This page shows which neighborhoods in Las Vegas are similar to neighborhoods in Houston.
Rents in Las Vegas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Houston.
Las Vegas's Walk Score is 42, 5 points lower than Houston's 47.
Las Vegas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Las Vegas has a Transit Score of 36, Houston's score is 36. Las Vegas's Bike Score is 46, Houston's score is 49.
Here are neighborhoods in Las Vegas, Nevada that are similar to Houston, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arts District is similar to The Museum District in Houston.
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More Similar
Beverly Green is similar to Greater Heights, The Museum District and Washington Avenue - Memorial Park in Houston.
Bracken is similar to Magnolia Park, Park Place and South Park in Houston.
Charleston Preservation is similar to South Park, Park Place and Sunnyside in Houston.
Francisco Park is similar to Magnolia Park, Greater Heights and Greater Eastwood in Houston.
Gateway District is similar to Greater Third Ward, University Place and Great Uptown in Houston.
Hillside Heights is similar to Fourth Ward in Houston.
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More Similar
Huntridge Park is similar to Fourth Ward, Greater Eastwood and Second Ward in Houston.
Paul Culley is similar to Hidden Valley, South Park and Park Place in Houston.
Peccole Ranch is similar to Greater Fondren Southwest, Spring Shadows and Spring Branch Central in Houston.
Richfield is similar to Meyerland Area, OST - South Union and Spring Shadows in Houston.
Torrey Pines Preservation is similar to South Park, Spring Shadows and Park Place in Houston.
Upland Alta is similar to Hidden Valley, Sunnyside and South Acres - Crestmont Park in Houston.
West Huntridge is similar to Greater Eastwood, Second Ward and Northside Village in Houston.
West Sahara is similar to Briarforest, Langwood and Oak Forest - Garden Oaks in Houston.