This page shows which neighborhoods in Oakland are similar to neighborhoods in Sacramento.
Rents in Oakland average $1 and are about the same as rents in Sacramento.
Oakland's Walk Score is 75, 26 points higher than Sacramento's 49.
Oakland has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Oakland has a Transit Score of 57, Sacramento's score is 34. Oakland's Bike Score is 65, Sacramento's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in Oakland, California that are similar to Sacramento, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acorn is similar to Curtis Park in Sacramento.
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Acorn Industrial is similar to Old North Sacramento in Sacramento.
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Allendale is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Arroyo Viejo is similar to Mangan Park, North Oak Park and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Bartlett is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and Noralto in Sacramento.
Bella Vista is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Brookfield Village is similar to Tallac Village, Colonial Village and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Bushrod is similar to Midtown and Curtis Park in Sacramento.
Caballo Hills is similar to Little Pocket, Westlake and Strawberry Manor in Sacramento.
Castlemont is similar to South City Farms, South Oak Park and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Chabot Park is similar to Sundance Lake, Little Pocket and Robla in Sacramento.
Claremont Elmwood is similar to North City Farms, North Oak Park and Fruitridge Manor in Sacramento.
Clawson is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Cleveland Heights is similar to North Oak Park, Hollywood Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Clinton is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Coliseum is similar to Mangan Park, North Oak Park and South City Farms in Sacramento.
Coliseum Industrial Complex is similar to Southern Pacific - Richards in Sacramento.
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Columbia Gardens is similar to Brentwood, Hagginwood and East Del Paso Heights in Sacramento.
Cox is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Crestmont is similar to Tahoe Park East, Colonial Village North and Natomas Crossing in Sacramento.
Crocker Highlands is similar to Noralto, Hagginwood and Brentwood in Sacramento.
Cypress Village is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Durant Manor is similar to Noralto, South City Farms and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
East Peralta is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Eastmont is similar to Mangan Park, South City Farms and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Eastmont Hills is similar to Brentwood, Hagginwood and Riverlake in Sacramento.
Elmhurst Park is similar to Central Oak Park, North City Farms and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Embarcadero is similar to Southern Pacific - Richards in Sacramento.
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Fairfax is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Fairview Park is similar to Old North Sacramento and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Fitchburg is similar to Curtis Park and Midtown in Sacramento.
Foothill Square is similar to Land Park, North City Farms and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Forestland is similar to Natomas Creek, Willow Creek and Westlake in Sacramento.
Fremont is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Frick is similar to Hollywood Park, Mangan Park and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Gaskill is similar to Hollywood Park, North Oak Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Glen Highlands is similar to Willow Creek and Richardson Village in Sacramento.
Glenview is similar to Hollywood Park, Mangan Park and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Golden Gate is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Grand Lake is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Midtown in Sacramento.
Harrington is similar to North Oak Park, Central Oak Park and Old North Sacramento in Sacramento.
Harrison St-Oakland Ave is similar to Midtown in Sacramento.
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Havenscourt is similar to North Oak Park, Hollywood Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Hegenberger is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Highland is similar to North City Farms, North Oak Park and Old North Sacramento in Sacramento.
Highland Park is similar to South City Farms, Tahoe Park and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Highland Terrace is similar to South City Farms, South Oak Park and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Hoover-Foster is similar to North Oak Park and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Iveywood is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Ivy Hill is similar to Mangan Park, Hollywood Park and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Jefferson is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Jingletown is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Koreatown-Northgate is similar to Midtown in Sacramento.
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Lakeshore is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Las Palmas is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and Colonial Heights in Sacramento.
Laurel is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Leona Heights is similar to South Land Park Terrace, Hagginwood and Little Pocket in Sacramento.
Lincoln Highlands is similar to East Del Paso Heights, Brentwood and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Lockwood-Tevis is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Longfellow is similar to North Oak Park and Old North Sacramento in Sacramento.
Lower Dimond is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Lynn is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Maxwell Park is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
McClymonds is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Meadow Brook is similar to North Oak Park, Hollywood Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Melrose is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Merriwood is similar to Willow Creek, Little Pocket and Westlake in Sacramento.
Mills College is similar to Elmhurst, Tahoe Park East and Natomas Crossing in Sacramento.
Millsmont is similar to Tallac Village, South City Farms and Tahoe Park in Sacramento.
Montclair is similar to Upper Land Park, Colonial Village North and Del Paso Heights in Sacramento.
Mosswood is similar to Curtis Park and Midtown in Sacramento.
North Stonehurst is similar to Central Oak Park, North Oak Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Oak Center is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Oak Knoll Golf Links is similar to South Land Park Terrace, Hagginwood and Willis Acres in Sacramento.
Oakmore is similar to South Hagginwood, Gardenland and Tahoe Park in Sacramento.
Paradise Park is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Patten is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Peralta Hacienda is similar to Mangan Park, North Oak Park and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Piedmont Avenue is similar to Midtown in Sacramento.
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Piedmont Pines is similar to Little Pocket, Westlake and Willow Creek in Sacramento.
Prescott is similar to Old North Sacramento, North City Farms and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Ralph Bunche is similar to Hollywood Park, Old North Sacramento and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Rancho San Antonio is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Redwood Heights is similar to Hagginwood, Brentwood and Noralto in Sacramento.
Reservoir Hill is similar to North City Farms, Old North Sacramento and Lawrence Park in Sacramento.
Rockridge is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Santa Fe is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Central Oak Park in Sacramento.
Sausal Creek is similar to North Oak Park, Hollywood Park and Old North Sacramento in Sacramento.
School is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Seminary is similar to North Oak Park, Hollywood Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
Sequoyah is similar to Little Pocket, Westlake and Willow Creek in Sacramento.
Shafter is similar to Old North Sacramento, Midtown and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Sheffield is similar to Richardson Village, Noralto and South Land Park Terrace in Sacramento.
Shepherd Canyon is similar to Little Pocket, Westlake and Willow Creek in Sacramento.
Skyline-Hillcrest Estates is similar to Little Pocket and Westlake in Sacramento.
Sobrante Park is similar to Tahoe South Park, South East and Parkway in Sacramento.
South Prescott is similar to South City Farms, Hollywood Park and Mangan Park in Sacramento.
South Stonehurst is similar to Land Park, Gardenland and Upper Land Park in Sacramento.
Toler Heights is similar to Tahoe Park, South City Farms and Brentwood in Sacramento.
Trestle Glen is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and Colonial Heights in Sacramento.
Tuxedo is similar to South City Farms, Tallac Village and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Upper Dimond is similar to North Oak Park, Old North Sacramento and Hollywood Park in Sacramento.
Upper Laurel is similar to Mangan Park, Hollywood Park and North Oak Park in Sacramento.
Upper Rockridge is similar to Upper Land Park, Tahoe Park East and East Del Paso Heights in Sacramento.
Webster is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Wentworth Holland is similar to South City Farms, Mangan Park and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Woodland is similar to Old North Sacramento, North Oak Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Woodminster is similar to Sundance Lake, Oak Knoll and Little Pocket in Sacramento.