This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 36 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, San Antonio's score is 31. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Belmont Heights is similar to Edison, King William and Dignowity Hill in San Antonio.
Belmont Shore is similar to Willshire Terrace, Tobin Hill and King William in San Antonio.
Bixby Hill is similar to Sun Gate, Lower Southeast Side and Kentwood Manor in San Antonio.
Bixby Knolls is similar to Willshire Terrace, Monte Vista and Westfort in San Antonio.
Bluff Park is similar to King William, Westfort and Jefferson Heights in San Antonio.
Cal State University Long Beach is similar to Crownhill Park, Uptown Loop and Oak Hills in San Antonio.
Cherry Manor is similar to Riverside, Government Hil and Los Jardines in San Antonio.
College Estates is similar to Lower Southeast Side, Oak Grove and Oakland Estates in San Antonio.
Downtown is similar to Downtown and Five Points in San Antonio.
El Dorado Park Estates is similar to Pipers Meadow, Inspiration Hills and Donaldson Terrace in San Antonio.
Lakewood Village is similar to Oak Hills, Shearer Hills - Ridgeview and Lone Star in San Antonio.
Los Altos is similar to Westfort, Willshire Terrace and Jefferson Heights in San Antonio.
Park Estates is similar to Oak Hills, Lone Star and Shearer Hills - Ridgeview in San Antonio.
South of Conant is similar to Camelot, Serna Station and El Chaparral Fertile Valley in San Antonio.
The Lakes is similar to Highland Forest, Comanche and Whispering Oaks in San Antonio.