This page shows which neighborhoods in Milwaukee are similar to neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Rents in Milwaukee average $1 and are about the same as rents in Baltimore.
Milwaukee's Walk Score is 62, 2 points lower than Baltimore's 64.
Milwaukee has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Milwaukee has a Transit Score of 49, Baltimore's score is 53. Milwaukee's Bike Score is 58, Baltimore's score is 53.
Here are neighborhoods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that are similar to Baltimore, Maryland neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Alcott Park is similar to West Forest Park, Cedonia and Belair - Parkside in Baltimore.
Alverno is similar to Gwynns Falls, Curtis Bay and Beverly Hills in Baltimore.
Arlington Gardens is similar to Cameron Village, Winston - Govans and Central Forest Park in Baltimore.
Arlington Heights is similar to Richnor Springs, Hanlon Longwood and Pen Lucy in Baltimore.
Avenues West is similar to Charles Village, Fifteenth Street and Oakenshawe in Baltimore.
Baran Park is similar to Pimlico, Overlea and Towanda Park in Baltimore.
Bay View is similar to Chinquapin Park - Belvedere, Mid-Govans and Wyman Park in Baltimore.
Bluemound Heights is similar to Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway, Ramblewood and Glenham - Bedford in Baltimore.
Borchert Field is similar to Glen, Lakeland and Greektown in Baltimore.
Bradley Estates is similar to Armistead Gardens, Yale Heights and Cross Country in Baltimore.
Brewer's Hill is similar to East Baltimore Midway, Druid Heights and Union Square in Baltimore.
Brown Deer Park is similar to Middle Branch Park in Baltimore.
Less Similar
More Similar
Brynwood is similar to Tulaski Industrial Area, Druid Hill Park and Powder Mill Park in Baltimore.
Burnham Park is similar to Joseph Lee, Lexington and Baltimore Highlands in Baltimore.
Calumet Farms is similar to Wakefield, Hillsdale Park and Cold Spring in Baltimore.