This page shows which neighborhoods in Oklahoma City are similar to neighborhoods in Omaha.
Rents in Oklahoma City average $1 and are about the same as rents in Omaha.
Oklahoma City's Walk Score is 34, 14 points lower than Omaha's 48.
Oklahoma City has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Oklahoma City has a Transit Score of 17, Omaha's score is 24. Oklahoma City's Bike Score is 40, Omaha's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that are similar to Omaha, Nebraska neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
10-18 Neighborhood Watch is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Highland South in Omaha.
38th Street Preservation is similar to Dahlman, Underwood Avenue and Dundee in Omaha.
50 Penn West is similar to Skylark - Cryer, West Dodge and Crescent Oaks in Omaha.
50th and Sooner is similar to Brook Hollow in Omaha.
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Airline is similar to Morton Park, Robin Hill and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Airpark is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Akers Park is similar to Eagle Run, Ridges and Bent Creek in Omaha.
Apple Valley is similar to Pacific Point in Omaha.
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Aurora is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Avalon Woods is similar to Hartman Avenue, Millard Heights and Raven Oaks in Omaha.
Bartlett is similar to Bay Shores, Raven Oaks and Brook Hollow in Omaha.
Belle Isle View is similar to Morton Meadows, Dahlman and Disney in Omaha.
Big Cedar is similar to Lake Shore, Fontenelle View and Summerwood in Omaha.
Blue Quail is similar to Pacific Point, Brook Hollow and Bay Shores in Omaha.
Blue Quail Ridge is similar to Lake Shore, Fontenelle View and Summerwood in Omaha.
Bluff Creek is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Boeking Acres is similar to Bent Creek, Seville and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Bradford Gardens Corp is similar to Rockbrook, Broadmoor Heights - Golden Valley and Eagle Run in Omaha.
Brandywine is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Summerwood in Omaha.
Brasswood is similar to Cherry Hills, Rambleridge and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Brenton Hills is similar to West Fairacres, Hartman Avenue and Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges in Omaha.
Briarcreek is similar to Applewood Heights, South Shore Heights and Piedmont Wycliffe in Omaha.
Briarwood Circle is similar to Prospect Hill, Fontenelle View and Lincoln Heights in Omaha.
Briarwood Estates is similar to Fort Redman and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Britton is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Britton Court Yard is similar to Mockingbird Hills West, Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown and Dahlman in Omaha.
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Britton Place is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Wakonda in Omaha.
Broadway Park is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, South Shore Heights and Piedmont Wycliffe in Omaha.
Brookhaven West is similar to Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View, Rose Gardens Estate and Park West in Omaha.
Burendale Heights North is similar to Raven Oaks, Skyline Ranches and Millard Heights in Omaha.
Burntwood Mobile Home is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, Northwest Community Council and Millard Heights in Omaha.
Bush Hills is similar to Riverview, Little Italy and Westbrook in Omaha.
CEENA is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Benson in Omaha.
Cambridge Park is similar to Summerwood, Piedmont Wycliffe and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Camelot Bel-Aire is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Mockingbird Hills West and Southside Terrace in Omaha.
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Camelot Estates is similar to Maple Village, Southside Terrace and Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown in Omaha.
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Camelot Estates Townhomes is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Dahlman and Southside Terrace in Omaha.
Canyon North is similar to Cherry Hills, Indian Hills South and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Capitol Hill is similar to Highland Park, Field Club and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Capitol View is similar to Cornish Heights, Southside Terrace and Blackstone in Omaha.
Carverdale is similar to Fontenelle View, Lake Shore and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Central Capitol Hill is similar to Lynch Park, Morton Meadows and Columbus Park in Omaha.
Central Park is similar to Highland Park, Indian Hills South and Field Club in Omaha.
Chadbrooke North is similar to Applewood Heights, Fort Redman and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Chisholm Creek is similar to Applewood Heights, Willow Wood and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Classen North Highland Park is similar to Lincoln Heights, Conestoga Place and North Omaha in Omaha.
Classen-Ten-Penn is similar to Southside Terrace, Dahlman and Joslyn Castle in Omaha.
Classic Corbin Park is similar to Indian Hills South, Military Avenue and Benson in Omaha.
Cleveland UCD is similar to Indian Hills South, Highland Park and Field Club in Omaha.
Cloverleaf is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
College Park is similar to Morton Park, Cherry Hills and Highland South in Omaha.
Copper Creek is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Corbin Hills is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Coronado Heights is similar to Southside Terrace, Dahlman and Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown in Omaha.
Corridor South is similar to Dundee, Underwood Avenue and Dahlman in Omaha.
Cougar Ridge is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Council Heights is similar to Rose Gardens Estate, Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown and Hillsborough in Omaha.
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Country Hollow is similar to Applewood Heights, Cherry Hills and Piedmont Wycliffe in Omaha.
Crestline Park-Southbrook is similar to Paddock Road, Burlington Road and Skylark - Cryer in Omaha.
Creston Hills South is similar to Clairmont Heights, Waverly Park and Morton Park in Omaha.
Crestwood is similar to Clairmont Heights, Military Avenue and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Crown Hts. - Edgemere Hts. is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Disney in Omaha.
Culbertson is similar to Southside Terrace, Dahlman and Miller Park - Minne-Lusa in Omaha.
Culbertson East Highland is similar to Southside Terrace, Orchard Park and Maple Village in Omaha.
Del Mar Laning is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, South Shore Heights and Fountain Hills - Pacific Meadows in Omaha.
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Denniston Park is similar to Military Avenue, Clairmont Heights and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Douglas Edgemere is similar to Disney, Oak Heights and Dahlman in Omaha.
Downtown is similar to Gifford Park, Old Market and Park East in Omaha.
Draper Park is similar to Dahlman, Southside Terrace and Dundee in Omaha.
Eagle Crest is similar to Applewood Heights, Fort Redman and Highland South in Omaha.
Eagle Hill is similar to Applewood Heights, Highland South and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Eagle Lake Estates is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Eagle Ridge North is similar to South Shore Heights in Omaha.
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Eagle Ridge South is similar to Lake Shore in Omaha.
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Edgemere Park is similar to Morton Park, Robin Hill and Clairmont Heights in Omaha.
Edgewater Park is similar to Rambleridge, Park West and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Edgewater-Lakepointe is similar to Maple Village, Orchard Park and Woodlyn Park in Omaha.
Edwards Community is similar to Minne-Lusa Blvd, Fontenelle View and Lake Shore in Omaha.
Embassy West is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, Summerwood and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Epworth is similar to Market West, Southside Terrace and Leavenworth in Omaha.
FBIR is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Field Club in Omaha.
Fisher Square is similar to Disney, Field Club and Benson in Omaha.
Fox Run is similar to Cherry Hills, Highland South and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Frequent Flyers is similar to Cherry Hills, Highland South and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Frolich Meadows Estates is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Summerwood in Omaha.
Garden Neighborhood Council is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, Hartman Avenue and Northwest Community Council in Omaha.
Gatewood UCD is similar to Highland Park, Dundee and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Glen Eagles is similar to Rambleridge, Bent Creek and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Glen Oaks Residential is similar to Fort Redman, Cherry Hills and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Glenbrook is similar to Orchard Park, Skylark - Cryer and Indian Hills Village in Omaha.
Granada Village Mobile Home Park is similar to Bent Creek, Rambleridge and Greenfields in Omaha.
Grand Portland is similar to Field Club, Monmouth Park and Q Merchants in Omaha.
Green Valley is similar to Summerwood, Piedmont Wycliffe and Fountain Hills - Pacific Meadows in Omaha.
Greenbriar Kingspark is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Maple Village and Woodlyn Park in Omaha.
Greenvale is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Highland South in Omaha.
Hardy Acres is similar to Skyline Ranches and Raven Oaks in Omaha.
Harvest Hills is similar to Rose Gardens Estate, Hillsborough and Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown in Omaha.
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Hefner Village is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Helm Farm is similar to Blackstone, Underwood Avenue and Dundee in Omaha.
Heritage Hills East is similar to Southside Terrace, Dahlman and Aksarben - Elmwood Park in Omaha.
Heronville is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Highland Hills is similar to Cornish Heights, Blackstone and Aksarben - Elmwood Park in Omaha.
Highland Park is similar to Northwest Community Council and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Highlander Community South is similar to Indian Hills South, Southside Terrace and Dahlman in Omaha.
Hillcrest is similar to Cherry Hills, Indian Hills South and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Hilldale is similar to Dahlman, Southside Terrace and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Historic Brookhaven is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Benson Gardens and Mockingbird Hills West in Omaha.
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Hunters Green is similar to Minne-Lusa Blvd, Ford Birthsite and Metcalfe Park in Omaha.
Industrial Heights is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Karen Western in Omaha.
Jackson is similar to Clifton Hills, Benson and Field Club in Omaha.
John F. Kennedy is similar to Maple Village, Paddock Road and Orchard Park in Omaha.
John Glenn is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Karen Western in Omaha.
Kimberly Place is similar to Applewood Heights, Fort Redman and Willow Wood in Omaha.
Kingscreek is similar to Summerwood, Bryn Mawr and Pacific Heights in Omaha.
Kingsridge is similar to Park West, Rose Gardens Estate and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Knights Lake is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Karen Western in Omaha.
Lake Hefner is similar to Oak Hills, Sunridge and Social Settlement in Omaha.
Lake Ridge is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Lakeaire is similar to Fontenelle View, Piedmont Wycliffe and Summerwood in Omaha.
Lakeaire Estates North is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Karen Western in Omaha.
Lakehurst is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Lakeridge Run is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Highland South in Omaha.
Lakeshore Estates is similar to Clairmont Heights, Morton Park and Brown Park in Omaha.
Lakeside is similar to Dahlman, Dundee and Underwood Avenue in Omaha.
Lakeview is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Maple Village and Southside Terrace in Omaha.
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Lansbrook is similar to Piedmont Wycliffe, Summerwood and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Las Vegas is similar to Highland Park, Field Club and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Lewellan's Royal Oaks is similar to Malcolm X, Lake Shore and Crown Point in Omaha.
Lexington is similar to Lake Shore, Fontenelle View and Wakonda in Omaha.
Liberty Creek is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Lincoln Terrace is similar to Cornish Heights, Blackstone and Indian Hills Village in Omaha.
Linwood Place is similar to Indian Hills South, Highland Park and Field Club in Omaha.
Little Acres is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Lost Creek is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, South Shore Heights and Summerwood in Omaha.
Lumberman is similar to South Shore Heights, Northwest Community Council and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Lyons Park is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Field Club in Omaha.
Madole Hillcrest Green is similar to Hanscom Park, Rambleridge and Lee Valley in Omaha.
Martin Luther King is similar to Waverly Park, Clairmont Heights and Orchard Hill in Omaha.
May-Penn is similar to Indian Hills South, Disney and Benson in Omaha.
Mayfair Heights is similar to Dundee, Dahlman and Highland Park in Omaha.
Mayfair West is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Mayfield is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Mayridge is similar to Morton Park, Fontenelle View and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Mayview is similar to Montclair West, CPL and Oak Heights in Omaha.
McCourry Heights is similar to Raven Oaks, Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges and Hartman Avenue in Omaha.
Meadowbrook Acres is similar to Blackstone, Aksarben - Elmwood Park and Southside Terrace in Omaha.
Meadowcliff is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Highland South in Omaha.
Meadowcreek is similar to Rambleridge, Park West and Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View in Omaha.
Meadowridge Estates is similar to Summerwood, South Shore Heights and Piedmont Wycliffe in Omaha.
Meadows at River Bend is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, Lake Shore and Millard Heights in Omaha.
Medical Community is similar to Southside Terrace, Aksarben - Elmwood Park and West Dodge in Omaha.
Meridian Hills-Manor is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Pacific Heights in Omaha.
Mesta Park is similar to Dundee, Joslyn Castle and Leavenworth in Omaha.
Metro Park is similar to Cornish Heights, Gifford Park and Southside Terrace in Omaha.
Milam Place is similar to Highland Park, Field Club and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Miller is similar to Indian Hills South, Military Avenue and Clairmont Heights in Omaha.
Mulholland is similar to Pacific Point in Omaha.
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Musgrave is similar to Rambleridge, Cherry Hills and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Musgrave-Pennington is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clairmont Heights in Omaha.
NOVA is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Park West in Omaha.
North Coronado Heights is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Benson in Omaha.
North Country Estates is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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North Creston Hills is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Rambleridge in Omaha.
North East 58th Street West is similar to Wakonda, Saddle Hills and Brook Hollow in Omaha.
North Highland is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Northgate is similar to Meadowbrook, Horizons and Paddock Road in Omaha.
Northhaven is similar to Piedmont Wycliffe, Applewood Heights and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Northridge is similar to Indian Hills South, Cherry Hills and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Northwood is similar to Applewood Heights, Cherry Hills and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Northwood Lake Estates is similar to Pacific Point, Wakonda and Bay Shores in Omaha.
Oak Grove is similar to Fort Redman, Cherry Hills and Highland South in Omaha.
Oakwood is similar to Morton Park, Fontenelle View and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Ole Windmill Estates is similar to Applewood Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Oliver Park South is similar to Indian Hills South, Cherry Hills and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Original Military Park is similar to Military Avenue, Clairmont Heights and Waverly Park in Omaha.
Park Estates North is similar to Hanscom Park, Rambleridge and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Parkview is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Parmelee is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Paseo is similar to Dundee, Highland Park and Underwood Avenue in Omaha.
Patco Village is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Summerwood in Omaha.
Penn Park is similar to Cherry Hills, Indian Hills South and Highland South in Omaha.
Penn South is similar to Hanscom Park, Park West and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Pennington is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Pennville is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Highland Park in Omaha.
Persimmon Hill is similar to Skyline Ranches, Raven Oaks and Hartman Avenue in Omaha.
Pitts Park is similar to Clifton Hills, Hanscom Park and Benson in Omaha.
Prairie Queen is similar to Morton Park, Robin Hill and Ford Birthsite in Omaha.
Preston Hills is similar to Rambleridge, Cherry Hills and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Purdue Place is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Putnam Heights is similar to Q Merchants, E. R. Danner and Mockingbird Hills in Omaha.
Putnam Heights West is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Quail Creek is similar to Park West, Cherry Hills and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Rambling Acres is similar to South Shore Heights in Omaha.
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Rancho Village is similar to Morton Park, Clairmont Heights and Waverly Park in Omaha.
Ranchwood Villas is similar to Northwest Community Council, Prospect Hill and Social Settlement in Omaha.
Ravenswood is similar to Rambleridge, Northwest Omaha and Lee Valley in Omaha.
Red Oak is similar to Wedgewood, Kimberly Place and Candlewood in Omaha.
Redbud Estates is similar to Applewood Heights, Fort Redman and Highland South in Omaha.
Redlands is similar to Cherry Hills, Rambleridge and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Reed Park is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Remington is similar to Rambleridge, Seville and Bent Creek in Omaha.
Ridgeview Estates is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Rivendell is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
River Oaks is similar to Raven Oaks, Skyline Ranches and Millard Heights in Omaha.
Riverside is similar to Horizons, Florence Boulevard and Burlington Road in Omaha.
Roberts-Crest is similar to Dahlman, Dundee and Underwood Avenue in Omaha.
Rock Knoll is similar to Morton Park, Robin Hill and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Rock Manor Estates is similar to Brook Hollow, Pacific Point and Bay Shores in Omaha.
Rock Springs is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Rockwood is similar to Hanscom Park, Rambleridge and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Rollingwood is similar to Cherry Hills, Indian Hills South and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Rosedale Gardens is similar to Lake Shore, Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges and Bryn Mawr in Omaha.
Ross Heights is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Roxboro is similar to South Shore Heights, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Royal Oaks is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Oak Brook in Omaha.
Seminole Pointe is similar to Piedmont Wycliffe, South Shore Heights and Fountain Hills - Pacific Meadows in Omaha.
Sequoyah is similar to Ford Birthsite, Morton Park and Robin Hill in Omaha.
Shallow Brook is similar to Rambleridge, Lee Valley and Northwest Omaha in Omaha.
Shepherd Historic District is similar to Blackstone, Southside Terrace and Dahlman in Omaha.
Shidler-Wheeler is similar to Cherry Hills, Hanscom Park and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Shields Robinson South is similar to Ford Birthsite, Morton Park and Central Park in Omaha.
Shields-Davis is similar to Hanscom Park, Rambleridge and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Silver Creek is similar to Lake Shore and Wakonda in Omaha.
Silver Lake is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Summerwood in Omaha.
Silver Tree is similar to Cherry Hills, Indian Hills South and Walnut Grove in Omaha.
Ski Island Lake Club is similar to Lake Shore, Bryn Mawr and Pacific Heights in Omaha.
Sky Line is similar to Fontenelle View, Morton Park and Ford Birthsite in Omaha.
Skyview Village is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Benson in Omaha.
South Lindsey is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Rambleridge in Omaha.
South Park Estates is similar to Fort Redman, Cherry Hills and Highland South in Omaha.
South Pointe Estates is similar to Pacific Point in Omaha.
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South Walker is similar to Indian Hills South, Hanscom Park and Benson in Omaha.
South West 60th is similar to Cherry Hills, Highland South and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Southern Hills is similar to Southside Terrace, Dahlman and Aksarben - Elmwood Park in Omaha.
Southern Oaks is similar to Dahlman, Indian Hills South and Westgate in Omaha.
Southridge - Shadowlake is similar to Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View, Rambleridge and Park West in Omaha.
Southwestern is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Field Club in Omaha.
Spring Creek is similar to South Shore Heights, Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges and Summerwood in Omaha.
Spring Valley Estates is similar to Pointe in Omaha.
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Springbrook is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Walnut Grove in Omaha.
Springdale is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Springfield is similar to Prospect Hill, Fontenelle View and Northwest Community Council in Omaha.
Springlake is similar to Northwest Omaha, Southside Acres and Kimberly Place in Omaha.
Stockyards City Main Street is similar to E. R. Danner, Prairie Lane and Q Merchants in Omaha.
Stone Meadows is similar to Lake Shore in Omaha.
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Stonebridge Lake Estates is similar to Pacific Point and Crown Point in Omaha.
Stonebridge West is similar to Lake Shore in Omaha.
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Stonegate is similar to Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown, Disney and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Stoneridge is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Park West in Omaha.
Suggs Park is similar to Ford Birthsite, Morton Park and Fontenelle View in Omaha.
Summerfield is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Summit Parke is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges in Omaha.
Summit Place is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Surrey Hills is similar to Millard Heights, Lake Shore and Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges in Omaha.
Taylor Park is similar to Southside Terrace, Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown and Maple Village in Omaha.
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The Crossing is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
The Eagles is similar to Applewood Heights, Fort Redman and Willow Wood in Omaha.
The Greens is similar to Orchard Park in Omaha.
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The Meadows is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges and Lake Shore in Omaha.
The Oaks is similar to Willow Wood, Fort Redman and Linden Park in Omaha.
The Valley is similar to Lake Shore, Wakonda and Fontenelle View in Omaha.
The Village Green is similar to Fort Redman, Cherry Hills and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Top of the Town is similar to Rambleridge, Cherry Hills and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Trailswest is similar to Raven Oaks, Skyline Ranches and Millard Heights in Omaha.
Treadwell Hills is similar to Oakdale, Oak Brook and Northwest Omaha in Omaha.
Val Verde is similar to Applewood Heights, Cherry Hills and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Van Buren is similar to Bent Creek, Greenfields and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
Venice is similar to Highland Park, Field Club and Lynch Park in Omaha.
Vintage Gardens is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Fountain Hills - Pacific Meadows in Omaha.
Walnut Creek Estates is similar to Hanscom Park, Park West and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Warwick Estates is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Rambleridge in Omaha.
Watchful Eyes is similar to Indian Hills South, Clairmont Heights and Waverly Park in Omaha.
Waterfront at Oakmond is similar to Northwest Omaha, Greenfields and Lee Valley in Omaha.
Wellington Park is similar to Rambleridge, Hanscom Park and Cherry Hills in Omaha.
West 10th is similar to Hanscom Park, Indian Hills South and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
West Watch is similar to Cherry Hills, Applewood Heights and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Westbrooke Estates is similar to Chapel Hill and Rogers Ridges, Applewood Heights and South Shore Heights in Omaha.
Westbury is similar to Applewood Heights, Cherry Hills and Fort Redman in Omaha.
Westbury South is similar to Lake Shore, Summerwood and Bryn Mawr in Omaha.
Western Hills is similar to Field Club, Lynch Park and Montclair West in Omaha.
Western Village-Pied Piper is similar to Cherry Hills, Morton Park and Indian Hills South in Omaha.
Westgate is similar to Bay Shores, Brook Hollow and Saddle Hills in Omaha.
Westlawn Gardens is similar to Meadowbrook, Florence Boulevard and Horizons in Omaha.
Westmoor is similar to Fontenelle View in Omaha.
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Whitehall is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Wildewood is similar to Pacific Point, Crown Point and Lake Shore in Omaha.
Wildewood Hills-Heights is similar to Rambleridge, Hanscom Park and Park West in Omaha.
Wilemans Belle Isle is similar to Hanscom Park, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Willow Creek is similar to South Shore Heights, Piedmont Wycliffe and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Wilshire Ridge is similar to Pheasant Run, Stonybrook and Woodlyn Park in Omaha.
Winds West is similar to Bent Creek, Rambleridge and Greentree - Iron Ridge - Tranquility View in Omaha.
Windsor Forest is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Highland Park in Omaha.
Windsor Highland is similar to Fontenelle View, Morton Park and Prospect Hill in Omaha.
Windsor Hills is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Windsor Lakes is similar to Mockingbird Hills West, Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown and Maple Village in Omaha.
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Windsor Oaks is similar to Indian Hills South, Disney and Benson in Omaha.
Wingspread is similar to Cherry Hills, Fort Redman and Applewood Heights in Omaha.
Woodland Park is similar to Southside Terrace, Aksarben - Elmwood Park and West Dodge in Omaha.
Woods Block Club is similar to Wakonda, Northwest Community Council and Bryn Mawr in Omaha.
Youngs-Englewood is similar to Indian Hills South, Benson and Clifton Hills in Omaha.
Zachary Taylor is similar to Maple Village, Stonybrook and Montclair Trendwood Parkside and Georgetown in Omaha.