This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in Philadelphia.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 2 points lower than Philadelphia's 75.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, Philadelphia's score is 67. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, Philadelphia's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Addams is similar to West Oak Lane, Oxford Circle - Castor and Cedarbrook - Stenton in Philadelphia.
Alamitos Heights is similar to East Parkside, East Mount Airy and Oak Lane - East Oak Lane in Philadelphia.
Arlington is similar to Somerton, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Artesia Freeway Corridor is similar to Holmesburg, Fox Chase - Burholme and West Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Belmont Heights is similar to Tacony - Wissinoming, Manayunk and West Oak Lane in Philadelphia.
Belmont Park is similar to West Mount Airy, Bridesburg and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Belmont Shore is similar to Manayunk, Queen Village - Pennsport and Lawncrest in Philadelphia.
Bixby Hill is similar to Northeast Philadelphia, Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Bixby Knolls is similar to Holmesburg, Manayunk and Wynnefield in Philadelphia.
Bixby Park is similar to West Oak Lane, Cedarbrook - Stenton and Carroll Park in Philadelphia.
Bluff Park is similar to East Mount Airy, Cedarbrook - Stenton and West Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Bryant School is similar to Mantua, Lawncrest and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Cal State University Long Beach is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Northeast Philadelphia and Eastwick - Southwest Philadelphia in Philadelphia.
Less Similar
More Similar
California Heights is similar to Manayunk, Juniata Park - Feltonville and Lawncrest in Philadelphia.
Carmelitos is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, East Mount Airy and West Oak Lane in Philadelphia.
Central Long Beach is similar to Kensington, Oxford Circle - Castor and Point Breeze in Philadelphia.
Cherry Manor is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
College Estates is similar to Roxborough, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
College Square is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, East Mount Airy and West Oak Lane in Philadelphia.
Dairy is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, West Oak Lane and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
DeForest Park is similar to East Parkside in Philadelphia.
Less Similar
More Similar
Downtown is similar to Avenue of the Arts North, Fairmount - Art Museum and West Powelton in Philadelphia.
Eastside is similar to Oxford Circle - Castor, Kensington and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
El Dorado Park Estates is similar to Bustleton, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Franklin School is similar to Point Breeze, Oxford Circle - Castor and Kensington in Philadelphia.
Freeway Circle is similar to East Parkside, Cedarbrook - Stenton and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Hamilton is similar to East Parkside, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Imperial Estates is similar to Bridesburg, West Mount Airy and Roxborough in Philadelphia.
Jordan is similar to Tacony - Wissinoming, Cedarbrook - Stenton and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Lakewood Village is similar to Rhawnhurst, Holmesburg and Wynnefield Heights in Philadelphia.
Lee School is similar to Oxford Circle - Castor, Tacony - Wissinoming and Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Lindbergh is similar to Manayunk, Tacony - Wissinoming and Holmesburg in Philadelphia.
Longwood is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Los Altos is similar to Holmesburg, Fox Chase - Burholme and Wynnefield in Philadelphia.
Los Cerritos is similar to Northeast Philadelphia, East Falls and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Lower Westside is similar to West Oak Lane, Oxford Circle - Castor and Cedarbrook - Stenton in Philadelphia.
Memorial Heights is similar to Oak Lane - East Oak Lane, Grays Ferry and Overbrook in Philadelphia.
Naples is similar to West Mount Airy, Bridesburg and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
North Wrigley is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Rhawnhurst and Holmesburg in Philadelphia.
On Broadway is similar to West Parkside and Port Richmond in Philadelphia.
Paramount and South is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and West Oak Lane in Philadelphia.
Park Estates is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Rhawnhurst and Holmesburg in Philadelphia.
Ramona Park is similar to Holmesburg, Rhawnhurst and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
SEADIP is similar to Roxborough, Chestnut Hill and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Saint Mary is similar to Fairmount - Art Museum, Bella Vista - Southwark and Spruce Hill in Philadelphia.
South Wrigley is similar to West Oak Lane, Cedarbrook - Stenton and Carroll Park in Philadelphia.
South of Conant is similar to Somerton, Roxborough and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Southeast Wrigley is similar to Oxford Circle - Castor, Point Breeze and Olney in Philadelphia.
Stearns Park is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Holmesburg and Rhawnhurst in Philadelphia.
Sunrise Park is similar to Oak Lane - East Oak Lane, East Mount Airy and Overbrook in Philadelphia.
Sutter is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, East Mount Airy and East Parkside in Philadelphia.
Traffic Circle is similar to Manayunk, Lawncrest and Juniata Park - Feltonville in Philadelphia.
Upper Westside is similar to East Mount Airy, Cedarbrook - Stenton and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Washington School is similar to Point Breeze, Olney and Cobbs Creek in Philadelphia.
Westside is similar to Tacony - Wissinoming, Manayunk and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Willmore City is similar to Haddington, Carroll Park and Oxford Circle - Castor in Philadelphia.
Wilson High is similar to Manayunk, Tacony - Wissinoming and East Germantown in Philadelphia.