This page shows which neighborhoods in Memphis are similar to neighborhoods in Arlington.
Rents in Memphis average $1 and are about the same as rents in Arlington.
Memphis's Walk Score is 35, 3 points lower than Arlington's 38.
Memphis has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Memphis has a Transit Score of 22, Arlington's score is 0. Memphis's Bike Score is 41, Arlington's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Memphis, Tennessee that are similar to Arlington, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
1300 Block Club of Tutwiler is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Lakewood and Woodland West in Arlington.
1700 Eldridge Street and Marble Avenue Block is similar to Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks, Emerald Park and Millbrook in Arlington.
1800 Wellington Street Block Club is similar to Waterway Park North and The Crossing at Ruidosa in Arlington.
35th Ward Civic Club is similar to Oak Hill, Parkview and Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks in Arlington.
40th Ward Civic Club is similar to Fannin Farm, Coldwater Creek and Oakbrook in Arlington.
48th Ward Civic Club is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Alcy-Ball is similar to Woodfield Arlington, Fossil Lake and Georgetown in Arlington.
Alma Street Club is similar to Valley Spring, Stoneridge and Colonial Estates in Arlington.
Alta Vista is similar to Fannin Farm, Coldwater Creek and Emerald Park in Arlington.
Alta Vista Stage is similar to Oakbrook, Coldwater Creek and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Annesdale Park is similar to Heart of Arlington, Graham Square and Woodland West in Arlington.
Annesdale-Snowden is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Auburn Ridge is similar to Oak Hill, Sherwood Knoll and Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Audoban Oaks is similar to Bay Club and Pine Grove in Arlington.
Audobon Square Condominiums is similar to Graham Square in Arlington.
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Audubon Park is similar to Fannin Farm, Emerald Park and Coldwater Creek in Arlington.
Autumn Ridge is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Balmoral is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Estates Above Wimbledon and Oak Hill in Arlington.
Barksdale and Cloverdale is similar to Waterway Park North and The Crossing at Ruidosa in Arlington.
Barry F. Homes is similar to Graham Square and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
Barton Heights Neighborhood Watch is similar to Emerald Park, Clubview and Parkview in Arlington.
Belle Meade is similar to Millbrook, Lake Port Meadows and Williams Place in Arlington.
Belleair Woods is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Forest Park Arlington in Arlington.
Beltline Civic Club is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Fielder Park and Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Bennington Park Neighborhood Watch Group is similar to Forestbrook, Oakbrook and Fossil Lake in Arlington.
Bethel Grove Community Organization is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Lakewood and Sherwood Knoll in Arlington.
Binghampton-Lester is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Bluebird Estate is similar to Eagle Chase, Meadow Vista and Nature's Glen in Arlington.
Bremington Place is similar to Wooded Acres in Arlington.
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Buckingham Farms is similar to Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
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Bunker Hill-Gaslight Square is similar to Wooded Acres in Arlington.
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Burlington is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Cameron Street Block Club is similar to Valley Spring, Forestbrook and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Carver Heights and Foxcraft Civic Club is similar to Mckamy Oaks and Shady Valley in Arlington.
Castalia - Parkway Block Club is similar to Villas of Tuscany, Lakewood and Stoneridge in Arlington.
Central Gardens is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Forest Park Arlington in Arlington.
Chapel Creek is similar to Lakewood, Parkview and Clubview in Arlington.
Cherokee Civic Club is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Coldwater Creek in Arlington.
Chicasaw Gardens is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Woodland West in Arlington.
Citizens Against Reckless Endangerment is similar to Meadow Vista, Hunter Point and Lynn Creek Village in Arlington.
Claremont Circle Block Club is similar to Colonial Estates in Arlington.
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College Park Neighborhood Watch is similar to Graham Square and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
Colonial Acres is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Sherwood Knoll and Fielder Park in Arlington.
Colonial View Civic Club is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Graham Square and Old Town in Arlington.
Concerned Citizens of West Junction is similar to Waterway Park North and The Crossing at Ruidosa in Arlington.
Concerned Neighbors United is similar to Lakewood, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
Cooper Young is similar to Heart of Arlington, Graham Square and Old Town in Arlington.
Cordova is similar to Mckamy Oaks and Forest Park Arlington in Arlington.
Coro Lake is similar to Deer Creek in Arlington.
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Countrywood is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Cresent Avenue is similar to Emerald Park, Clubview and Parkview in Arlington.
Cypresswood is similar to Villas on The Park, Waterway Park North and Hunter Bend in Arlington.
David Street Block Club is similar to Stoneridge, Valley Spring and Colonial Estates in Arlington.
Destiny Unlimited is similar to Heart of Arlington, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
Dottie-Sparks is similar to Waterway Park North and Colonial Estates in Arlington.
Douglas-Bungalow-Crump is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Fannin Farm and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Dunn Road is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Lakewood in Arlington.
East Buntyn is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
East Dison Street Block Club is similar to Emerald Park, Lake Port Village and Woodfield Arlington in Arlington.
East Midtown is similar to Graham Square and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
East Parkway is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Eastlawn - Crider - Pinecrest Block Club is similar to Forestbrook, Villas of Tuscany and Stoneridge in Arlington.
Eastwood Manor is similar to Lake Port Meadows, Millbrook and Enchanted Lake Estates in Arlington.
Edwin Circle is similar to South Davis in Arlington.
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Elliston Height Civic Club Neighborhood Watch is similar to Emerald Park, Coldwater Creek and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Evergreen Historic District is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Old Town in Arlington.
Fairhills is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Fairlawn is similar to Parkview, Clubview and Emerald Park in Arlington.
Fenwick Road is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Woodland West and Lakewood in Arlington.
Ford Road is similar to Eagle Chase, Hunter Point and Hidden Oaks in Arlington.
Fountain Court Block Club is similar to Colonial Estates in Arlington.
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Frayser is similar to Bay Springs, Waterwood Estates and Williams Place in Arlington.
Frayser Citizens Alert is similar to Prestonwood Estates Arlington, Eagle Chase and Hunter Bend in Arlington.
French Fort is similar to Shady Valley, Williams Place and Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks in Arlington.
Gardenview is similar to Fossil Lake, Woodfield Arlington and Lake Port Village in Arlington.
Glenview is similar to Colonial Estates, Valley Spring and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Glenview-Edgewood Manor is similar to Parkview, Clubview and Lakewood in Arlington.
Grahamwood is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Lakewood in Arlington.
Grandview is similar to Mckamy Oaks and Shady Valley in Arlington.
Green Meadows-Poplar Glen is similar to Villas of Tuscany, Parkview and Clubview in Arlington.
Greentrees is similar to Meadow Vista, Eagle Chase and Nature's Glen in Arlington.
Hadley and Prescott is similar to Stoneridge, Villas of Tuscany and Forestbrook in Arlington.
Hamilton Community Initiative is similar to Parkview, Clubview and Lakewood in Arlington.
Harbor Town is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Oakbrook and Coldwater Creek in Arlington.
Harbortown is similar to Oakbrook, Coldwater Creek and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Harris Circle Block Club is similar to Parkview, Clubview and Lakewood in Arlington.
Hawkins Mill Residents Associtaion is similar to Georgetown, Enchanted Lake Estates and Lake Port Meadows in Arlington.
Hebron Drive Neighborhood Watch is similar to Deer Creek and Wooded Acres in Arlington.
Hedge Hills is similar to Nature's Glen, Lynn Creek Village and Villas on The Park in Arlington.
Hedgemoor Civic Club is similar to Lake Port Meadows, Enchanted Lake Estates and Lake Port Village in Arlington.
Hein Park is similar to Valley Spring, Hunter Point and Forestbrook in Arlington.
Hollywood-Hyde Park-Springdale is similar to Lakewood, Parkview and Clubview in Arlington.
Holmes-Tulane is similar to Hilldale-Mintwood in Arlington.
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Holmesdale is similar to Villas on The Park, Waterway Park North and Meadow Vista in Arlington.
Hubbard Street Block Club is similar to Lakewood, Woodland West and Highland Park Arlington in Arlington.
Hunters Hollow is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Estates Above Wimbledon and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
Hunters Hollow South is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Imogene Heights is similar to Fannin Farm, Coldwater Creek and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Inman Cove Block Club is similar to Meadow Vista, Lynn Creek Village and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Joffre is similar to Forest Park Arlington, South Davis and Graham Square in Arlington.
Kendale is similar to Fossil Lake, Emerald Park and Forestbrook in Arlington.
Keswick-Stornaway is similar to Meadow Vista, Lynn Creek Village and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Kirby Trace is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Fannin Farm and Oak Hill in Arlington.
Lakewood Hills is similar to Deer Creek and Wooded Acres in Arlington.
Lambert Street Block Club is similar to Villas of Tuscany, Stoneridge and Forestbrook in Arlington.
Lantern Square Apartments is similar to Villas on The Park, Waterway Park North and Hunter Bend in Arlington.
Leath Street Club is similar to Clubview, Parkview and Villas of Tuscany in Arlington.
Longview Heights Civic Club is similar to Meadow Vista, Fossil Lake and Woodfield Arlington in Arlington.
Lundee is similar to Valley Spring, Colonial Estates and Meadow Vista in Arlington.
Magnolia Barksdale Civic Club is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Sherwood Knoll and Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Mallory Heights Community Club is similar to Clubview, Coldwater Creek and Highland Park Arlington in Arlington.
Memphis Defense Depot is similar to Oak Hill in Arlington.
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Mendenhall Estates is similar to Heart of Arlington, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
Messick Buntyn is similar to Heart of Arlington, Highland Park Arlington and Sherwood Knoll in Arlington.
Midland-Goodwyn is similar to Bay Club, Hidden Creek and Eagle Chase in Arlington.
Midtown-Central is similar to Graham Square and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
Mitchell Road is similar to Deer Creek and Wooded Acres in Arlington.
Montgomery Plaza is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Mt. Pisgah Concerned Citizens is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Oak Hill and Fielder Park in Arlington.
New Pathways is similar to South Davis in Arlington.
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Normal Station is similar to Graham Square, Heart of Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Normandy Meadows is similar to Enchanted Lake Estates, Georgetown and Lake Port Meadows in Arlington.
North Memphis Concerned Citizens is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Woodland West and Old Town in Arlington.
North Parkway Galloway Neighbor Watch is similar to Lakewood, Parkview and Clubview in Arlington.
Oakhaven-East Oakside is similar to Clubview, Parkview and Emerald Park in Arlington.
Old Hickory Hills Civic Club is similar to Coldwater Creek, Fannin Farm and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Orange Mound Civic Orgganization is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Lakewood in Arlington.
Pendleton Place Apartments is similar to Lakewood, Woodland West and Wimbledon on The Creek in Arlington.
Plaza Scenic Gardens is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Fielder Park and Old Town in Arlington.
Pleasant Acres is similar to Forest Park Arlington and Fielder Park in Arlington.
Poplar Highland is similar to Graham Square, Forest Park Arlington and Old Town in Arlington.
Poplar Ridge Farms is similar to Enchanted Lake Estates, Woodfield Arlington and Georgetown in Arlington.
Prospect Park - Rayner - Eloise Block Club is similar to Forestbrook, Emerald Park and Clubview in Arlington.
Quinn Street Block Club is similar to Forestbrook, Fossil Lake and Valley Spring in Arlington.
Raleigh-Ridge Park is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Mckamy Oaks and Sherwood Knoll in Arlington.
Rangeline is similar to Oakbrook, Coldwater Creek and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Red Acres is similar to Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks, Shady Valley and Oak Hill in Arlington.
Red Oaks is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Rhodes Hollywood Springdale Partnership is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Clubview and Parkview in Arlington.
Rhodes View is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Lakewood in Arlington.
Richmond Colony is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Ridgeway Estates Neighborhood Watch is similar to Fossil Lake, Meadow Vista and Valley Spring in Arlington.
Ridgeway Neighborhood Club is similar to Stoneridge, Villas of Tuscany and Pine Grove in Arlington.
Riverview is similar to Oakbrook, Coldwater Creek and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Rocky Point Road Corridor is similar to Bay Springs, Enchanted Lake Estates and Georgetown in Arlington.
Roseleigh is similar to Coldwater Creek, Oakbrook and Fannin Farm in Arlington.
Rozelle-Annesdale is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Lakewood in Arlington.
Saratoga Block Club is similar to Lakewood, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
Scenic Hills is similar to Nature's Glen, Woodfield Arlington and Enchanted Lake Estates in Arlington.
Scenic Hills Towne Council is similar to Hunter Bend, Prestonwood Estates Arlington and Hidden Oaks in Arlington.
Sea Isle Park is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Fielder Park and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Seminole Road is similar to Forestbrook, Stoneridge and Villas of Tuscany in Arlington.
Sheridan Street Block Club is similar to Wooded Acres and Deer Creek in Arlington.
Shofner - Alice Block Club is similar to Waterway Park North in Arlington.
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Sixty Point One Ward Civic Club is similar to Shady Valley, Oak Hill and Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks in Arlington.
Skylake is similar to Meadow Vista, Lynn Creek Village and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Snowden - Claybrook Block Club is similar to Woodland West, Heart of Arlington and Highland Park Arlington in Arlington.
South Bluffs is similar to Heart of Arlington, Highland Park Arlington and Woodland West in Arlington.
South Main Historic District is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Graham Square and Old Town in Arlington.
South Memphis Alliance and Regrowth Team is similar to Parkview, Clubview and Emerald Park in Arlington.
South Memphis Citizens United for Action is similar to Forestbrook, Villas of Tuscany and Stoneridge in Arlington.
South Third and Parkway is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Woodland West in Arlington.
Southeast Memphis is similar to Estates Above Wimbledon, Sherwood Knoll and Graham Square in Arlington.
Speedway Terrace is similar to Stoneridge, Villas of Tuscany and Forestbrook in Arlington.
Springhill Community Civic Club is similar to Fannin Farm, Coldwater Creek and Oakbrook in Arlington.
St. Nick is similar to Fielder Park, Estates Above Wimbledon and Forest Park Arlington in Arlington.
Stage Park Meadows is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Highland Park Arlington and Coldwater Creek in Arlington.
Texas Court is similar to Bay Club, Waterway Park North and Pine Grove in Arlington.
The Edge is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Old Town and Fielder Park in Arlington.
University of Memphis is similar to South Davis in Arlington.
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Valey Forge Civic League is similar to Coldwater Creek, Fannin Farm and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Valley Boulevard Block Club is similar to Bay Club, Villas on The Park and Hunter Point in Arlington.
Victor-Kerr is similar to Hunter Point, Meadow Vista and Valley Spring in Arlington.
Victorian Village is similar to Graham Square, Forest Park Arlington and Fielder Park in Arlington.
Village is similar to Lake Port Village, Millbrook and Emerald Park in Arlington.
Walker is similar to Emerald Park, Forestbrook and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Walnut Grove Lake is similar to Lake Port Meadows, Millbrook and Interlocken in Arlington.
Walton Lake is similar to Wimbledon on The Creek, Double Y Wooded Estates and Vellenga Acres in Arlington.
Washington Heights is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Lakewood and Parkview in Arlington.
Waynoka is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Fielder Park and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Weaver Road - Mt Pisgah Concerned Citizens is similar to Villas on The Park, Waterway Park North and Hidden Oaks in Arlington.
Wellington-Shadowlawn is similar to Valley Spring, Hunter Point and Meadow Vista in Arlington.
West End Block of Clower is similar to Wooded Acres and Deer Creek in Arlington.
Westhaven is similar to Waterway Park North, Villas on The Park and Hidden Oaks in Arlington.
Westlawn - Gavelston Block Club is similar to Stoneridge, Forestbrook and Villas of Tuscany in Arlington.
Westside is similar to Villas on The Park, Hidden Oaks and Nature's Glen in Arlington.
Westwood is similar to Hunter Point, Meadow Vista and Fossil Lake in Arlington.
Westwood Meadows is similar to Fannin Farm, Sherwood Knoll and Coldwater Creek in Arlington.
Westwood Shores is similar to Raintree and The Crossing at Ruidosa in Arlington.
Whispering Meadows is similar to Coldwater Creek, Fannin Farm and Oakbrook in Arlington.
White Station-Yates is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Mckamy Oaks and Fielder Park in Arlington.
Whitehaven Lane is similar to Waterwood Estates, Hidden Creek and Georgetown in Arlington.
Whitehaven View is similar to Sherwood Knoll, Coldwater Creek and Oakbrook in Arlington.
Whiteville - Alice Neighborhood Watch is similar to Waterway Park North, Colonial Estates and Meadow Vista in Arlington.
Williamsburg Colony is similar to Highland Park Arlington, Sherwood Knoll and Woodland West in Arlington.
Winchester Park is similar to Fielder Park, Forest Park Arlington and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.
Woodchase Homeowners Assn. is similar to Hilldale-Mintwood in Arlington.
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