This page shows which neighborhoods in Los Angeles are similar to neighborhoods in San Francisco.
Rents in Los Angeles average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Francisco.
Los Angeles's Walk Score is 69, 20 points lower than San Francisco's 89.
Los Angeles has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Los Angeles has a Transit Score of 53, San Francisco's score is 77. Los Angeles's Bike Score is 59, San Francisco's score is 72.
Here are neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California that are similar to San Francisco, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Atwater Village is similar to Sutro Heights, Merced Manor and Little Hollywood in San Francisco.
Boyle Heights is similar to Westwood Park, Bayview and Sutro Heights in San Francisco.
Brentwood is similar to Presidio National Park, India Basin and Lincoln Park-Fort Miley in San Francisco.
Central Alameda is similar to Bret Harte, Merced Manor and Sutro Heights in San Francisco.
Central San Pedro is similar to Parnassus Heights, Parkside and Bret Harte in San Francisco.
Coastal San Pedro is similar to Treasure Island, Hunters Point and Lakeshore in San Francisco.
Eagle Rock is similar to Little Hollywood, Hunters Point and Parnassus Heights in San Francisco.
Glassell Park is similar to Little Hollywood, Bret Harte and Sutro Heights in San Francisco.
Harbor City is similar to Little Hollywood in San Francisco.
Less Similar
More Similar
Harbor Gateway North is similar to Little Hollywood, Bret Harte and Parnassus Heights in San Francisco.
Highland Park is similar to Parnassus Heights, Seacliff and Bret Harte in San Francisco.
Mar Vista is similar to Little Hollywood, Bret Harte and Parnassus Heights in San Francisco.
Marina del Rey is similar to Sutro Heights, Little Hollywood and Merced Manor in San Francisco.
Mid City is similar to Bret Harte, Little Hollywood and Parnassus Heights in San Francisco.
Wilshire Center - Koreatown is similar to Lone Mountain, Pacific Heights and Lower Pacific Heights in San Francisco.