This page shows which neighborhoods in El Paso are similar to neighborhoods in Wichita.
Rents in El Paso average $1 and are about the same as rents in Wichita.
El Paso's Walk Score is 40, 5 points higher than Wichita's 35.
El Paso has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. El Paso has a Transit Score of 28, Wichita's score is 20. El Paso's Bike Score is 42, Wichita's score is 44.
Here are neighborhoods in El Paso, Texas that are similar to Wichita, Kansas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bear Ridge is similar to Forest Lakes, White Tail and Waterford in Wichita.
Borderland is similar to Forest Hills, Vickridge and Lakepoint in Wichita.
Delgado Park is similar to North Central, Jones Park and Orchard Park in Wichita.
Desierto Plaza is similar to Indian Hills, Sunnyside and Evergreen in Wichita.
East Bank is similar to Pleasant Valley, Moorings and Briarwood Lakes Estates in Wichita.
High Ridge is similar to Northridge Lakes, Waterford and Forest Lakes in Wichita.
Kohlberg is similar to Breezy Lake, Waterford and Colonial Oaks in Wichita.
Montoya Heights is similar to Allen's Lake, Teal Cove and Northbrook in Wichita.
Ridge is similar to Sunnyside, Indian Hills and Stanley-Aley in Wichita.
Sunset View is similar to Northwest Big River, Indian Hills Riverbend and Longview in Wichita.
Three Hills is similar to Jones Park, Westlink and North Central in Wichita.
Valley Creek North is similar to Breezy Lake, Rocky Creek and Pleasant Valley in Wichita.
Valley Creek South is similar to Forest Hills, South Seneca and Northridge Lakes in Wichita.
West Green is similar to South Area, Sandpiper Bay and Northridge Lakes in Wichita.
West Valley is similar to Moorings, Huntleigh and Shadybrook in Wichita.