wichita.
Patio Homes East is similar to South Central, New Salem and Delano in Wichita.
Perry Estates is similar to Hedgewood, Northeast Millair and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Phillipine is similar to New Salem, College Hill and South Central in Wichita.
Phoenix Country Club is similar to Grandview Heights, The Elm and Delano in Wichita.
Pierson Place is similar to Uptown, New Salem and East Front in Wichita.
Pinnacle Hill is similar to Ridgeport, South Seneca and Belle Terre in Wichita.
Pleasant Valley Estates is similar to Maple Dunes, Northeast Millair and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Pointe Tapatio is similar to Maple Dunes, Colonial Oaks and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
Pomelo Park is similar to Riverside, Rolling Hills and Amarado Estates in Wichita.
Ponderosa Homes North is similar to Evergreen, Sterling Farms and Sunnyside in Wichita.
Ponderosa Village is similar to Hedgewood, Colonial Oaks and Planeview in Wichita.
Preserve at Boulder Mountain is similar to Forest Lakes, White Tail and Belle Terre in Wichita.
Pyramid Heights is similar to Avalon Park, Savanna West and Shadow Lake in Wichita.
Rancho Alta Vida is similar to McAdams, Village and Remington Place in Wichita.
Rexmere Heights is similar to Fabrique, Oak Cliff and Rolling Hills in Wichita.
Ridgewood Acres is similar to Maple Dunes, Teal Cove and Northbrook in Wichita.
Riordan Ranch is similar to Bridgefield Place, Fossil Rim Estates and Barefoot Bay in Wichita.
River Walk Villages is similar to Tylers Landing, Bradford and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Rogers Ranch is similar to Maple Dunes, Waterford and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Roosevelt Place East is similar to Whispering Brook in Wichita.
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More Similar
Ryland at Heritage Point is similar to Power, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Saddle Rock Hills is similar to Plumthicket, Fossil Rim Estates and Garden Ridge in Wichita.
Sandahl Homes is similar to Murdock, Rolling Hills and K-15 in Wichita.
Seven Palms Mobile Home Estates is similar to Matlock Heights, Fairfax and Power in Wichita.
Shea Heights is similar to Waterford, Oak Ridge West and Breezy Lake in Wichita.
Shea North Estates is similar to Ridgeport, South Seneca and Allen's Lake in Wichita.
Sherwood Towne is similar to Rolling Hills, North Central and Jones Park in Wichita.
Sienna Vista is similar to Bradford, Tylers Landing and Rainbow Lakes West in Wichita.
Siesta Village is similar to El Pueblo, Fabrique and Fairfax in Wichita.
Silva Mountain is similar to Glen, Avalon Park and Savanna West in Wichita.
Sonoran Foothills is similar to Rainbow Lakes West, Pleasant Valley and Brookhaven Estates in Wichita.
South Mountain Heights is similar to Glen, West Ridge and Avalon Park in Wichita.
South Mountain Resort is similar to MacDonald, Southwest Village and Kellogg School in Wichita.
Southern East is similar to Power, Planeview and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Southern Views is similar to Colonial Oaks, Planeview and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Southland is similar to Matlock Heights, El Pueblo and Power in Wichita.
Spanish Mountain Estates is similar to Oak Cliff, Indian Hills Riverbend and Cedar Lakes Village in Wichita.
Spanish Wells is similar to Sterling Farms, Longview and Evergreen in Wichita.
Stardust Skies is similar to Power, Colonial Oaks and Planeview in Wichita.
Stetson Hills is similar to Pepperwood Village, Allen's Lake and Maple Dunes in Wichita.
Stetson Valley is similar to Brookhaven Estates, Rainbow Lakes West and Rocky Creek in Wichita.
Story is similar to Murdock, Rolling Hills and East Front in Wichita.
Sun Sand is similar to South City, Delano and Orchard Breeze in Wichita.
Sunburst Farms is similar to Ridgeport, Country Place Estates and Auburn Hills in Wichita.
Sundance Ranch is similar to North Riverside, Sterling Farms and Sunnyside in Wichita.
Sungold is similar to Power, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Sunset Acres is similar to Matlock Heights, Fairfax and Power in Wichita.
Sunset Farms is similar to West Ridge, Bradford and Sherwood Glen in Wichita.
Sunset Knoll is similar to Fairfax, Matlock Heights and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
Surrey Heights is similar to Fabrique, North Central and El Pueblo in Wichita.
Sweetwater is similar to North Central, Fabrique and Southwest Wichita in Wichita.
Talasera is similar to Huntleigh, Harbor Isle and Moorings in Wichita.
Tatum Highlands is similar to South Area, Sandpiper Bay and Northwest Big River in Wichita.
Tatum Ranch is similar to Indian Hills Riverbend, Benjamin Hills and Northwest Big River in Wichita.
Tatum Ridge is similar to Northridge Lakes, South Area and South Seneca in Wichita.
Terracita is similar to Sterling Farms, Longview and North Central in Wichita.
Thoroughbred Farms is similar to Fossil Rim Estates, Plumthicket and Barefoot Bay in Wichita.
Thunderbird East is similar to Hedgewood, Plumthicket and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Thunderbird Village is similar to Power, Planeview and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Tramonto is similar to Benjamin Hills, Indian Hills Riverbend and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
Triple Crown is similar to Evergreen, Sterling Farms and Stanley-Aley in Wichita.
Union Hills Estates is similar to Planeview, Colonial Oaks and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Upland Hills is similar to Waterford, Colonial Oaks and Maple Dunes in Wichita.
Valencia Acres is similar to Uptown, New Salem and College Hill in Wichita.
Valley View Manor is similar to Glen, Bradford and Hedgewood in Wichita.
Villa de Paz is similar to Oak Cliff, Cedar Lakes Village and Orchard Park in Wichita.
Village Meadows is similar to Evergreen, Indian Hills and Remington Place in Wichita.
Village at Aviano is similar to Rocky Creek, Cobblestone and Forest Lakes in Wichita.
Village at West Meadow is similar to Hedgewood and Planeview in Wichita.
Villages of Laveen Ranch is similar to El Pueblo, Fabrique and North Central in Wichita.
Vista Income Estates is similar to New Salem, Delano and South Central in Wichita.
Waltann is similar to McAdams, MacDonald and Grandview Heights in Wichita.
Wedgewood Park is similar to Fairfax, Matlock Heights and Oak Cliff in Wichita.
West Acres is similar to Whispering Brook, McAdams and Vickridge in Wichita.
West Phoenix is similar to El Pueblo, Fabrique and Fairfax in Wichita.
Western Meadows is similar to Whispering Brook, Vickridge and Rolling Hills in Wichita.
Westland Homesites is similar to El Pueblo, Fabrique and East Front in Wichita.
Westridge Shadows is similar to Oak Cliff, Fairfax and Cedar Lakes Village in Wichita.
Westwood Estates is similar to Fabrique, El Pueblo and North Central in Wichita.
Wier Estates is similar to South Central, Sleepy Hollow and Sunflower in Wichita.
Willo is similar to Old Town, The Elm and Historic Midtown in Wichita.
Willow Creek is similar to Hedgewood, Bradford and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Willows West is similar to Planeview, Power and Matlock Heights in Wichita.
Winona Park is similar to Fabrique, North Central and Sleepy Hollow in Wichita.
Woodridge is similar to Fairfax, Oak Cliff and Matlock Heights in Wichita.
Wormsers is similar to The Elm, Grandview Heights and Delano in Wichita.