This page shows which neighborhoods in Oakland are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.
Rents in Oakland average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.
Oakland's Walk Score is 75, 29 points higher than Dallas's 46.
Oakland has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Oakland has a Transit Score of 57, Dallas's score is 39. Oakland's Bike Score is 65, Dallas's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Oakland, California that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acorn is similar to Glencoe Park, Deep Ellum and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Acorn Industrial is similar to Deep Ellum, Glencoe Park and Cedars in Dallas.
Adams Point is similar to Glencoe Park, North Oaklawn and Oak Lawn in Dallas.
Allendale is similar to Kings Highway Conservation District, Botello and Old East Dallas in Dallas.
Arroyo Viejo is similar to Botello, Kidd Springs and Roseland in Dallas.
Bartlett is similar to El Tivoli Place, L. O. Daniel and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Bella Vista is similar to El Tivoli Place, Botello and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Brookfield Village is similar to El Tivoli Place, Kessler Plaza and Beverly Hills in Dallas.
Bushrod is similar to Glencoe Park, Oak Lawn and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Caballo Hills is similar to Mountain Creek, Parkdale-Lawnview and Casa Linda in Dallas.
Castlemont is similar to Kessler Plaza, Botello and Beverly Hills in Dallas.
Chabot Park is similar to Cockrell Hill, Royal Northaven and Preston Hollow East in Dallas.
Claremont Elmwood is similar to M Streets, Bent Tree West and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Clawson is similar to Roseland, Glencoe Park and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Cleveland Heights is similar to Botello, Roseland and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Coliseum is similar to Bryan Place, Botello and M Streets in Dallas.
Coliseum Industrial Complex is similar to Cedars and Fort Worth Avenue in Dallas.
Columbia Gardens is similar to Piedmont, Casa Linda-Casa View and Northwood Hills in Dallas.
Cox is similar to Botello, El Tivoli Place and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Crestmont is similar to Redbird, Kingsbridge Crossing and Cockrell Hill in Dallas.
Crocker Highlands is similar to Claremont, L. O. Daniel and Lakewood Heights in Dallas.
Cypress Village is similar to Bryan Place, Roseland and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Durant Manor is similar to L. O. Daniel, Mill City and El Tivoli Place in Dallas.
East Peralta is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Eastmont is similar to Botello, Kings Highway Conservation District and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Eastmont Hills is similar to Piedmont, Owenwood and Five Mile Creek in Dallas.
Elmhurst Park is similar to M Streets, Kidd Springs and Roseland in Dallas.
Embarcadero is similar to Cedars in Dallas.
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Fairfax is similar to El Tivoli Place, Kings Highway Conservation District and Kessler Plaza in Dallas.
Fairview Park is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Fitchburg is similar to Deep Ellum, Glencoe Park and Oak Lawn in Dallas.
Foothill Square is similar to M Streets, Edgewood and Jubilee Park in Dallas.
Forestland is similar to Rylie, White Rock and Mountain Creek in Dallas.
Fremont is similar to Roseland, Botello and Lower Greenville in Dallas.
Frick is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and M Streets in Dallas.
Fruitvale Station is similar to Glencoe Park, Bryan Place and Roseland in Dallas.
Gaskill is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Glen Highlands is similar to Kimball, White Rock and Ledbetter Gardens in Dallas.
Glenview is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Golden Gate is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and M Streets in Dallas.
Grand Lake is similar to North Oaklawn, Glencoe Park and Roseland in Dallas.
Harrington is similar to Botello, Old East Dallas and Henderson in Dallas.
Harrison St-Oakland Ave is similar to Glencoe Park, North Oaklawn and Roseland in Dallas.
Havenscourt is similar to Botello, Roseland and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Hawthorne is similar to Glencoe Park, Bryan Place and Roseland in Dallas.
Hegenberger is similar to Botello, Kings Highway Conservation District and El Tivoli Place in Dallas.
Highland is similar to M Streets, Kidd Springs and Roseland in Dallas.
Highland Park is similar to Mill City, Jubilee Park and Edgewood in Dallas.
Highland Terrace is similar to Botello, El Tivoli Place and Beverly Hills in Dallas.
Hoover-Foster is similar to Bryan Place, Roseland and Botello in Dallas.
Iveywood is similar to Botello, Kings Highway Conservation District and Kessler Plaza in Dallas.
Jefferson is similar to Botello, Kings Highway Conservation District and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Jingletown is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Koreatown-Northgate is similar to Glencoe Park, Oak Lawn and Deep Ellum in Dallas.
Lakeshore is similar to North Oaklawn, Roseland and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Laney College is similar to Deep Ellum in Dallas.
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Las Palmas is similar to Jubilee Park, Edgewood and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Laurel is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and M Streets in Dallas.
Leona Heights is similar to Lane Park, Casa Linda and St. Philips in Dallas.
Lincoln Highlands is similar to Highlands North, Bertrand and Cedar Crest in Dallas.
Lockwood-Tevis is similar to Bryan Place, Botello and Jubilee Park in Dallas.
Longfellow is similar to Bryan Place, Roseland and Botello in Dallas.
Lower Dimond is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and M Streets in Dallas.
Lynn is similar to El Tivoli Place, Mill City and Kessler Plaza in Dallas.
Maxwell Park is similar to Kings Highway Conservation District, Kessler Plaza and Botello in Dallas.
McClymonds is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Meadow Brook is similar to Henderson, Botello and Old East Dallas in Dallas.
Melrose is similar to Roseland, Glencoe Park and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Merriwood is similar to Highland Hills, White Rock and Eastwood Estates in Dallas.
Mills College is similar to Fredrick Douglas, En'Core and White Rock Forest in Dallas.
Millsmont is similar to El Tivoli Place, Mill City and L. O. Daniel in Dallas.
Montclair is similar to Cochran Hollow, Preston Highlands and Inwood-Northwest in Dallas.
Mosswood is similar to Glencoe Park, Deep Ellum and Bryan Place in Dallas.
North Stonehurst is similar to Kidd Springs, Lower Greenville and Botello in Dallas.
Oak Center is similar to Bryan Place, Roseland and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Oak Knoll Golf Links is similar to Highland Hills, Casa Linda and Singing Hills in Dallas.
Oak Tree is similar to Glencoe Park, North Oaklawn and Henderson in Dallas.
Oakmore is similar to Highlands North, Bertrand and Jubilee Park in Dallas.
Paradise Park is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Botello in Dallas.
Patten is similar to Roseland, Botello and Lower Greenville in Dallas.
Peralta Hacienda is similar to Botello, Kidd Springs and Roseland in Dallas.
Piedmont Avenue is similar to Oak Lawn, Vickery and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Piedmont Pines is similar to Mountain Creek, White Rock and Royalwood Estate in Dallas.
Pill Hill is similar to Oak Lawn, Downtown and Deep Ellum in Dallas.
Prescott is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and M Streets in Dallas.
Produce and Waterfront is similar to Deep Ellum in Dallas.
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Ralph Bunche is similar to Bryan Place, Roseland and Edgewood in Dallas.
Rancho San Antonio is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Lower Greenville in Dallas.
Redwood Heights is similar to Mill City, Claremont and Lakewood Heights in Dallas.
Reservoir Hill is similar to M Streets, Glencoe Park and Roseland in Dallas.
Rockridge is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Saint Elizabeth is similar to Glencoe Park and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Santa Fe is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Bryan Place in Dallas.
Sausal Creek is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and Botello in Dallas.
School is similar to Botello, Roseland and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Seminary is similar to Botello, Henderson and Old East Dallas in Dallas.
Sequoyah is similar to Mountain Creek, White Rock and Royalwood Estate in Dallas.
Shafter is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Sheffield is similar to RUFCO, Windsor Park and Kessler in Dallas.
Shepherd Canyon is similar to Royalwood Estate, Mountain Creek and White Rock in Dallas.
Skyline-Hillcrest Estates is similar to Mountain Creek in Dallas.
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Sobrante Park is similar to Cedar Crest, Oak Park Estates and Perryton Drive in Dallas.
South Kennedy is similar to Cedars in Dallas.
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South Prescott is similar to Edgewood, Jubilee Park and Bryan Place in Dallas.
South Stonehurst is similar to Wilshire Heights, Highlands North and White Rock Forest in Dallas.
Temescal is similar to Glencoe Park, Roseland and North Oaklawn in Dallas.
Toler Heights is similar to Mill City, Jubilee Park and Highlands North in Dallas.
Trestle Glen is similar to Mill City, Kessler Plaza and Kings Highway Conservation District in Dallas.
Tuxedo is similar to El Tivoli Place, Mill City and Kessler Plaza in Dallas.
Upper Dimond is similar to Roseland, Kidd Springs and M Streets in Dallas.
Upper Laurel is similar to Kidd Springs, Kings Highway Conservation District and Botello in Dallas.
Upper Rockridge is similar to Cochran Hollow, Dixon Branch and Lakeland Hills in Dallas.
Webster is similar to Botello, Kings Highway Conservation District and Old East Dallas in Dallas.
Wentworth Holland is similar to Kings Highway Conservation District, El Tivoli Place and Roseland in Dallas.
Woodland is similar to Roseland, M Streets and Kidd Springs in Dallas.
Woodminster is similar to Cockrell Hill, Preston Hollow East and Preston Hollow North in Dallas.