This page shows which neighborhoods in Las Vegas are similar to neighborhoods in Austin.
Rents in Las Vegas average $1 and are about the same as rents in Austin.
Las Vegas's Walk Score is 42, the same as Austin's Walk Score.
Las Vegas has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Las Vegas has a Transit Score of 36, Austin's score is 35. Las Vegas's Bike Score is 46, Austin's score is 54.
Here are neighborhoods in Las Vegas, Nevada that are similar to Austin, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arts District is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Beverly Green is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Zilker and Central East Austin in Austin.
Bracken is similar to Rosewood, Garrison Park and Chestnut in Austin.
Charleston Preservation is similar to University Hills, MLK and Montropolis in Austin.
Francisco Park is similar to Holly, Dawson and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Gateway District is similar to Highland, Brentwood and Triangle State in Austin.
Hillside Heights is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and Holly in Austin.
Huntridge Park is similar to Rosewood, Holly and Crestview in Austin.
Paul Culley is similar to Old Enfield, Chestnut and Rosewood in Austin.
Peccole Ranch is similar to Windsor Hills, West Austin and Parker Lane in Austin.
Richfield is similar to Garrison Park, Galindo and South Manchaca in Austin.
Torrey Pines Preservation is similar to Garrison Park, Montropolis and Sweetbriar in Austin.
Upland Alta is similar to Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
West Huntridge is similar to Crestview, Upper Boggy Creek and Dawson in Austin.
West Sahara is similar to Coronado Hills, Parker Lane and Allandale in Austin.