This page shows which neighborhoods in Houston are similar to neighborhoods in Charlotte.
Rents in Houston average $1 and are about the same as rents in Charlotte.
Houston's Walk Score is 47, 21 points higher than Charlotte's 26.
Houston has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Houston has a Transit Score of 36, Charlotte's score is 27. Houston's Bike Score is 49, Charlotte's score is 31.
Here are neighborhoods in Houston, Texas that are similar to Charlotte, North Carolina neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Acres Home is similar to Park Crossing, Oakview Terrace and Becton Park in Charlotte.
Afton Oaks - River Oaks is similar to Southside Park, Brookhill and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Alief is similar to East Forest, Grier Heights and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Astrodome is similar to Barclay Downs, Colonial Village and Elizabeth in Charlotte.
Braeburn is similar to Briarcreek - Woodland, Tryon Hills and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Braeswood Place is similar to Tryon Hills, Briarcreek - Woodland and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Briarforest is similar to Grier Heights, East Forest and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Carverdale is similar to Westerly Hills, Echo Hills and York Road in Charlotte.
Central Southwest is similar to Becton Park, Park Crossing and Wessex Square in Charlotte.
Clear Lake is similar to Ballantyne West, Whiteoak and Ballantyne East in Charlotte.
Clinton Park Tri-Community is similar to Todd Park, Coulwood East and Rain Tree in Charlotte.
Denver Harbor - Port Houston is similar to Tryon Hills, Freedom Park and Wilmore in Charlotte.
Downtown is similar to First Ward, Second Ward and Third Ward in Charlotte.
East Houston is similar to Lakewood, Capitol Drive and Reid Park in Charlotte.
East Little York is similar to Becton Park, Wessex Square and Sardis Woods in Charlotte.
Eastex - Jensen is similar to Oakhurst, Thomasboro - Hoskins and Enderly Park in Charlotte.
Edgebrook is similar to Myers Park, College Downs and Ballantyne East in Charlotte.
El Dorado - Oates Prarie is similar to Todd Park, Wildwood and Rain Tree in Charlotte.
Eldridge - West Oaks is similar to Enderly Park, Closeburn - Glenkirk and Oakhurst in Charlotte.
Energy Corridor is similar to Barclay Downs, University City South and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Fairbanks - Northwest Crossing is similar to Barclay Downs, University City South and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Fondren Gardens is similar to Lakewood, Reid Park and Smallwood in Charlotte.
Fort Bend Houston is similar to Touchstone Village, Becton Park and Marshbrooke in Charlotte.
Fourth Ward is similar to North Charlotte in Charlotte.
Less Similar
More Similar
George Bush Intercontinental Airport is similar to Eagle Lake, Wildwood and Henderson Circle in Charlotte.
Golfcrest is similar to Freedom Park, Collingwood and East Forest in Charlotte.
Great Uptown is similar to Elizabeth, Dilworth and Barclay Downs in Charlotte.
Greater Eastwood is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and North Charlotte in Charlotte.
Greater Fifth Ward is similar to Belmont, Enderly Park and Closeburn - Glenkirk in Charlotte.
Greater Fondren Southwest is similar to Briarcreek - Woodland, Collingwood and Idlewild Farms in Charlotte.
Greater Greenspoint is similar to Barclay Downs, Colonial Village and Grier Heights in Charlotte.
Greater Heights is similar to Brookhill, Cherry and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Greater Hobby Area is similar to Providence Park, University City North and Cotswold in Charlotte.
Greater Inwood is similar to Governor's Square, West Sugar Creek and Idlewild South in Charlotte.
Greater Third Ward is similar to The South End, Elizabeth and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Greenway - Upper Kirby is similar to Dilworth, Third Ward and First Ward in Charlotte.
Gulfgate - Pine Valley is similar to Grier Heights, Madison Park and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Gulfton is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Southside Park in Charlotte.
Harrisburg - Manchester is similar to Echo Hills, Coliseum Drive and Rain Tree in Charlotte.
Hidden Valley is similar to Starmount, University Park and Chantilly in Charlotte.
Hunterwood is similar to Silverwood, Back Creek Church Road and Harwood Lane in Charlotte.
Independence Heights is similar to Colonial Village, Wesley Heights and East Forest in Charlotte.
Kashmere Gardens is similar to Enderly Park, Closeburn - Glenkirk and Oakhurst in Charlotte.
Kingwood is similar to Providence Crossing, Mountainbrook and Oakdale South in Charlotte.
Langwood is similar to East Forest, Madison Park and Grier Heights in Charlotte.
Lawndale - Wayside is similar to Freedom Park, Tryon Hills and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Lazy Brook - Timbergrove is similar to Barclay Downs, University City South and Grier Heights in Charlotte.
MacGregor is similar to Sheffield Park, Seversville and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Magnolia Park is similar to Sheffield Park, Briarcreek - Woodland and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Meadowbrook - Allendale is similar to Myers Park, College Downs and Ashbrook - Clawson Village in Charlotte.
Medical Center is similar to Third Ward and Second Ward in Charlotte.
Memorial is similar to Barclay Downs, Grier Heights and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Meyerland Area is similar to Sheffield Park, Tryon Hills and Freedom Park in Charlotte.
Midtown is similar to Fourth Ward, First Ward and Third Ward in Charlotte.
Minnetex is similar to Montibello, Pawtuckett and Oakdale South in Charlotte.
Neartown - Montrose is similar to Fourth Ward, Dilworth and The South End in Charlotte.
Northshore is similar to Myers Park, Ashbrook - Clawson Village and College Downs in Charlotte.
Northside - Northline is similar to Collingwood, Briarcreek - Woodland and East Forest in Charlotte.
Northside Village is similar to Wilmore, Tryon Hills and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
OST - South Union is similar to Sheffield Park, Briarcreek - Woodland and Belmont in Charlotte.
Oak Forest - Garden Oaks is similar to East Forest, Freedom Park and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Park Place is similar to Myers Park, Idlewild Farms and Sedgefield in Charlotte.
Pecan Park is similar to Freedom Park, Briarcreek - Woodland and Sheffield Park in Charlotte.
Pleasantville Area is similar to Henderson Circle, Eagle Lake and Druid Hills North in Charlotte.
Second Ward is similar to Brookhill, Wilmore and Tryon Hills in Charlotte.
Settagast is similar to Capitol Drive, Lakewood and Hembstead in Charlotte.
Sharpstown is similar to Brookhill, Colonial Village and Southside Park in Charlotte.
South Acres - Crestmont Park is similar to Hamilton Circle, Ponderosa - Wingate and Hwy 51 - Park Road in Charlotte.
South Main is similar to University City South, Grier Heights and Madison Park in Charlotte.
South Park is similar to Idlewild Farms, Oak Forest and Farm Pond in Charlotte.
Southbelt - Ellington is similar to Governor's Square, Whiteoak and Ballantyne East in Charlotte.
Spring Branch Central is similar to Collingwood, College Downs and Ashbrook - Clawson Village in Charlotte.
Spring Branch East is similar to Barclay Downs, Grier Heights and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Spring Branch West is similar to Grier Heights, Madison Park and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Spring Shadows is similar to Briarcreek - Woodland, Idlewild Farms and Myers Park in Charlotte.
Sunnyside is similar to Starmount, University Park and Chantilly in Charlotte.
The Museum District is similar to The South End, Cherry and Brookhill in Charlotte.
Trinity - Houston Gardens is similar to Oakview Terrace, University Park and Smallwood in Charlotte.
University Place is similar to The South End, Brookhill and Cherry in Charlotte.
Washington Avenue - Memorial Park is similar to Brookhill, Southside Park and Cherry in Charlotte.
Westbranch is similar to Yorkmount, Beverly Woods and Foxcroft in Charlotte.
Westbury is similar to Farm Pond, Idlewild Farms and Oak Forest in Charlotte.
Westchase is similar to Elizabeth, Barclay Downs and Dilworth in Charlotte.
Westwood is similar to Barclay Downs, Elizabeth and Colonial Village in Charlotte.
Willow Meadows - Willowbend is similar to Myers Park, Eastover and Ashbrook - Clawson Village in Charlotte.
Willowbrook is similar to Barclay Downs, University City South and Madison Park in Charlotte.
Woodlake - Briar Meadow is similar to Brookhill, Elizabeth and Colonial Village in Charlotte.