This page shows which neighborhoods in Long Beach are similar to neighborhoods in Fort Worth.
Rents in Long Beach average $1 and are about the same as rents in Fort Worth.
Long Beach's Walk Score is 73, 38 points higher than Fort Worth's 35.
Long Beach has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Long Beach has a Transit Score of 49, Fort Worth's score is 22. Long Beach's Bike Score is 70, Fort Worth's score is 39.
Here are neighborhoods in Long Beach, California that are similar to Fort Worth, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Addams is similar to North Hi Mount, Ryan Place and Arlington Heights in Fort Worth.
Alamitos Heights is similar to Terrace Avenue, Vicki Lane-Bowie Street and Morningside Park in Fort Worth.
Arlington is similar to Morningside Park, Brentmoor and Sandybrook in Fort Worth.
Artesia Freeway Corridor is similar to Marine Park, Byers Mccart and Southland Terrace in Fort Worth.
Atherton South is similar to Brentmoor, Glenwood Triangle and Sandybrook in Fort Worth.
Belmont Heights is similar to West Beyer, Bluebonnet Place and Byers Mccart in Fort Worth.
Belmont Park is similar to Greenridge, Crestline Area and Byers Mccart in Fort Worth.
Belmont Shore is similar to Linwood, Marine Park and Bluebonnet Place in Fort Worth.
Bixby Hill is similar to Near East Side, Hamlet and Rock Island-Samuels Avenue in Fort Worth.
Bixby Knolls is similar to Marine Park, Byers Mccart and Worth Heights in Fort Worth.
Bixby Park is similar to North Hi Mount, Ryan Place and La Nueva Northside in Fort Worth.
Bluff Park is similar to Byers Mccart, Greenridge and Crestline Area in Fort Worth.
Bryant School is similar to Linwood, Bluebonnet Hills and Bluebonnet Place in Fort Worth.
Cal State University Long Beach is similar to Cultural District, Westridge Area and Rosedale in Fort Worth.
California Heights is similar to Marine Park, Byers Mccart and Linwood in Fort Worth.
Carmelitos is similar to Crestline Area, Ryan Place and Greenridge in Fort Worth.
Central Long Beach is similar to Fairmount, Bluebonnet Place and Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.
Cherry Manor is similar to Monticello, Berry Castle and Crestline Area in Fort Worth.
College Estates is similar to Parker Essex Boaz, Rock Island-Samuels Avenue and Settlement Village in Fort Worth.
College Square is similar to Ryan Place, Crestline Area and Greenridge in Fort Worth.
Coolidge Triangle is similar to Parkwood Estates, Oak Timbers Apartments and Historic Carver Heights in Fort Worth.
Dairy is similar to Ryan Place, North Hi Mount and North Side in Fort Worth.
DeForest Park is similar to Parkwood Estates, Oak Timbers Apartments and Historic Southside in Fort Worth.
Eastside is similar to Bluebonnet Place, Fairmount and Worth Heights in Fort Worth.
El Dorado Park Estates is similar to Morningside Park, Mistletoe Heights and Park Hill in Fort Worth.
El Dorado Park South is similar to Village Creek, Sandy Acres and Bentley Village-Waterchase in Fort Worth.
Franklin School is similar to Bluebonnet Place and Fairmount in Fort Worth.
Freeway Circle is similar to Historic Southside, Vicki Lane-Bowie Street and Western Trails in Fort Worth.
Hamilton is similar to Morningside Park, Mistletoe Heights and Southeast Meadowbrook in Fort Worth.
Imperial Estates is similar to Greenridge, Crestline Area and Terrace Avenue in Fort Worth.
Jordan is similar to West Beyer, Arlington Heights and North Hi Mount in Fort Worth.
Lakewood Village is similar to Marine Park, Southland Terrace and Highland Homes in Fort Worth.
Lee School is similar to Bluebonnet Place, Arlington Heights and North Hi Mount in Fort Worth.
Lindbergh is similar to Worth Heights, Ridglea North and Bluebonnet Place in Fort Worth.
Longwood is similar to Near East Side, United Riverside and Southland Terrace in Fort Worth.
Los Altos is similar to Byers Mccart, Marine Park and Ridglea North in Fort Worth.
Los Cerritos is similar to Near East Side, Westridge Area and Southland Terrace in Fort Worth.
Lower Westside is similar to North Hi Mount, Arlington Heights and Scenic Bluff in Fort Worth.
Memorial Heights is similar to Near East Side, Byers Mccart and Greenridge in Fort Worth.
Naples is similar to Byers Mccart, Greenridge and Crestline Area in Fort Worth.
North Wrigley is similar to Jennings South, College Hill and Downtown in Fort Worth.
On Broadway is similar to Rosedale in Fort Worth.
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Paramount and South is similar to Arlington Heights, North Hi Mount and Monticello in Fort Worth.
Park Estates is similar to Westridge Area, Jennings South and Near East Side in Fort Worth.
Ramona Park is similar to Marine Park, Southland Terrace and Worth Heights in Fort Worth.
Rancho Estates is similar to Home Acres, Brentmoor and Sandybrook in Fort Worth.
SEADIP is similar to Near East Side, Fair Lawn and Settlement Village in Fort Worth.
South Wrigley is similar to North Hi Mount, Ryan Place and Monticello in Fort Worth.
South of Conant is similar to Parker Essex Boaz, Jones Court and Morningside Park in Fort Worth.
Southeast Wrigley is similar to Bluebonnet Place and Fairmount in Fort Worth.
Stearns Park is similar to Westridge Area, Marine Park and Hulen Mall in Fort Worth.
Sunrise Park is similar to North Hi Mount, Byers Mccart and Crestline Area in Fort Worth.
Sutter is similar to Crestline Area, Greenridge and Vicki Lane-Bowie Street in Fort Worth.
The Lakes is similar to Home Acres, Sandy Acres and Foster Park in Fort Worth.
Traffic Circle is similar to Linwood, Bluebonnet Place and Marine Park in Fort Worth.
Upper Westside is similar to North Hi Mount, Monticello and Crestline Area in Fort Worth.
Washington School is similar to Bluebonnet Place and Fairmount in Fort Worth.
Westside is similar to Byers Mccart, West Beyer and Ridglea North in Fort Worth.
Willmore City is similar to North Hi Mount in Fort Worth.
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Wilson High is similar to Bluebonnet Place, Byers Mccart and West Beyer in Fort Worth.
Wrigley Heights is similar to Sandy Acres, Home Acres and Far East Fort Worth in Fort Worth.